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Thats a tough one. I would go both ways. It was worth it becuase it filled a gap between the two major games. But was there really any need for a game to be put onto the GBA?
I did enjoy this game, even though the card system was a hassle.
Xenephobe (sp?)...there are more than just americans here...
*Oh the joys of winning a GC with a GBA adaptor thingy*
Yes its frickin worth it, excellent plot, graphics superb for a GBA, card system unique, i enjoyed using it, saved itself from bein either borin hack+slash or turn based...plus u get 2 play as Riku...
if it WAS made for ps2, well it would be just like KH with 2 extra places..so it was worth it..the card battle system was different..if it was like KH's battle system it would be BORING and the same thing..so yeah....later!