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Which villain from any FF series would you like to see make an appearance in KHII. I would like to see Ultimecia or Seymour. Although none would have as much impact as Sephiroth.
I thought Yunalesca would be a formidable opponent. But, I see everyone wants Sephiroth back. So, I thought they should open up some Super Platinum match where you first fight Yazoo, then Loz, then Kadaj, and Finally Sephiroth. It would be it's own Cup. Should have Cloud in your party to help. If it were only true...**sigh**
Seymour would be my choice although i think Kefka might prove to be a boss worth fighting due to his fame in FF6 and all. Seymour going through each form in a platinum type match would be fun i think, ya know new form for each health bar or something.
This isnt fair i made a thread like this already my thread already has about 67 posts in it and i think we have covered almost every single villian in it.
Just like many others, I want Sephiroth back. But I want to fight him then have him say, "You have proved worth child. So know I shall not hold back."
Then He'd turn into Seraphim the Six Winged Angel, and Sora would have to fuse and fly to beat him (DRIVE MODE WITH CLOUD!!!). Yeah, I dream about it sometimes.
Adel looks dumb. Sephiroth would be badass. Maybe a fight in the arena would go down like Loz and Yazoo in one fight or one after the other, then Kadaj, then they summon Sephiroth and thats the final battle for that cup.