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  • I never said that my meaning of agnosticism differed from that I was referring to what you quoted.
    Atheists and Agnostics are different categorys when it comes to the possibility's of the supernatural. Atheists needs way more proof than an agnostic to believe the supernatural and most atheists will refuse to believe until you basically put in in their faces. Agnostics basically are middle ground because they leave the possibility for the supernatural open which none of the links accounted for. The links are also ignoring the fact that they are different types of Atheists that are under the atheists name. They don't need any duel titles because all three groups have distinctions between them that separate them.
    They can't be agnostic. Agnostic is a separate category for those who are in the middle ground between Atheism and Theism. They can have Agnostic traits but duel titles do not exist.
    Actually yours is. It seems that in an attempt to make your custom title (agnostic atheism) legit you have twisted the meanings of them to justify your title.
    i just have to say, your posts in intel are really interesting and insightful. i wish i could rep you more, lol.

    Atheism and Theism are a step further from agnostics middle stance and goes in two opposite directions on each side. You can be close to the agnostics middle stance but unless you are on it you are still an atheist.

    Its because believing that it exists or should I say the "possibility" of it existing is something that is strictly to agnostic and theists. While believing that it doesn't exist is strictly to atheists. Its all based on belief in the end.
    It isn't a trait only for that group. It is a shared trait between the 3 groups that separates the ignorant from the intellectuals.

    As long as you say this then you are an atheist. No agnostic could say this and be considered agnostic.

    Saying this makes you non ignorant but still an atheist nonetheless.
    No your an atheist that has realized that your only human and have no say in the existence of the supernatural.

    Adding Agnostic to your name only complicates things.
    Its still atheism either way since you believe that the supernatural doesn't exist. No relation to agnostics when that door to the supernatural is closed.

    They can have traits of a theist or an atheist but they still have the door to the supernatural open which is whats separates them from an atheist.
    That is a form/division of atheism and cannot be a mix and by looking at the bolded part you can see why. They have set rules for each group and you are just adding more classifications and mixing some to try to make knew ones.

    Everything is in belief when it comes to this matter of the supernatural existing or not since we don't know about it fully at this point and time even though some people like to think so. We are humans and have limited knowledge of the universe and any sensible person knows this so when it comes to the supernatural existing or not it is has 3 groups.

    Each groups have a main thing that puts you into one like all Christians believe in Christ. The groups are Atheists, Agnostics and Theists. Once you believe that supernatural doesn't exist then your atheist, once you believe that the supernatural exist and you believe that we know about it ex. religions then your a theist, once you believe that the supernatural exist but we know nothing about it then you Agnostic.

    That a meaning of an Agnostic. No need for the word theist in there.
    I understand the meaning of the two words. Your trying to make a new class but your just another form of atheist.
    hello, I'm a french kh's fan and I need you help, because I want to translate your last work ( the page of famitsu you translate in english) in french for the french kh's community but the problem is about the clean and the edition, I can do the edition but I can't do the clean so please can you give me the page who clean ?

    Atheism has the door to the possibility of the supernatural closed. They never open it and don't care to.

    Its not that hard to understand.
    I did read whats inside. Its trying to group agnostics with atheists but it can't. Agnostics relate more to theists than atheists. As long as atheists keep the door to the possibility of the supernatural closed they don't relate to agnostics.
    Circle arguments between atheists and theists is the only result from that.

    Atheists don't claim to know that God doesn't exist since they are still human in the end, they just think that God doesn't exist. As long as you don't believe in the possibility of the supernatural or at least some form of God or higher being then your atheist. Agnostics don't think that God doesn't exists they are open to the possibility of him existing while atheists are not. To atheists the possibility of him existing has been closed off until they have enough proof for them to succumb to it being truth.
    There is no fact saying that God isn't real so both sides do have equal weight.

    You are simply an atheist until you have so much proof that you must succumb otherwise while agnostics need less proof and are more flexible to such things. Agnostics do acknowledge that there is or might be a higher being while atheists deny it entirely. They are two different stances so they don't mix. God might be real and God not being real are two different things. By calling yourself an Agnostic Atheist makes it look like your an atheist that might become an agnostic.
    It is actually striving to prove something and that is that God doesn't exist. Agnostics would be the ones that don't strive for anything.

    Atheism needs to prove that God doesn't exist since thats where their belief lies.

    Atheists can't be agnostics. Agnostics are actually into an anything goes variety which would conflict with the atheism in which they actually can be led to believe that some form of God exists while still being true to their Agnostic name. Atheist take a step further and actually believe that God doesn't exists so they can't be mixed.
    Evidence is building up to something that will settle the atheism vs religion fight but currently we don't have enough technology to be able to fully or adequately prove, so both sides end up inconclusive. Atheism strive to prove that there is NO God and Theism strives to prove that there IS a God and both sides don't have the technology or knowledge to settle it.

    You believe that there is no God and you don't have enough evidence to prove that he doesn't exists much like I believe that he is real but I don't have enough evidence to prove that he exists to you so we are both in belief until we can find the true answer among us both.

    Atheists and Agnostics are not the same thing you either one or the other. Atheism believes that there is NO God whatsoever while Agnostics believes that there is a God but not much to nothing is known about him.
    The burden of proof lies on both since both sides haven't out proven each other no matter how much each sides like to think so. We are still in an age of atheists vs theists or should I say atheist vs. religion.

    You as an atheists have a lack of belief in the supernatural existing and I as a theist have a lack of belief of them not existing.

    I also saw that you think that the world would be better off without religion. I think that the world would be better off with only agnostics. No atheists No theists just Agnostics.
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