Curbside_Prophet said:
i was wondering because i have not heard anything of this but at IMBD they have her on the cast list along with the persone who did her voice
im not sure how accurate this is but i thoght it might be worth looking in to
Is IMBD Square Enix? No, it is not. Square Enix are the only ones that have the official cast list not IMBD, gamespot, IGN, wal-mart, target, etc.
Yuna has as much as a chance to be in the game as any other Final Fantasy character (including Rinoa).
Dual Wielder said:
i can understand aerith not being in the story as cloud is in advent children clothes,
Your logic. KH Cloud + AC outfit = Dead KH Aerith. There is a line between Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. In the FF 7 universe Aerith dies. But in the KH universe does she ever die? No she is alive. So by your logic since Cloud is wearing a new outfit, Aerith automatically dies for no reason.
Dual Wielder said:
and the existance of aerith would ruin the story...
but as cloud's left arm is covered up still, does he still have geostigma?
Ruin the story... is it called Kingdom Hearts: Advent children. This is the story of Sora. It mainly revolves around Sora. And if Aerith did die I doubt that would affect Sora too much and ruin the storyline. And about the geostigma thing, likely it is no; AC never happened in KH universe so maybe not, but then again I may be wrong.
IF_IL_II_IP said:
she is b/c i bought an opm magazine and they showed the final fantasy characters that are supposed to make an appearance in the game and she was there
Was that confirmed by Square Enix? Did it have a pic of her in KH form? Do you have a scan for proof?
milkman64 said:
imdb is not the most reliable source around right now. yeah it would be cool for her 2 be in the game. but she would have 2 be made a kid/teen or something. cause with tidus being around. it makes no god damn sense. if she were in the game. she could be teaching summons like how the fairy god mother did.
That doesn't necessiarily mean that she has to be a teen. She can be an adult and not even know who tidus is in KH2 (if shes in it). Leon(Squall) is an adult and his ultimate rival, Seifer, is a teen around BHK's age. Is it likely that they'll duke it out, no. So it can go either way if she is in the game.