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Unpopular opinions!



Mar 17, 2013
I thought this would be a fun topic!

I couldn't find a "general Kingdom Hearts" forum, so forgive me if this is in the wrong place.

What are your unpopular opinions about the series? Mine are:

1. I thought Recoded had a really deep, almost philosophical story, particularly in the ending Castle Oblivion segment. It really made me think, and it was some of the most interesting storytelling I've seen in the series, even if the rest of the game was pure fluff.

2. I really like the time travel aspect. It makes sense within the story, has clearly established rules, and thus makes much more sense than 90% of time travel plots out there. I had a lot of fun sitting down and figuring out the whole thing. Which leads me to...

3. I love the whole tangled mess that is the story of this series. I adore figuring things out, and making sense of really confusing things. I have absolutely no idea what could possibly happen in the next game, because this series just goes all out there and does the craziest, weirdest, stupidest things, and I LOVE it.

4. I know most people enjoyed Sora in Kingdom Hearts I, and dislike him in 3D, but I'm the other way around. To me, he comes off as super bland and generic in the first game; I didn't feel like he had much of a personality, and I couldn't connect to him. Yes, he's a bit dopey in 3D, but that's a character trait that I enjoy about him.

I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of anything else. Feel free to share your own!


New member
Oct 13, 2013
I agree, I admittedly really like the philosophy presented in Castle Oblivion at that point. The whole idea of what to do with hurt, and the way it actually ties into Roxas's relationship with Xion was really well written, one of the best narrative pieces of the entire franchise I think. The problem I have is the way it's presented. It's so unbelievably slow and boring. The game just goes on and on and on, and Disney characters speaking in technobabble just feels so wrong to me. The Castle Oblivion segment comes so late in the game that I just lose the ability to care by that point. It's astounding how the KH1 worlds and plots got diced up over time. Re:COM's worlds are an abridged version of KH1's worlds. Re:coded's worlds are an abridged version of that, and the CO rooms are an abridged version of that. Like, geez, was that really necessary? It's blatant padding.

I guess the only real unpopular opinion I have is Haley Joel Osment was never that good, even in KH1. Also, um...I like Guard Armor's FM colors better than the original. In fact I prefer every FM recolor over the original really.


Active member
Feb 3, 2015
Los Angeles, California
KH2 is a better game then KH1 to me. They just did everything a lot better for me in that game then in KH1. I love the characters more, I like the individual stories more, I like the choices of worlds, it's a much longer game but it never felt like it went on too long, I like Organization more then I liked the Disney Villains, I actually have fun 100% my journal, better secret bosses, more fun bosses, the Disney characters are better presented here(though, that's never really been a problem anyways, I just like the Disney stuff better in this game), the game is a lot of fun with its variety of uses of combat and magic, and it has the best ending in the series.

The only downgrade is exploration. While it doesn't bother that it was downgraded, I wish KH2 had a little bit more of that. It's obvious they wanted to focus on what made KH the most fun for people at the time: the combat itself.
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New member
Oct 13, 2013
KH2 is a better game then KH1 to me. They just did everything a lot better for me in that game then in KH1. I love the characters more, I like the individual stories more, I like the choices of worlds, it's a much longer game but it never felt like it went on too long, I like Organization more then I liked the Disney Villains, I like collecting puzzles pieces and stuff, better secret bosses, More fun bosses, the Disney characters are a lot fun to see here, the game is a lot of fun with its variety of uses combat and magic, and it has the best ending in the series.

The only downgrade is exploration. While it doesn't bother that it was downgraded, I wish Kh2 had a little bit more of that. it'sobvious they wanted to focus on what made KH the most fun: the combat itself.

That's not really an unpopular opinion. The secret bosses and puzzle pieces you're talking about are in Final Mix. KH2FM has SO much more content and so much better balanced mechanics that it makes vanilla KH2 look unfinished. That's why a lot of people say KH1 was better than KH2, they're referring to the vanilla KH2.


Active member
Feb 3, 2015
Los Angeles, California
That's not really an unpopular opinion. The secret bosses and puzzle pieces you're talking about are in Final Mix. KH2FM has SO much more content and so much better balanced mechanics that it makes vanilla KH2 look unfinished. That's why a lot of people say KH1 was better than KH2, they're referring to the vanilla KH2.

I count the vanilla KH2 as well (that's the first one played too). Yeah, vanilla KH2 is still a better game then KH1 to me. And really? I know a lot of people who loathe KH2, even the Final Mix stuff. I don't blame them though to be honest. That game has faults but not as many faults for me. And even the faults that I came think of for myself, I can get past them.


Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
I hate Kairi's KHII hairstyle.

Not sure if that's an unpopular opinion.


Vulpes Chronicler
Aug 8, 2013
I hate Kairi's KHII hairstyle.

Not sure if that's an unpopular opinion.

I like Kairi's KHII haristyle, but not as much as her KH1, which is surprising, because I really like her KHI? But I can't bring myself to dislike the new one, they're just... both good! *shame*


Flesh by mother, soul by father
Sep 22, 2009
I think BBS is extremely overrated.

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Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
I like Kairi's KHII haristyle, but not as much as her KH1, which is surprising, because I really like her KHI? But I can't bring myself to dislike the new one, they're just... both good! *shame*

I just like her short and cute hairstyle more than a typical medium brown hairstyle XD


Staff member
Sep 23, 2010
Sora is one of my least favorite characters to play as.


Jan 2, 2013
I think that Bambi would be a great world for KH3. I also think that Coded is unengaging and dull.


New member
Jun 3, 2015
Wait, I thought liking Re:coded was an unpopular opinon. 'Cause I genuinely enjoyed that game!


New member
Oct 13, 2013
Ok, here's a confession. Aside from DDD which I haven't played, Days is the only KH game I've never completed. I got about halfway through it, and was so damn bored I couldn't go on. I don't know what Coded did to keep me going, but even that I played to the end.


Mar 9, 2008
Ha haaaa oh the things I could list here. Welp minds well take a crack at it.

1. Dream Drop Distance. Oh yes I truly do dislike this game but not for story. In my opinion the only really bad storytelling aspect was the time travel. What I hated about the game was it's gameplay. Dream Eaters as well.

2. I dont like Ventus. I haven't liked him since his face was revealed and I didn't like him when I got to play him. He's basically Roxas with Sora personality syndrome.

3. At this stage I would almost wholeheartedly welcome a reboot/universal rewrite for a KH3 ending.

4. BBS is definitely overrated. My only shining light in the game was Aqua.

5. No matter how one tries to rationalize it to me several concepts brought forward in BBS I think could've been done without. The inheritance ceremony was superfluous because it's painfully obvious it's there solely to give forced connections between Terra, Aqua, Kairi and Riku. The keyblade already had an explained reason for why it chooses people, being that it simply does so, and Sora already showed you can get them without having a ceremony at all further exhibiting it's superfluous nature as a concept.

6. Keyblade origin. I have a love-hate with this thing. On the one hand I can't help but agree that it being a weapon originally of evil intent is a break from the norm. On the other hand however I find the keyblades mysticism is lost entirely. Despite being a powerful weapon in it's own right its now made to be cheap scrap in the face of the Xblade.
Expanding on backgrounds is something that happens in an ongoing story but such things can be done without sacrificing the mysticism of something as well. We already had one special keyblade in the form of Rikus in KH1 so I see no reason why the Xblade needing explaining beyond it being able to open kingdom hearts. The average keyblade didn't need to suffer.

7. Relevance. I know many bitch about keyblades being handed out like candy while others try to argue that it's still exclusive on the universal scale. But to me it's not about exclusive. I couldn't care less about that because even twenty wielders is a pindrop in a universe full of worlds.
BUT! I do hate how so many have keyblades now because it's quickly falling into DBZ territory. Just like you can't be relevant in DBZ now without being a saiyan, you can no longer be relevant in KH without having a keyblade which I find horrible.
To me many of the most unique and cool aspects of the series or characters was their lack of keyblades but continued influence on story. Riku for instance had his subplot with darkness and controlling it. I loved that. He was unlike any person previous. He was strong and unique simply because he managed to do what no other has and control darkness in tempered manner. The fact that he could still use keyblades but didnt' have one himself was also cool.
Xehanort was also far more interesting as a being when he wasn't a dumbledore geezer aizen-tier-ripoff with a keyblade. When he was that partial amnesic and former wielder he was far more intriguing as a person. He was dangerous and relevant simply because of how dangerous a mind he had. Not a "herp derp I kenw you'd do that" kinda mind but just a mind that was highly intelligent and without boundaries. Being a former wielder with scattered memories also explained his knowledge of things while also explaining the personality.

Now it's like you can't be important whatsoever unless your Xehanort, one of his bitches or have a giant key. Just because multiple wielders have been a fact since KH1 does not mean that every character in our current story should have them.

8. Days. I dont like it. Still dont like it. It's gameplay AND story is repetitive to the point I was glad to see Xion die because I knew I was almost finished.
In contrast though the manga is beautiful in all ways possible. I care about manga Xion.

9. Recoded. I liked it. It was important and the most fun a kh game has been in ages.

10. I too dislike Kairis KH2 haircut. Every time I see fan arts or edits of her KH2 self with the KH1 hairstyle I'm saddened she didn't actually have it.

11. Axel. I dont like his constant shoehorning due to fanservice and I definitely don't like his very forced keyblade.

12. Convolution. Oh I hate it alright. While not so much a unpopular opinion I do miss the simpler was of KH1-Com-KH2.

13. Roxas. Another love-hate ordeal. In KH2 he was a badass. The anitsora. His motives were perfectly human and relatable yet at the same time antagonistic to Sora. The perfect deep yet simple character. Then days ruined it and turned him into an emo-angst Jesse McCartney.

14. Xehanort. I hate how he's evolved. Sorry.

15. I do not nor will I ever consider KH2 a great game or one of the best. I only rank it above Days because it at least wasnt repetitive in story or gameplay and in a few moments can be fun even if easy.

16. Wielders and Masters. I can understand having older wielders as teachers. Perfectly logical and fine. But a true distinction? I never really cared for it. Seems like just a plot device to start and explain Terras easily manipulated personality and Xehanorts power to release his heart.

17. I dont like how Terra turned out. He's overly gullible which is understandable at first but ridiculous by the end after all his misadventures. I wanted the evil Terra I was teased with in early trailers grinning evilly and meeting with maleficent.

18. How everything was magically restored in KH1's ending. That....just kinda irks me. At least leave the wall logic alone so we dont need constant excuses for why he can or cant travel worlds.

19. Capes. I do not understand this crazy obsession and I never will. They already look like power rangers in that armor (Terra being a batman) so the capes really dont help that image for me.

20. Other characters getting armor. Another obsession I dont understand. They serve a purpose for TAV yes but they are entirely outdated and pointless now. I find the whole protection argument incredibly weak given TAV never use the freakin armor. One battle they use it.
To be honest I often wonder why TAV even had armor at all when Mickey had a star shard. Why not save us trouble and themselves modeling time and just give each one a personal star shard?

21. You can't just throw Star Wars into the series. Let it go. (it can however be put in creatively)

I'm sure I got more but thats what I remember from the top of my head.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
You know it's interesting because some of these opinions are not unpopular/popular. It really depends on the forum/site.

As for me I don't think time travel ruined the series or made it complicated, for me the series was kinda ruined/complicated already.
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Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
Ha haaaa oh the things I could list here. Welp minds well take a crack at it.

1. Dream Drop Distance. Oh yes I truly do dislike this game but not for story. In my opinion the only really bad storytelling aspect was the time travel. What I hated about the game was it's gameplay. Dream Eaters as well.

2. I dont like Ventus. I haven't liked him since his face was revealed and I didn't like him when I got to play him. He's basically Roxas with Sora personality syndrome.

3. At this stage I would almost wholeheartedly welcome a reboot/universal rewrite for a KH3 ending.

4. BBS is definitely overrated. My only shining light in the game was Aqua.

5. No matter how one tries to rationalize it to me several concepts brought forward in BBS I think could've been done without. The inheritance ceremony was superfluous because it's painfully obvious it's there solely to give forced connections between Terra, Aqua, Kairi and Riku. The keyblade already had an explained reason for why it chooses people, being that it simply does so, and Sora already showed you can get them without having a ceremony at all further exhibiting it's superfluous nature as a concept.

6. Keyblade origin. I have a love-hate with this thing. On the one hand I can't help but agree that it being a weapon originally of evil intent is a break from the norm. On the other hand however I find the keyblades mysticism is lost entirely. Despite being a powerful weapon in it's own right its now made to be cheap scrap in the face of the Xblade.
Expanding on backgrounds is something that happens in an ongoing story but such things can be done without sacrificing the mysticism of something as well. We already had one special keyblade in the form of Rikus in KH1 so I see no reason why the Xblade needing explaining beyond it being able to open kingdom hearts. The average keyblade didn't need to suffer.

7. Relevance. I know many bitch about keyblades being handed out like candy while others try to argue that it's still exclusive on the universal scale. But to me it's not about exclusive. I couldn't care less about that because even twenty wielders is a pindrop in a universe full of worlds.
BUT! I do hate how so many have keyblades now because it's quickly falling into DBZ territory. Just like you can't be relevant in DBZ now without being a saiyan, you can no longer be relevant in KH without having a keyblade which I find horrible.
To me many of the most unique and cool aspects of the series or characters was their lack of keyblades but continued influence on story. Riku for instance had his subplot with darkness and controlling it. I loved that. He was unlike any person previous. He was strong and unique simply because he managed to do what no other has and control darkness in tempered manner. The fact that he could still use keyblades but didnt' have one himself was also cool.
Xehanort was also far more interesting as a being when he wasn't a dumbledore geezer aizen-tier-ripoff with a keyblade. When he was that partial amnesic and former wielder he was far more intriguing as a person. He was dangerous and relevant simply because of how dangerous a mind he had. Not a "herp derp I kenw you'd do that" kinda mind but just a mind that was highly intelligent and without boundaries. Being a former wielder with scattered memories also explained his knowledge of things while also explaining the personality.

Now it's like you can't be important whatsoever unless your Xehanort, one of his bitches or have a giant key. Just because multiple wielders have been a fact since KH1 does not mean that every character in our current story should have them.

8. Days. I dont like it. Still dont like it. It's gameplay AND story is repetitive to the point I was glad to see Xion die because I knew I was almost finished.
In contrast though the manga is beautiful in all ways possible. I care about manga Xion.

9. Recoded. I liked it. It was important and the most fun a kh game has been in ages.

10. I too dislike Kairis KH2 haircut. Every time I see fan arts or edits of her KH2 self with the KH1 hairstyle I'm saddened she didn't actually have it.

11. Axel. I dont like his constant shoehorning due to fanservice and I definitely don't like his very forced keyblade.

12. Convolution. Oh I hate it alright. While not so much a unpopular opinion I do miss the simpler was of KH1-Com-KH2.

13. Roxas. Another love-hate ordeal. In KH2 he was a badass. The anitsora. His motives were perfectly human and relatable yet at the same time antagonistic to Sora. The perfect deep yet simple character. Then days ruined it and turned him into an emo-angst Jesse McCartney.

14. Xehanort. I hate how he's evolved. Sorry.

15. I do not nor will I ever consider KH2 a great game or one of the best. I only rank it above Days because it at least wasnt repetitive in story or gameplay and in a few moments can be fun even if easy.

16. Wielders and Masters. I can understand having older wielders as teachers. Perfectly logical and fine. But a true distinction? I never really cared for it. Seems like just a plot device to start and explain Terras easily manipulated personality and Xehanorts power to release his heart.

17. I dont like how Terra turned out. He's overly gullible which is understandable at first but ridiculous by the end after all his misadventures. I wanted the evil Terra I was teased with in early trailers grinning evilly and meeting with maleficent.

18. How everything was magically restored in KH1's ending. That....just kinda irks me. At least leave the wall logic alone so we dont need constant excuses for why he can or cant travel worlds.

19. Capes. I do not understand this crazy obsession and I never will. They already look like power rangers in that armor (Terra being a batman) so the capes really dont help that image for me.

20. Other characters getting armor. Another obsession I dont understand. They serve a purpose for TAV yes but they are entirely outdated and pointless now. I find the whole protection argument incredibly weak given TAV never use the freakin armor. One battle they use it.
To be honest I often wonder why TAV even had armor at all when Mickey had a star shard. Why not save us trouble and themselves modeling time and just give each one a personal star shard?

21. You can't just throw Star Wars into the series. Let it go. (it can however be put in creatively)

I'm sure I got more but thats what I remember from the top of my head.
Amen, dude, just amen. I agree with most things on your list here.

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
In truth, I don't give a... trident about Kairi being in KH3. I like her design and consider her beautiful, but I'm really not interested in seeing her in KH3. She will be there anyway. Perhaps the game will make me reconsider her character's, um, interesting-ness? Oh well.

And me too, I like the time travel mess, even if it completely destroyed my brain during my first DDD playthrough till I started to understand... kinda.

+ IDGAF about parents in this series. Or the Disney stories, actually. It's cool to interact with Disney characters, but story-wise I really don't care about the Disney worlds.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
It's kinda sad really, I feel the same way. How am I supposed to care/like her when the series doesn't? Thank goodness we got Aqua.

Another one: I don't mind director reports/interviews but I hate having to rely on them for major plot points.