That is a form/division of atheism and cannot be a mix and by looking at the bolded part you can see why. They have set rules for each group and you are just adding more classifications and mixing some to try to make knew ones.
Everything is in belief when it comes to this matter of the supernatural existing or not since we don't know about it fully at this point and time even though some people like to think so. We are humans and have limited knowledge of the universe and any sensible person knows this so when it comes to the supernatural existing or not it is has 3 groups.
Each groups have a main thing that puts you into one like all Christians believe in Christ. The groups are Atheists, Agnostics and Theists. Once you believe that supernatural doesn't exist then your atheist, once you believe that the supernatural exist and you believe that we know about it ex. religions then your a theist, once you believe that the supernatural exist but we know nothing about it then you Agnostic.
That a meaning of an Agnostic. No need for the word theist in there.