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Time Travel... it's so simple!

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Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
I really hope they clear up how this time traveling thing works, seeing there are apparently multiple ways of traveling through time and the one they somewhat explained, left out some kinda important details. For Example at what point in time does one need to give up ones body? Is it when one travels through time or is it at any point of time?

He did, Sora actually DID open sleeping keyholes and awakened the real sleeping worlds as well as gained the same power than Riku did to awaken hearts.

I don't know where that OrgXIII-pathway-stuff comes from as the Org cannot create Keyholes and it was never said ingame that the Keyholes were anything other than Sleeping Keyholes.
The luring to TWTNW only happened after the last sleeping world was cleared, when Sora actually left the Realm of Sleep. Instead of returning to the Mysterious Tower he was redirected to TWTNW, it's as simple as that.

I think most a lot of people think so because Xigbar pretty much says they hijacked the journey from the get go implying they somehow manipulated the path chosen by the worlds, if that's even possible. It's also possible that the last Keyhole wasn't really a Keyhole of sleep but a normal one that lead to TWTNW, though I don't know how that would work. And that that's the reason Sora didn't pass.


Space Duck
May 26, 2010
Termina, wondering why everyone looks familiiar
I really hope they clear up how this time traveling thing works, seeing there are apparently multiple ways of traveling through time and the one they somewhat explained, left out some kinda important details. For Example at what point in time does one need to give up ones body? Is it when one travels through time or is it at any point of time?

I think most a lot of people think so because Xigbar pretty much says they hijacked the journey from the get go implying they somehow manipulated the path chosen by the worlds, if that's even possible. It's also possible that the last Keyhole wasn't really a Keyhole of sleep but a normal one that lead to TWTNW, though I don't know how that would work. And that that's the reason Sora didn't pass.

I thought the reason Sora didn't pass was more because he rushed headlong into the danger of the Org, even though it was fairly obvious (even they were surprised how easily he fell for it) that they were up to something nefarious. His disregard for danger not only put himself at risk, but those who are depending on him to be saved.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Traverse Town
He did, Sora actually DID open sleeping keyholes and awakened the real sleeping worlds as well as gained the same power than Riku did to awaken hearts.
This makes me wonder: why didn't Sora pass as well? Ok, I understand why Riku "deserved" it more than Sora, but why only one could get the Mark of Mastery in the first place? Yen Sid never said anything about that until the end of the game, neither gave it a reason. Or did he?


Space Duck
May 26, 2010
Termina, wondering why everyone looks familiiar
This makes me wonder: why didn't Sora pass as well? Ok, I understand why Riku "deserved" it more than Sora, but why only one could get the Mark of Mastery in the first place? Yen Sid never said anything about that until the end of the game, neither gave it a reason. Or did he?

If you think about it, one of the requirements for passing Yen Sid gave was to return from the Realm of Sleep. Sora got kinda stuck, so he failed on that task


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
This makes me wonder: why didn't Sora pass as well? Ok, I understand why Riku "deserved" it more than Sora, but why only one could get the Mark of Mastery in the first place? Yen Sid never said anything about that until the end of the game, neither gave it a reason. Or did he?

Because 1st Sora didn't do the whole task given.
The task consisted of three requirements:
1. Enter the realm of sleep.
2. Unlock seven Keyholes and gain the new power to awaken sleeping hearts.
3. Return to the Mysterious Tower.

Sora failed on the third issue, and yet still Yen Sid did ackknowledge that it wasn't entirely Sora's own fault.
Riku however did not only complete all three parts of the task, he additionally dove into sleep again in order to bring Sora back. In short, Riku did not only obtain the power (which they managed both), he also proved 1st that it is a working power and 2nd that he can already handle and use that power, which gave him extra points.

Then there's of course as 2nd the issue with Sora being the key to rescuing those in torment. With Sora lost, these people would have no hope of being restored ever.
Sora didn't really act on that responsibility and almost jeopardized the chances of the others for being saved by nearly falling himself.
I guess that's what also influenced Yen Sid's decision, as at least Xion, Roxas and Ventus are endangered directly when something happens to Sora because they're literally "inside" him.

Yen Sid also never said anything about that only one can get the Mark of Mastery, he just said that Riku this time made some "icing on the cake" so to speak and therefore gets the title with an "A+".
Add on top of this that Sora was never really interested in the title of Keyblade Master anyways (he considered it a formality and only agreed to take the test because Riku wanted to), and there's really nothing negative that comes from Sora not getting the Mark.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Um... Sorry. Safety first.
I am sorry but right now, I want to apply Final Fantasy VIII (And maybe FFXIII-2 but that is a little bit complicated because if anyone try to change the future, the past will also be changed) elements into this game since we are on the topic about time traveling. For me, this is my own theory.

1. Ok. So for those who play Final Fantasy VIII, we can tell that time traveling is a crucial element in this game. However, I would like to cross out Karn's statement about the rule of "you can't change the timeline". I have played several games where the timeline can be changed but right now, this game is a good example. With Ultimecia, she is the future, raging villain who wants to rule the world through time because she hates the persecution she suffers. In order to do this, she needs Ellone. Now in this game, I do believe that there is no rule that says that one cannot change the past (And even if there was one, Ellone herself cannot directly interfere with the past since the farthest she can get to interfering with the past is having the person of the past experiencing buzzing from those of the present).

But anyway, the point I want to use is Ultimecia herself. Ultimecia successfully interfere with the past and she changed it up with her interference and she most likely have changed some events in time from what originally should have happened (But what were those events I am not sure). She can travel back and forth to the past and present as she wills it until she is defeated. However, what happened to her is this... Time Loop, that she created, making it never ending. What was the original timeline, we will never know. What we know is that Ultimecia herself created this time loop, perishing time and again, passing on the Sorceress Power over and over. It is unknown if we can break this time loop to where this will never happen.

2. Now why did I use Ultimecia? To compare her with Young Xehanort and to try clear up some items. Young Xehanort is given a task by his future self to change events in the future. Now, is there an original timeline without the interference of his older selves coming into the past, I am positive. However, like Ultimecia, Master Xehanort and the Heartless Ansem came into their own past, having him to go into different areas in time. This is ENOUGH to change the timeline. Which part of time did they went to, I do not know (Since I do not even have a 3DS or the game to have more clarification) but since he was charged of going throughout time to pick certain people to become different incarnations of Master Xehanort, I am certain that this changed something in the future.

Now what could have change some things in the future? Well, the fact that Maleficent was able to appear in Disney Castle once again to kidnap Queen Minnie is one evidence that I can bring up. I believe that the time traveling from YX made the power of darkness stronger than what it should have been to where even Maleficent can resist the power of the Cornerstone of Light. There may be some other possibilities too but we may see them in the next game.

But back to the point, after Young Xehanort completed his task, he returned back to his past. He may have lost all memories of the future but he himself have created a Time Loop with the help of Master Xehanort. Master Xehanort and the Heartless Ansem was able to have the Young Xehanort to change events to their liking (And I do believe that the Princesses of Hearts will be affected by this as well) and that with no interference from Sora and the others to stop them from doing this, they are able to set up the stage of going into the final battle against the heroes and the Young Xehanort will grow up (And he is most likely will end up reawaken these memories if this is true about his heart remembering) and will set up the stage once again.

Now with this Time Loop, there is a possibility of stopping this. We can either:

1. Destroy the Young Xehanort. This will have Master Xehanort cease to exist and stop all further events from happening at all (Although the consequences may include Kairi separated from Sora and Riku, not remembering them, Sora and Riku never becoming keyblade wielders maybe, etc.).

2. Stop Ansem, Seeker of Darkness from ever going into the past. It took him to do this. Defeat him before he can give the Young Xehanort the task and you MAY stop the Time Loop... maybe.

Those are the only two that I can think of right now. I still have more though.

3. I have yet to learn about this "Give up your body in order to time travel" because I am confuse but if this is so, then Ansem is able to give up his body (Since we know in Kingdom Hearts 1 that it seems as though he did not have a form except the brown cloak). However, the Sleeping Worlds are supposed to never suppose to be affected by time since they are "dreaming" or is "still sleeping". I guess... that this is a possible way to "ignore the rules of time traveling" or whatever since the Sleeping Worlds is an exception to the rules of Kingdom Hearts time traveling (If there is anything.I need to see videos of anything stating about time traveling in Kingdom Hearts 3D from Yen Sid, etc. However, since the Sleeping Worlds are not affected by time, this can be easier on YX's mission.

But... if it only takes ONCE to throw away your body to time travel, then I do believe that Sora and Riku have already accomplished this task WAY before the events of Kingdom Hearts 3D. Why? I will explain but please read my two statements real good!

1. In Kingdom Hearts 1, Sora gave up his body in order to free Kairi's heart.
2. Riku wanted more power and gained it from the Heartless Ansem SOD in Kingdom Hearts 1. However, Ansem possessed him and Riku lost his body to him.

This is evidence efficient enough to show that Sora and Riku may be capable of time traveling. Who knows! I can say that Lea, Ventus and Kairi are able to time travel themselves since:

1. Lea's body became a nobody and then he became human.
2. Ventus' body fell into a coma.
3. Kairi's body was in a coma itself, her heart resting in Sora's and because of Namine being born from Sora.

But anyway, this is the best possible theory that I can think of. I had to bring in the Ultimecia part in to explain the time loop part and reading this thread made me think of Final Fantasy VIII.
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