Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
ummmm I'm inviting you and rachel to a site that if you two can and hopefully do join I promise yous that yous will be under my protection ok DL I promise the both of yous this right now if you want the link
Hey! Its not my fault, I haven't even gotten a pm with the rp!!!!! and niiiiiiice that sounds cool! I just got back from camping at yellowstone nat'l park :3
Yeah it was hard to find that one. I went there see where my characters were at and what to change. The template will be alittle different, but not to much different.
lol. i've heard of aion. i hear its pretty cool. ^^ and reallY? chaos is restarting his rp? :O must go see!! :O and U MUST COME CHECK OUT MY RP!! ^^ its one i've been dying to give it a run, and also as a way of announcing my return... xD