hmm... I got KH:COM for 28 bucks at target like, the day it came out. It was worth it... But I really was disapointed in the repetiveness in the levels. And the only new worlds we got were twilight town and castle oblivion. Going through all those worlds with map cards was a pain b/c of constant fighting until you got a map card of a certain number,which sucked because it could take FOREVER if you weren't lucky. And this may sound stupid but what does 1337 mean? Btw, the boss battles were really good this time around, in KH it was this cycle: "button mash, button mash, cure, button mash, button mash, dodge attack, button mash, cure, button mash, summon, button mash, cure, button mash, and to finish off, button mash. But COM was like that at times, too.