The Stupidest Thing by: Prince_Riku
Me: The stupidest thing i ever did in COM.........
Riku: Well, there r so many, so its kinda like ur life story.
Me: Whatever, anyway, i don't think theres much, ciz' im not even finished yet........
Riku: Pathetic!
Me: Shutup, and put that damn keyblade away! But, really i think the stupidest thing i ever did in COM would be when i finished Traverse Town and didn't save it.
Riku: Like i said, pathetic.
Me: I was rushing and i just used quick save, cuz' i thought it would actually save it......
Riku: U really need more to do with your time.
Me::sigh::.....I know.......
Riku: Thats why im taking u with me to go sparring with heartless.
Me::sob::But ion wanna go sparrring with heartless!!!::wah!::sob::