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  • *smiles happily* Well, maybe you are just are a good friend yourself and you deserve them friends. Teheh.

    And I hope so. *hugs you again*
    I'm agnostic. ^^ If you don't know what that means, it basically means I don't have a religion. But yah I do believe in ghosts actually. Or at least some sort of spirit things. ._.
    Hey, there you go, there's always a silver lining ^^

    If I were a praying type of person, I would pray for you. But I'm not, so...xD I'll just hope for you. ^^
    That is so scary D: I really hope everything turns out okay and no more deaths happen...I'm glad you're okay though<3
    *whimpers* I hope you will be safe little June. I don't like knowing that you are stuck in something such as this. *gives you a hug and hold you* I hope everything blows over soon enough honey! *pats you* <3
    I thought mine sounded complicated too. xD

    And yes, I did, and I immediately thought of you and I got so scared! I asked you about it on the Axel fanclub. I was worried for you D: I'm assuming you're alright though. How is everything over there?
    Okay. ^^

    How many years of school do you have? In the US, there are 13 grades, but the first one is called kindergarten (I'm not sure why...) so second grade is really 1st grade, third is really 2nd grade, and so on so the last year is called 12th grade, and I'm in 11th.

    And I completely forgot, you're on the other side of the equator so it's summer there. That's such an interesting concept. Here, it's winter, so I've been in school since September, and it ends in June. (your member name! ^^)
    You forgot the s in thanks, but that might've been a typo.

    Do you want me to correct you? I feel kinda mean when I do but you said you want to improve your english so idk what to do ><

    And yeah, I'm in high school, in 11th grade. I don't know if that works the same as your country?
    Just so you know, that last comment was a little weird.
    You should say something like

    "It doesn't work when I try"
    "She always messes up my attempts"

    or something like that. :) And hey, I think you should keep trying. ^^
    XD i am working now but i dont know how long it will take me to save up enough and i have been considering on quitting my job and go for further study
    Thanks i just woke up XD
    When is the day you know we could get out and visit foreign country??
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