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  • D
    I know! It's been awhile ^^
    And atleast you got some help.
    Have you been enjoying your spring break? Or when is yours?
    Hey long time no type =P
    How have you been? And did you translate more interviews? o_0
    *blushes and waves* I saw that you were working on the Ultimania book for Birth By Sleep, and after reading through what you posted already. Well, I just wanted to come over here and say hello, and that you're doig a wonderful job! :D Keep up the great work, very much appreciated, oh yes it is! :D Anyway, you're going very good! <3
    Yeah true XD
    My friend found some of those facts and gave me script to the whole story!
    Actually I like it if the game take's long....But I'm afrraid of not knowing what to do because I wont be able to read the instructions....Like what do I do if I'm at Disney town and Pete has me do a one of his mini games....He'll give me instructions on what to do and I won't be able to read them....And stuff like that will happen through-out the game :(
    lol Well I'm screwd....I don't know if I should wait for the american version....Or just look for a online guide....They have all of the cutscenes for Ven,Terra and Auqa on YouTube.
    What do you think?
    lol I know it sounds so dumb. But I didn't even stop to think I wouldn't know how to play/understand it.
    As soon as I got it I was worried when I played I would ruin the game if I couldn't understand what they were saying and It would be frustraiting trying to read the instructions they give you. So I thought I would wait and see if they make a walkthrough of it.
    How dd you understand the word boxing saying what to do next in BBS? Wern't you lost?
    Well sounds like you made the righ choice. :D
    Wow you played it?
    So wasn't hard understanding the BBS japanese version?
    I have the game and I'm too affraid to open it because I don't want to ruin anything. XD
    Organic Chemistry sounds like alot of fun ^^ And I hope so. But thats what the first year of college is for. Getting a feel for what your into :D
    So have you played BBS?
    That's so cool. I bet it's really handy to know Japanese XD
    I'm finishing highschool. And then this summer I'm checking out college's. I want to major in Marin Bio. How about you?
    Uh, Hi *waves* :)
    Wow. Your a transloter? Nice!
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