Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I like when that happens, you research something for a project then you end up liking it. Oh yeah I forgot im Jose (Hoe-zay) im hispanic thats why it sounds weird.
ATLA is the best.
I like anything but I mostly listen to Rock, Paramore is good and Skillet is great, Linkin Park, Rise Against, Breaking Benjamin, System of a Down, and more. My older cousin always watches Nick to hear her sing that Freak song.
Yeah he was, you should definately watch those movies and Push is about these people with powers, I just saw it yesterday and the ending was good. No I havent seen it whats it about? Also everything except The Last Airbender.
Oh sorry, I just asked a girl out about 2 weeks ago and she seemed like she liked me but when I asked her out she said she would let me know and then never brought it up again. So im kind of in the same place as you but with girls.
Yeah thats a lot to keep in and I have felt like that about a girl before. But I guess just keep trying and you will find someone, its what I keep telling myself but I probably wouldnt have to if I was more talkative with the girls in my class instead of just doing the work the whole time.