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I like/dislike Final Fantasy ____ , and here's why:



Sep 15, 2006
The only Final Fantasy game that really like so far is Final Fantasy XV. It is in fact the first Final Fantasy game that I actually played. The reason I like this one is because of the fact that you can move freely in battle so you can dodge and block enemy attacks. I sure would love to know when Final Fantasy VII Remake will be released because I heard that you can move freely in battle in this one too. I hope it will be released this year (same for KH3).


New member
May 19, 2018
@Reanbell I think the problem with late gen FFs (like after 10 say) was that the committee kind of got mixed up on a few things...

FF11 was an MMORPG and yet it had more of that classic world feel to it and I felt that THAT one should have been single player, while FF12 felt like it could have been more of an MMO and yet it was single player with an airy deserty feeling....

What FF13 had going for it was that it did return to a cinematic blockbuster film-like aesthetic, but then it was overly emotional. The music while beautiful was redudantly leading the tone and pace of the cutscenes and it felt like every ten minutes it was another sob story.

I'm not saying though it was bad, I really was rooting for FF13 and found a lot of things to enjoy in it.....but then FF14 comes out and then it's ANOTHER MMORPG. We are really in need of them bringing back a cinematic blockbuster single player feel to FANTASY universes with magic and mages and castles and all.


New member
Sep 13, 2019
Okay, so I had come across this idea while playing XII the other day, so I thought I'd make a thread about it. The question is, is there a bad Final Fantasy game???

I've played IV, VII, IX, X, X-2, and XII. Through all of these though, I personally haven't found a single one that had been bad (graphic differences aside). I know some will disagree, most with how overrated X apparently was, yet I still thought it was an amazing game. 9Apps VidMate VLC

But, I digress. So, does anyone think any of them were just not good? If not, then Final Fantasy has got to be the most consistently great series of games ever! Lol, feedback?
Well i agree with u somehow u are right !
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New member
Sep 13, 2019
re: I like/dislike Final Fantasy ____, and here's why:

to be honest, they are all good games on their own. Every time someone wants to knock down an FF game, it's usually being done when putting it in comparison to the others. Redtube.vin
Very true...they are actually good :)
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New member
Jan 27, 2020
    • The job system, which allows a very customizable party.
    • World Map theme, battle theme and boss theme.
    • Summons begin!
    • Also...Jump command heh.


Jul 19, 2017
Over the Rainbow
re: I like/dislike Final Fantasy ____, and here's why:

Final Fantasy X, overrated? What're you talking about? The only overrated title in the series is Final Fantasy VII, then there comes Final Fantasy V which is underrated. But anyhow, just as how people said, if comparing Final Fantasy titles, you'll gonna hate some things. "This made this game great, that game doesn't have it, it sucks." or "This game is linear, the other had a lot of optional stuff.", really, it's Final Fantasy, the formula is to incorporate new elements to each game. Comparing I to X and XI to XIV, whoever was/were in the development team for both group knew how to incorporate new elements and make the game feel like Final Fantasy.
YES, SOMEONE ACTUALLY AGREES WITH ME ON VII BEING OVERRATED!!! *flips a table in a happy rage fit* As for the games I've played, they include the GBA versions of I,II and IV (and the DS version of it), VII, X, X-2, XII (both the original and Zodiac versions), XIII, XIII-2 and XV. As for how many of these I've actually cleared, I can only say VII, XII, XIII and XV with the later being my personal favorite OF ALL TIME!!! For me personally, XV was the Final Fantasy I was waiting to come FOREVER...for more reasons then one xD


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
Man, the wave of new and returning users with Re:Mind drop sure ended with a lot of dead threads getting bumped, lol. But since we're here:

My favorite nowadays is probably IX. It used to be VI but I haven't played that game in so long that I don't remember much of the meat of it
I just feel like 9 had everything a RPG needed, and is the very meaning of what FF is; quite literally honestly since the game is meant to be a tribute to the franchise as a whole.
The story is really good, and Kuja is probably the second best villain after Kefka. Worldbuilding is fantastic too, and the overall look of the game is incredible, you can really feel the improvement over the last 2 titles. The party is pretty good too, all characters have their value both in terms of battle and story (with the exception of the Blue Mage who is just.. sorta.. there. in terms of plot), and features one of the best character arcs in any RPG with the adorable Vivi.
The way the story deals with death is so interesting too considering how this trope usually gets treated in JRPGs.

But most of all, what I like the most about it is the return to the medieval settings when the last two games and then every main entry afterwards is so futuristic. And the scenes with the Summons.. just wow. I don't think I'll ever get over Alexander.
Apr 18, 2020
I like Final Fantasy XIII. I think Lightning had a good character arc, learning how to open up to people and becoming a sisterly figure to Hope. The soundtrack was fantastic and I thought the battle system was good, people criticize that aspect too much IMO. I don't mind the linearity and I like all the characters. Solid FF for me.


Feb 9, 2017
Outer Heaven
Oddly enough, I haven’t played most of the mainline series titles, mostly spin-offs (so basically Crisis Core, Dissidia, Type-0, of what I can recall). But of those that I have played (brief stints with I, VII, X; actually finished XIII), I can’t pick a bad one out of the bunch. XIII might an obvious pick to start poking holes in, but I actually like that game because of its combat and more character-focused narrative, even if the world-building and plot can get convoluted at times.


Active member
Dec 17, 2019
I grew up and had a connection to final fantasy as much as I did with kingdom hearts and many other franchises

in other words I love it, it may not be perfect but it’s Great


Jul 19, 2017
Over the Rainbow
The only ones that I HAVEN'T played (not counting XI and XIV since those are both MMORPGs) are VI, VIII,IX and Lightning Returns. Of the rest, I've only beaten VII,VII R, XII, XIII and XV (beaten XV what feels liek a billion times xD). Gameplay wise, XV is the best followed VERY closely with VII R. Then it's a tie between XIII, XIII-2 and XII. I'm on the penultimate boss in X and it keeps killing me so I'm getting annoyed. I got to the end of IV Advance but never beat it so I need to find my 2DS sometime and try to beat it.

Epic Mickey

New member
Feb 11, 2021
I Love FFX, X-2, FF7, FF8, FF5, Like FF12.

Final Fantasy X is perhaps the greatest RPG story ever told and I love Blitz ball, the story, the characters the villains, the developing story inside other stories. Interestingly enough 10-2 which wasn't received well , I enjoyed more then 10 in terms of content to unlock vs 10 which is nearly perfect in every way. Final Fantasy 7 for obvious reasons; the connection of good guy and bad guy; story is riveting. Each game that I love keeps me interested and FF12 is nice too.

FF13 only has one replay value if that, while 9 is just okay compared to 8 and 7 for my taste. 13's soundtrack is nice, while fang is one of my favorites but when you replay the story multiple times it just doesn't feel worth doing BUT the interesting part here is the 13-2 I found to be the best of the the 13 trilogy. I wasn't fond of Lightning returns time clock to get through the game. I even enjoyed 13-2's story over 13 in general yet 13's villains are spectacular ("the big names" being a top tier combo from that story).

Deleted member 246005

I don't like the lack of a controllable camera during Blitzball from FF10, FF10-2 needed more villians besides Shuyin, the 2.5 light novel should've been in the game, and Rikku needs a spinoff with Chuami and Kurgim from the audio drama. Just make her the lead of FF10-3 if they ever commit to it.

I like Noel and Serah's dynamic from FF13-2. They are Sora and Kairi done right and more convincing than Snow/Serah. It also did the "my dad is a supervillian" trope better than DMC4/5 and RE6. The last comparison is out there but my mind works in weird ways.

I got into Final Fantasy with Advent children. It worked because of Cloud's survivor guilt. A clear emotional throughline is all you need sometimes. Kadaj/Loz/Lazoo are just the coolest (that also helps).

I liked how 3-dimensional Tifa and Aerith feel in FF7R.
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Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
I love Final Fantasy XIV. I didn't expect any other FF game to surpass X for a long while, but XIV surprised me despite being an MMORPG. Past A Realm Reborn, it has a fantastic story, loveable characters, and really enjoyable gameplay. Shadowbringers is my personal favorite story in the series, focusing primarily on themes of light/darkness (which is handled in a more elegant way compared to KH, I'd say), preservation, and various plot twists after 5 years of buildup. The villain is amazing too and it has a fantastic way of utilizing the silent protagonist trope, which is the avatar character.

Over time, I've actually grown to not like Final Fantasy XIII very much. I used to defend a ton when I was younger, but upon replay I started to reflect on the various issues the game has. It is incredibly grindy, even by FF standards. The story, even though it was super easy for me to understand, was executed pretty poorly to where I can't fault anyone's confusion on it. The characters have little chemistry in my opinion, possibly because they spend a large amount of the game's time separated.
There are definitely things I still like; I enjoy the gameplay, the music is top-notch, as well as the graphics/character designs. I just definitely don't like it as I used to.

On another note, I've personally grown more neutral of Final Fantasy IX. I still like it, but many aspects of the game isn't as memorable to me as other FF games.
Oct 22, 2021
@Reanbell I think the problem with late gen FFs (like after 10 say) was that the committee kind of got mixed up on a few things...

FF11 was an MMORPG and yet it had more of that classic world feel to it and I felt that THAT one should have been single player, while FF12 felt like it could have been more of an MMO and yet it was single player with an airy deserty feeling....

What FF13 had going for it was that it did return to a cinematic blockbuster film-like aesthetic, but then it was overly emotional. The music while beautiful was redudantly leading the tone and pace of the cutscenes and it felt like every ten minutes it was another sob story.

I'm not saying though it was bad, I really was rooting for FF13 and found a lot of things to enjoy in it.....but then FF14 comes out and then it's ANOTHER MMORPG. We are really in need of them bringing back a cinematic blockbuster single player feel to FANTASY universes with magic and mages and castles and all.
They're doing that with Stranger of Paradise, imo. I really liked FFXII, although I can also understand why some people had trouble getting into it.

Deleted member 246005

This is a strange thing to say. Like what are the specific FF titles that have turn-offs for you?
I could've phrased it better. I'm not into turn-based gameplay. I tried 10 and I couldn't finish it yet.

But I'm getting into FF so I'll see if I can beat it one day.

Deleted member 246005

I like 15's vibe of being a 20 something. I liked the story, characters and world. I don't mind the open world approach but found it lacking by the end. So far God of War 2018 and Ragnarok tends to be my favorite take on open world games.

I like FF7R's approach to remaking games and I'm open to other franchises following it's footsteps. But maybe just have it be one game and nix the time travel. Or just put out sequels as I would've been fine with an FF7-2 instead.

A semi open world would be more interesting in FF7-2...;)

One thing I disliked having to upgrade each weapon and how the weapons were distributed in the game. I feel like I got the bulk of them in the last two chapters when I would've preferred having them sooner.

Chapter 18's boss rush is a pain. I understand the purpose but atleast let me start before Sephiroth after I get there...:(
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