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  • And that's why I said "ilu".
    And they "translated" Roxas asking Sora why "he" chose you. So yeah, I wish people like you would've worked on the official thing XD
    Could you send me all of the scans that you and Lissar have translated (by going in and adding English text?)
    We're eventually going to make a page dedicated to them.
    hiya =D
    i hate to have to ask a favor, but this could be pretty big.
    do you think you could translate the letter from the link in the newest "Kingdom Hearts Coded for iPhone in NA?" thread? b/c if that letter is right, ima have to buy myself an iTouch =)
    Hmm I figured that Japan would be the stand out kind of place. I guess its the media trying to make it look liek something it isn't....
    Hmm interesting. I have been dying to ask you this but here in the US Naruto is quite popular adn I would want to know what would be most people in Japans opinion of the show?
    Wow,well you see allot of people here wanting to visit Japan and you actually live there. How do they react to black people there?
    Speaking of EU, I just found out about Death Troopers. Oh lawd no, tell me it isn't so. ]:

    As for the series after NJO, no, I haven't picked up on that. And ditto for the one after that. Should I skip on the second and move onto third? I mean, I can always read summarized on Wookiepedia or something. And the Thrawn trilogy I actually have my eyes set on, only problem is finding a bookstore nearby that carries it. Might have to go out of town for that.

    And, are they still working on the Republic Commando project? I remember there being a game, ( which was one of the best Star Wars games ever made, ) a novel and other things like that. Wasn't that project sequaled by TFU? If not, hot dog, I gotta get it on that.

    Also, I need to find my Rogue Squadon comics. They dissapeared somewhere and I haven't been able to locate them. ]:
    Well, good night then. <3

    When you wake up you should reccomend me some new EU material. It's been a while since I've really been able to geek out about anything Star Wars related. ]:
    X-Wing was actually my first EU novel I ever bought. Bought every book after that and read and reread it. I was about... 12 at the time? I don't actually fully remember. I remember picking it up because I loved the actual X-Wing/TIE-Fighter games, but was a tad dissapointed in the protagonist at first. Though that changed once I gave Corran a chance.

    As for me, I just got up, doing laundry and other fun things before I head out. Might make something to eat, we'll see.
    Hah, don't worry, so am I. Though I have a slight distaste for a good deal of the EU, mostly because alot of it seems kinda eeeeeeh. Though anything related to Rogue Squadon or anything on the New Jedi Order makes my heart sing. <3

    Now how're you?
    Because you believe that God doesn't exist which is an atheist only attribute. I said many times that it all falls on belief.
    Its a part of being an agnostic but its not what separates them from atheists. What separates them from atheists is the belief of the "possibility" of the supernatural.
    It is agnosticism but that isn't what matters when it comes to determining if your atheist or an agnostic. What determines it is where your belief in the possibility of the supernatural lies.
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