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You know what I think!?

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braver by the minute
Jun 9, 2009
I dont see how in your theory unbirths wouldnt be around anymore... i mean people still die


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Somewhere In a pirate ship
Well you probably don't want to know what I think lol but I was thinking all these unbirth theories are getting to darn complicated!!! Qoute: "THE UNBIRTH IS THE SOUL COMING FROM ONE WHO IS ALIVE WHO IS...ect." Y'know guys its getting kinda lame....I mean realy lame. Not to put anyone down of course because I'm not that kinda guy (yes my username is decieving about my gender is it not?)...

So I've decided to make my own simple theory that is simple... let's repeat that again... simple so I say that the unbirth is something that when somebody dies with some level of darkness in their heart they create an unbirth simple as that guys...

You may be saying "Kitty your wrong" umm thats fine but I have "proof" (lol) to this thread possibly some that will make this thread longer...possibly

So when it says "birth by sleep" what do you think that means? idk what you think but I think it means Now you are probaby saying "Kitty your still wrong because when someone dies they turn into that when you die you give birth to an...(drammitic pause) Unbirth!!! Wow!!!

HEARTless and NoBoDyS" hahahhaha....no Yeah guys but bbs is before heartless and nobody times and Nomura said that throughout the bbs game the unbirth's appearance will slowly start to look like that of nobodies and heartless TADA!!! So as the story continues there will stop being "unbirths" (not really I don't think you'll see heartless or nobodies yet...maybe though) and start "becoming" nobody or heartless like beings

So what do you think my online friends (who I don't know and could accually not be who think they are :lol: )?

ok heartless and nobodies are from the realm of darkness as unbirths a monsters from the light realm , and yes I know that nobodies and heartless are not around yes but since unbirth are from the realm of light they can't be formed from darkness in someones heart.

Heartless and nobodies won't be in it since the first heartless was when Ansem the wise started experimenting ( or xehanort if i remember correctly the ansem reports on kh1 were written by xehanort except ansem report #0 )

A unbirth could be a person that lost their memories we would'nt know though since no one has had their memories erased completly in kh universe. (namine does not erase memmories she takes them apart)


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
YouTube - KH Final Mix - Walkthrough (05) - Traverse Town (Pt. 1) You can see a man die from 5:03 to 5:15 if that kinda death is aloud then I believe that Unbirth's creation can have something with death

He didn't die. Death in KH has clearly been defined as a soul separating from the body. Now, since what he lost was his heart, not his soul, that wouldn't be considered death in KH terms. :v That's called turning into a Heartless.

ok heartless and nobodies are from the realm of darkness as unbirths a monsters from the light realm , and yes I know that nobodies and heartless are not around yes but since unbirth are from the realm of light they can't be formed from darkness in someones heart.

Wait, what?

If that's so, then please explain the Heartless that were created from those in the light realm too.

Just because they live in the realm of light doesn't mean they're exempt from having darkness in their hearts. Sora is a prime example of that.

Heartless and nobodies won't be in it since the first heartless was when Ansem the wise started experimenting ( or xehanort if i remember correctly the ansem reports on kh1 were written by xehanort except ansem report #0 )

They never said anything about Heartless or Nobodies being in BBS. Check again.


New member
Nov 12, 2008
ok heartless and nobodies are from the realm of darkness

Wrong, Nobodies don't belong to the Realm of Darkness. They're trapped in-between.

unbirths a monsters from the light realm

Mmm, do you have anything that supports that assumption?

Heartless and nobodies won't be in it since the first heartless was when Ansem the wise started experimenting


A unbirth could be a person that lost their memories we would'nt know though since no one has had their memories erased completly in kh universe

Xeanort didn't have any memories, except for the name Xehanort...


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Somewhere In a pirate ship
He didn't die. Death in KH has clearly been defined as a soul separating from the body. Now, since what he lost was his heart, not his soul, that wouldn't be considered death in KH terms. :v That's called turning into a Heartless.

Wait, what?

If that's so, then please explain the Heartless that were created from those in the light realm too.

Just because they live in the realm of light doesn't mean they're exempt from having darkness in their hearts. Sora is a prime example of that.

They never said anything about Heartless or Nobodies being in BBS. Check again.

"(not really I don't think you'll see heartless or nobodies yet...maybe though"

I was agreeing with him and I did'nt mean they did'nt have darkness in their hearts i meant unbirths can't be formed by darkness since they are monsters from the light realm and yes heartless can be born in the light realm but they originate from darkness.


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
"(not really I don't think you'll see heartless or nobodies yet...maybe though"

And before that he said that BBS takes place before Heartless and Nobodies. :v

I was agreeing with him and I did'nt mean they did'nt have darkness in their hearts i meant unbirths can't be formed by darkness since they are monsters from the light realm and yes heartless can be born in the light realm but they originate from darkness.

And darkness still exists in the light realm. :v So I don't see your point of Unbirths being unable to be formed by darkness if they exist in the light realm, if darkness exists in the light realm as well.

Besides that, is there any basis to what you said about the Unbirths being creatures from the light realm, or is that a guess?


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
also guys about the unbirths looking like nobodies and heartless ITS TRUE screw you omnichoas I've been here over two years and I know what Nomura said!!!!!

What? Since when was a similarity in appearance ever staunchly denied? Plus it's an opinion, so it can be true or false, so why bother getting all worked up about it?


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
also guys about the unbirths looking like nobodies and heartless ITS TRUE screw you omnichoas I've been here over two years and I know what Nomura said!!!!!

And he's been here over three years. :v How long you've been here means nothing, it just means that you've been on this forum a long time.

Besides, what I recall Nomura saying is that the Unbirths were the predecessors to the Heartless. I don't recall him saying anything about them looking like Nobodies or Heartless. Unless you can find a source in which he actually says that, then drop it.


braver by the minute
Jun 9, 2009
also guys about the unbirths looking like nobodies and heartless ITS TRUE screw you omnichoas I've been here over two years and I know what Nomura said!!!!!
I don't think they look that much alike. I mean sure they're similar but I don't see how that's relevant to anything:tongue:


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
I don't think they look that much alike. I mean sure they're similar but I don't see how that's relevant to anything:tongue:

Well, it's been said the Unbirths are a kind of precursor to the Heartless and Nobodies, so it makes sense that it'd look similar.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Well you probably don't want to know what I think lol but I was thinking all these unbirth theories are getting to darn complicated!!! Qoute: "THE UNBIRTH IS THE SOUL COMING FROM ONE WHO IS ALIVE WHO IS...ect." Y'know guys its getting kinda lame....I mean realy lame. Not to put anyone down of course because I'm not that kinda guy (yes my username is decieving about my gender is it not?)...

So I've decided to make my own simple theory that is simple... let's repeat that again... simple so I say that the unbirth is something that when somebody dies with some level of darkness in their heart they create an unbirth simple as that guys...

You may be saying "Kitty your wrong" umm thats fine but I have "proof" (lol) to this thread possibly some that will make this thread longer...possibly

So when it says "birth by sleep" what do you think that means? idk what you think but I think it means that when you die you give birth to an...(drammitic pause) Unbirth!!! Wow!!!

Now you are probaby saying "Kitty your still wrong because when someone dies they turn into HEARTless and NoBoDyS" hahahhaha....no Yeah guys but bbs is before heartless and nobody times and Nomura said that throughout the bbs game the unbirth's appearance will slowly start to look like that of nobodies and heartless TADA!!! So as the story continues there will stop being "unbirths" (not really I don't think you'll see heartless or nobodies yet...maybe though) and start "becoming" nobody or heartless like beings

So what do you think my online friends (who I don't know and could accually not be who think they are :lol: )?

Simple theories fail for that same reason. They are simple. Something without a complex background and understanding is not something Nomura is going to implement into the game. Do you think that when they make the game, they just think of something in their heads regardless of how it affects everything around it, and just implement it? Don't think so. Especially since at this point, with all the weaving back and forth through time in the Kingdom Hearts Universe, everything must be placed in an specific and careful order.

Anyway, moving on, other than that, I see nothing wrong with your "simple theory", even though, really, your theory is not that simple at all. I've actually been wondering about this same exact concept for a while now. Unbirths can easily be the prototype or former form of the Heartless and/or Nobodies. Something may trigger in the Kingdom Hearts world (past obviously) that changes the Unbirths into their latter, more familiar forms. Of course, we don't have any or much proof of this, but Nomura can do this easily if he wishes (some complex explanation or something like that).

One thing though, I've never come across an interview like that. Of course I haven't read every interview with Nomura or the Kingdom Hearts developers, but since I haven't seen it, I find it hard to believe that he would say that (simply because I've had this theory for a little while, and this sounds like a valuable piece of proof to support it). If you could give us the link, I would be greatly appreciative...


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
also guys about the unbirths looking like nobodies and heartless ITS TRUE screw you omnichoas I've been here over two years and I know what Nomura said!!!!!

If it's so true, then I doubt it would be much problem for you to post a link to the interview where it is said, now would it? Also, you are really starting to make me dislike you...


New member
May 20, 2009
House of Cards
Kingdom hearts is gay

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