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Theory: Blaine is....

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Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Because of how the Master's eye works, I would not call these events predestined. The Master's eye is carried into the future... in real time. More than that, the only things written into the Book of Prophecy are things that the Master's eye has witnessed.
Nobody wielding No Name has any sort of omniscience, and they don't always have the Keyblade out. Not even Luxu.
The Book of Prophecies can only be the vague half-truths we hear read from its pages, because the Master's eye can only see a series of fragmented events without context or multiple perspectives.

The Book of Prophecies, in truth, is not prophetic at all. It's a journal with a gimmick.
I concur that this may be a reasonable approach as well.

Going with this interpretation, many of the characters retain at least most of their agency and their decisions are still their own.

Still, there are apparently some people out there in the KH-verse who do treat the BoP as more than just a journal with a gimmick and that's truly problematic.
Especially considering some apparent nutjob who does want the universe to end.

Not really "yet another;" we've seen that one before.

It's pretty clear now that this is the Kingdom Hearts of Wieldersâ„¢
Thank God they explained this one 'cause it never made sense how Xehanort could summon THE Kingdom Hearts before forging the χ-blade.

In-universe speaking it would be "yet another" as it would be the third forcibly created KH around. The ones in KH 1 and 2 were explicitly created by Xehanort in some form, so whoever made this one is/was the source from where Xehanort got the knowledge how to do it.

Thinking of it that way though makes me think about all those magazines and fans speculating about getting to see the "real" KH not really getting the point.
According to the reports the real, true KH is an amalgamation of all hearts, living beings + worlds, taken together.

Going by that, seeing the "real" KH is nigh impossible because in order for it to be truly the "real" true one and not a forced union between X amounts of hearts, your own heart would also need to be part of it and thus you cannot stand outside and see it/look at it.

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
Going by that, seeing the "real" KH is nigh impossible because in order for it to be truly the "real" true one and not a forced union between X amounts of hearts, your own heart would also need to be part of it and thus you cannot stand outside and see it/look at it.

That would put an end to any hope of seeing the true KH in any of the games, which isn't as bad as it sounds. Following this idea, it would mean KH's visual/physical representation is impossible, we'd get to see something of a more abstract representation of a part of KH at most. Also, to reach KH, there wouldn't be a direct door or pathway or place to the true KH (at least by rational means and still respecting the regular physics of having a visible material body of sorts that isn't infinite and thus there's a place where you can directly experience it), but a transcendent experience also isn't quite covering the problem, as your own heart is simultaneously part of KH so a complete "view" doesn't come with this deal. A transcendetal experience sounds more adequate - you'd be able to, as KH1 addresses the player, look inside yourself, in a state of consciousness of being part of KH. But what use of being in multiple places simultaneously (everywhere where there's a heart after all)... Well actually...
Things get too involved in metaphysics and quatum physics somehow in my mind, I doubt the game would address such deepth to the questions regarding the true KH, as until now it's a well kept mystery despite all the misleading scenes with different KHs


Active member
Sep 15, 2017
I concur that this may be a reasonable approach as well.

Going with this interpretation, many of the characters retain at least most of their agency and their decisions are still their own.

Still, there are apparently some people out there in the KH-verse who do treat the BoP as more than just a journal with a gimmick and that's truly problematic.
Especially considering some apparent nutjob who does want the universe to end.

In-universe speaking it would be "yet another" as it would be the third forcibly created KH around. The ones in KH 1 and 2 were explicitly created by Xehanort in some form, so whoever made this one is/was the source from where Xehanort got the knowledge how to do it.

Thinking of it that way though makes me think about all those magazines and fans speculating about getting to see the "real" KH not really getting the point.
According to the reports the real, true KH is an amalgamation of all hearts, living beings + worlds, taken together.

Going by that, seeing the "real" KH is nigh impossible because in order for it to be truly the "real" true one and not a forced union between X amounts of hearts, your own heart would also need to be part of it and thus you cannot stand outside and see it/look at it.
well, The Master of Master did call it the book of prophecies to mislead people. Or just because outright calling it Future Diary is against copyright, eh.

What about Nobodies? Nobodies doesn't have any heart before the chance it gets . Sure, Nobodies can regrow their hearts, but what about who haven't ? Can't they summon Kingdom Hearts? I mean, the Nobodies in Re: CoM is exempt from Namine's powers because they lack hearts, so do this rule apply regarding Kingdom Hearts too?


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
Everyone is exempt from Namine's power if they aren't connected to Sora. It has nothing to do with being nobodies.

As a side note, Sora is connected to so many people, he and Namine are kinda a threat to the well being of everyone else.

I've come to see Kingdom Hearts like this:
Kingdom Hearts is every heart technically. It's like a spirit bomb that never explodes. It's just sitting somewhere chillaxin. Kingdom Hearts has one true key that belongs to it as well.

Because of that last point, I believe everyone and everything's heart is sorta like Kingdom Hearts to an extremely lesser degree. Every heart has a key to their heart, but not everyone is strong enough to materialize and use it. A heart can hold the heart of another (though we've only seen Sora, Xehanort, and Terra do this so far)

In the end, I don't think Kingdom Hearts is going to be everything Xehanort hoped it to be. I'm expecting disappointment levels even greater than AnsemSoD's "BUT WHY???" Kingdom Hearts will be extremely powerful no doubt, but I honestly don't think Xehanort will be able to use it like he wants. Or that darkness can even so much touch the thing, let alone use it.

I think it's gonna end up being a "Only someone willing to take in hearts -like Kingdom Hearts itself- is worthy of even poking it, unlike Xehanort who infects everyone he touches."

I wonder why Gula thought summoning KH would make the Master return. Was it because it was SO BAD that even the Master would have to come back and fix it? Is that they knew the Master had interested in getting Kingdom Hearts? If Gula believed the latter, then I think that could add to Blaine possibly being Gula, but I'm convinced it's Luxu now
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Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
The Master explicitly forbade them from summoning Kingdom Hearts. Why? Who knows.
But it was Gula's logic that if he broke such a strict rule, the Master would have​ to show up in response.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
That would put an end to any hope of seeing the true KH in any of the games, which isn't as bad as it sounds. Following this idea, it would mean KH's visual/physical representation is impossible, we'd get to see something of a more abstract representation of a part of KH at most. Also, to reach KH, there wouldn't be a direct door or pathway or place to the true KH (at least by rational means and still respecting the regular physics of having a visible material body of sorts that isn't infinite and thus there's a place where you can directly experience it), but a transcendent experience also isn't quite covering the problem, as your own heart is simultaneously part of KH so a complete "view" doesn't come with this deal. A transcendetal experience sounds more adequate - you'd be able to, as KH1 addresses the player, look inside yourself, in a state of consciousness of being part of KH. But what use of being in multiple places simultaneously (everywhere where there's a heart after all)... Well actually...
Things get too involved in metaphysics and quatum physics somehow in my mind, I doubt the game would address such deepth to the questions regarding the true KH, as until now it's a well kept mystery despite all the misleading scenes with different KHs

Indeed, strictly spoken it would come to that since no matter what the games may eventually visually show, it will never be the whole full thing.

Anything you say here is quite on the same line as I interpret the whole thing and I am almost sure that it would fly over the heads of most of the casual gamers/fans as well as the magazine editors who more than once have already brought up the question "When will we get to see the real Kingdom Hearts?".

Of course Nomura and co. keep being the vagueness gang as usual, since the answer of "one can never see it because it has no comprehensible form in its entirety" would certainly dissatisfying and hypekilling despite being true.

well, The Master of Master did call it the book of prophecies to mislead people. Or just because outright calling it Future Diary is against copyright, eh.

What about Nobodies? Nobodies doesn't have any heart before the chance it gets . Sure, Nobodies can regrow their hearts, but what about who haven't ? Can't they summon Kingdom Hearts? I mean, the Nobodies in Re: CoM is exempt from Namine's powers because they lack hearts, so do this rule apply regarding Kingdom Hearts too?

That's indeed possible and as we see in Back Cover there are truly people stupid and unimaginative enough to follow its contents to the letter instead of thinking for themselves.
When I remember Ira babbling about events happening that aren't in the book and then not wising up that blindly following the book and the "rules" might be an invitation to disaster I'm again inclined to facepalm.
Strictly spoken Aced had the right ideas at the start, he just went about "convincing" the others in a too forceful and rash manner.

Eh, Nobodies who haven't yet regrown a heart could theoretically stand outside the true real KH and witness it, but that yet again would require for the true full KH to have any physical/visual representation in the first place.

I've come to see Kingdom Hearts like this:
Kingdom Hearts is every heart technically. It's like a spirit bomb that never explodes. It's just sitting somewhere chillaxin. Kingdom Hearts has one true key that belongs to it as well.

Because of that last point, I believe everyone and everything's heart is sorta like Kingdom Hearts to an extremely lesser degree. Every heart has a key to their heart, but not everyone is strong enough to materialize and use it. A heart can hold the heart of another (though we've only seen Sora, Xehanort, and Terra do this so far)

In the end, I don't think Kingdom Hearts is going to be everything Xehanort hoped it to be. I'm expecting disappointment levels even greater than AnsemSoD's "BUT WHY???" Kingdom Hearts will be extremely powerful no doubt, but I honestly don't think Xehanort will be able to use it like he wants. Or that darkness can even so much touch the thing, let alone use it.

I think it's gonna end up being a "Only someone willing to take in hearts -like Kingdom Hearts itself- is worthy of even poking it, unlike Xehanort who infects everyone he touches."

I wonder why Gula thought summoning KH would make the Master return. Was it because it was SO BAD that even the Master would have to come back and fix it? Is that they knew the Master had interested in getting Kingdom Hearts? If Gula believed the latter, then I think that could add to Blaine possibly being Gula, but I'm convinced it's Luxu now

Hm, I like this interpretation quite much, also since it lines up with visual cues we already got from the games themselves with the imagery of the awakening platforms as well as doors and keyholes inside them.
In DDD Riku unlocks Sora's very own sleeping Keyhole to save his heart and is then transported into the core of Sora's heart which has the imagery of Destiny Islands and where the hearts of Ventus, Roxas and Xion as well as the digital Ansem the Wise reside.

The assessment of every heart potentially having its own key lines also up with what Nomura said about the Master of Masters not necessarily "forging" the Keyblades like a physical weapon but "drawing them forth" from people's hearts and manifesting them.
Nomura also spoke once about an outer key (likely the physical representation seen in the outside world) and an inner key (the form of the blade seen only inside the heart/spirit world aka the awakening platforms) when talking about the Proto-X-blade in BBS.
The outer key which Aqua was facing looked complete, but it really wasn't as the inner key faced by Ventus looked brittle and broken due to the heart fusion not being complete.
The Proto-X-blade was thus most likely the "key" to the newly fused heart of Ventus/Vanitas while the Wayward Wind is the key for Ventus' heart alone and the Void Gear the same for Vanitas'.

This explains as well as to how Roxas could wield Oathkeeper and Oblivion in his duel with Sora in the "spirit world" aka the awakening station. One of these was the inner key of Kingdom Key (which Sora also wields in that battle, as it is confirmed Sora and Roxas can use the KK at the same time) while the other was likely the inner key of Wayward Wind.

If we go by this premise though the issue of people using a Keyblade that isn't drawn from their own heart (and thus their own "key") becomes quite intriguing.
Let's take Star Seeker as an example. It is implied that this Keyblade was originally Yen Sid's, thus it could be argued that Star Seeker is the "key" of Yen Sid's heart.
Yet Yen Sid passed this Keyblade on to Mickey, does that mean the old sorcerer has so much faith in Mickey that he entrusted him with the key to his own heart?

Not to even speak of the Kingdom Key and its hopping between wielders and how the apparent limited sentience Keyblades have plays into this.

The Master Keeper which is stated to be passed on always to the Protector of Land of Departure may even be the key of the heart of LoD, thus the Keyblade of a world rather than a person.
Heck, each world's heart in itself could be called a mini-Kingdom Hearts as when it dreams it dreams up all the citizens/hearts that are normally part of it.

Heh, about Xehanort and KH this reminds me of an assessment Xigbar makes in Days:
Xigbar said:
The gears of Xemnas' plans have begun to spin wild since the loss of half our membership at Castle Oblivion. The results are there, but can this state of affairs fairly be called a success? If Kingdom Hearts can be said to possess a mind of its own, it is surely rejecting Xemnas—no, rejecting Xehanort. Roxas left the Organization today.

Going by this and looking at how horribly Xehanort treats other hearts, even provoking the normally docile Sora into a bout of anger, I wonder if KH will not only reject Xehanort and deny him its power, but actively work against him in some form like i.e. granting a temporary power boost to Sora and his allies?

Gula actually explains it in Back Cover. He tells Ava that he indeed speculates on the Master returning because he's planning a rule transgression so immense that he cannot possibly ignore it.
I remember when I watched BC for the first time I actually had the impression at first that Gula went batshit insane and pulling a Xehanort by having a greed for KH in himself awakened, making him become the traitor (and his actions were what escalated things further, no doubt about that), but on a second observation I realized he was acting out of despair.
Having failed in his assigned role and no more time to rectify things, not to mention he mentions to Ava that he doesn't even understand half of the stuff written on the lost page, he's at a dead end and doesn't see any possible solution without the Master.

The Master explicitly forbade them from summoning Kingdom Hearts. Why? Who knows.
But it was Gula's logic that if he broke such a strict rule, the Master would have​ to show up in response.

Ava said its because no one knows what'll happen and therefore its too dangerous, but that's vague just as almost everything coming from the Master.
Yep, Gula practically was so desperate that he figured he needed to do a really drastic no-no thingy in order to draw the Master back and then seeking answers from him and trying to save the world.
It's somewhat intriguing that there's apparently a conviction that the Master somehow can return at all.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
If Brain was hypothetically Luxu or Gula, who would benefit more from being in the new Union group? I'm personally guessing Luxu because he did explicitly state to Master Ava that he would "survive beyond the Keyblade war".


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
Luxu would most certainly benefit the most. He has a task that the Master gave him, to pass along his keyblade to future pupils long into the future, something he is succeeded in since the book exists in the first place.

Trying to try Gula into this is too difficult because yes, he wanted to summon KH to make the Master come back because it was against the rules. And I suppose that is the only reason. I'm... really crossing Gula off my list. If he is still around, I don't think he's Blaine.

Hm, I like this interpretation quite much, also since it lines up with visual cues we already got from the games themselves with the imagery of the awakening platforms as well as doors and keyholes inside them.
In DDD Riku unlocks Sora's very own sleeping Keyhole to save his heart and is then transported into the core of Sora's heart which has the imagery of Destiny Islands and where the hearts of Ventus, Roxas and Xion as well as the digital Ansem the Wise reside.

The assessment of every heart potentially having its own key lines also up with what Nomura said about the Master of Masters not necessarily "forging" the Keyblades like a physical weapon but "drawing them forth" from people's hearts and manifesting them.
Nomura also spoke once about an outer key (likely the physical representation seen in the outside world) and an inner key (the form of the blade seen only inside the heart/spirit world aka the awakening platforms) when talking about the Proto-X-blade in BBS.
The outer key which Aqua was facing looked complete, but it really wasn't as the inner key faced by Ventus looked brittle and broken due to the heart fusion not being complete.
The Proto-X-blade was thus most likely the "key" to the newly fused heart of Ventus/Vanitas while the Wayward Wind is the key for Ventus' heart alone and the Void Gear the same for Vanitas'.

This explains as well as to how Roxas could wield Oathkeeper and Oblivion in his duel with Sora in the "spirit world" aka the awakening station. One of these was the inner key of Kingdom Key (which Sora also wields in that battle, as it is confirmed Sora and Roxas can use the KK at the same time) while the other was likely the inner key of Wayward Wind.

If we go by this premise though the issue of people using a Keyblade that isn't drawn from their own heart (and thus their own "key") becomes quite intriguing.
Let's take Star Seeker as an example. It is implied that this Keyblade was originally Yen Sid's, thus it could be argued that Star Seeker is the "key" of Yen Sid's heart.
Yet Yen Sid passed this Keyblade on to Mickey, does that mean the old sorcerer has so much faith in Mickey that he entrusted him with the key to his own heart?

Not to even speak of the Kingdom Key and its hopping between wielders and how the apparent limited sentience Keyblades have plays into this.

The Master Keeper which is stated to be passed on always to the Protector of Land of Departure may even be the key of the heart of LoD, thus the Keyblade of a world rather than a person.
Heck, each world's heart in itself could be called a mini-Kingdom Hearts as when it dreams it dreams up all the citizens/hearts that are normally part of it.

Heh, about Xehanort and KH this reminds me of an assessment Xigbar makes in Days:

Going by this and looking at how horribly Xehanort treats other hearts, even provoking the normally docile Sora into a bout of anger, I wonder if KH will not only reject Xehanort and deny him its power, but actively work against him in some form like i.e. granting a temporary power boost to Sora and his allies?

Well, when it comes to stuff like Starseeker and even the Kingdom Key, I think the element of keychains comes into play. You have a basic keyblade, and then you can change the appearance and abilities of that keyblade with a keychain which is formed by the memories/experience/feelings you've gained being with people or in various worlds.

When I think about he Starseeker, did Yen Sid pass the blade itself down, or did he just pass along a keychain? Isn't that blade in the possession of Sora now, or did Sora only gain a keychain that changed the shape of his blade?

When it comes to the Kingdom Key... I think it's really complicated. The blade was originally Riku's and Sora carried with him for a while and eventually made his own. Now the Kingdom Key is his default keyblade and Riku has an entirely new one. Mmm.... maybe a Keyblade is very malleable. It may have started off being Riku's blade, but the more time it spend being Sora's blade, it literally became a part of him instead. It also kept its form.

We can same the same about the Master Keeper which certainly seems to be Aqua's now. The same of No Name. The Keyblade that they no longer use becomes "dead" (like Aqua's old one) or if they lost their previous one, they can create a new one (Riku). In a way, Xehanort is trying to create a new one for Kingdom Hearts that it didn't recreate itself.

I can totally imagine a scene where Xehanort is facing off against Sora and when it comes time for KH to decide who to side with, it's made clear that it chooses Sora cause he gots all his friends on his side (some of which who have taken a vacation in their resident Sora hotel at some point), but Xehanort literally only has himself and the people he forced to be on his side.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Well, when it comes to stuff like Starseeker and even the Kingdom Key, I think the element of keychains comes into play. You have a basic keyblade, and then you can change the appearance and abilities of that keyblade with a keychain which is formed by the memories/experience/feelings you've gained being with people or in various worlds.

When I think about he Starseeker, did Yen Sid pass the blade itself down, or did he just pass along a keychain? Isn't that blade in the possession of Sora now, or did Sora only gain a keychain that changed the shape of his blade?

When it comes to the Kingdom Key... I think it's really complicated. The blade was originally Riku's and Sora carried with him for a while and eventually made his own. Now the Kingdom Key is his default keyblade and Riku has an entirely new one. Mmm.... maybe a Keyblade is very malleable. It may have started off being Riku's blade, but the more time it spend being Sora's blade, it literally became a part of him instead. It also kept its form.

We can same the same about the Master Keeper which certainly seems to be Aqua's now. The same of No Name. The Keyblade that they no longer use becomes "dead" (like Aqua's old one) or if they lost their previous one, they can create a new one (Riku). In a way, Xehanort is trying to create a new one for Kingdom Hearts that it didn't recreate itself.

I can totally imagine a scene where Xehanort is facing off against Sora and when it comes time for KH to decide who to side with, it's made clear that it chooses Sora cause he gots all his friends on his side (some of which who have taken a vacation in their resident Sora hotel at some point), but Xehanort literally only has himself and the people he forced to be on his side.

Including the Keychains is reasonable as it would bring in another parallels to hearts themselves. We know that hearts can be split, either forcefully (i.e. Ventus) or willingly (what Xehanort does with his own) so it stands to reason that any Keyblade can also have a sort of "split" or "spin-off" that manifests as a keychain which can be used to influence another blade when attached.
This would even provide an explanation as to why i.e. Tifa could hand Sora the Fenrir-Keychain.
If that Keychain is made somehow from Tifa, this would indicate that IF Tifa would ever be strong enough to awaken/manifest her own Keyblade, the default form would be Fenrir.

With Star Seeker I found it always to be tricky as we have no actual confirmation on it either way.
I always assumed that Mickey has the original passed down from Yen Sid while Sora has a keychain that gets applied to Ventus' keyblade (as it is the first "second" key Sora can use alongside Kingdom Key).
If Mickey's version however is also a Keychain it means we do not know the default form of his Keyblade yet as it can't be Kingdom Key D since he acquired that one later.

Kingdom Key itself is truly weird when one keeps in mind the whole juggling that was going on about it and then Riku's Way to the Dawn thrown into the mix as well.

With Master Keeper I'm still not ruling out that it may neither be Eraqus' nor Aqua's "personal" blade crafted/manifested from their own hearts but from the heart of a world, namely LoD, which accepted them both as their wielder.
No Name is even weirder considering it appears to originate with the MoM (and it does have his eye in it) yet he hands it over to Luxu without any fuss and it immediately accepts Luxu as its new wielder.

Now, considering that all those "special" Keyblades shown in the series are "forged" with multiple hearts I'd say all Keyblades being "made of hearts" or "coming from hearts" has even more credibility, yet there seem to be more factors involved which lead to the flexibility of them choosing and/or switching owners.
Ansem SoD tells Riku in KH I that his heart was weak and therefore he lost the Keyblade to Sora, yet if it is assumed that it was created by Riku's heart in the first place (and is literally the key to his heart) this would mean the Keyblade's will is independent enough that it can even reject the origin where it came from.

Yea, all Xehanort does throughout almost all his appearances is to trample over other hearts in his narrow-minded quest to pursue knowledge and power, I can't imagine this sitting well with an entity that is literally made up of countless other hearts.


Active member
Sep 15, 2017
Speaking about the No Name.... I was thinking a lot that it doesn't look like a pure goat- it looks like a mix of a lion and goat. According to many beliefs, lion is the patron animal for Pride (some other source may also use griffon or peacock), and there is the name "X Super" On the black box. Following the Latin Seven Deadly sins theme of the Foretellers, it is possible that the Master of Master's name is Super-based on Superbia, latin of Pride. It looks like the mix of goat, the patron animal of Lust-, and lion-the patron animal of Pride. perhaps the Master of Masters really is the same person with Luxu....

Also, Gula is the only one whose animal motif doesn't it the common animal symbolism of the seven deadly sins. Might be because neither swine nor flies are cool , but it could have another meaning...


Oct 14, 2015
Unchained X and Union X are the same thing, just different "seasons", but they are both separate from Browser X, even if much of the story is the same (up to a point).

Also the only thing that brings down this theory for me is I feel that Blaine's mannerisms just don't match Luxu's. Of course, it is still possible. Nomura has had his moments with plot twists.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2015
I'm not convinced that Kingdom Hearts in the Keyblade Graveyard really is made from the hearts of wielders (mostly because that doesn't really line up with Xemnas's, you couldn't just have a wielder steal a heart it had to be taken in/become an emblem heartless and then released from that creature), I think it's made from Lux. Gula said that you can summon kingdom hearts with Lux, but at the time he didn't have enough which is why he was going to press forward for more and thus everything escalating. Color Wise the Kingdom Hearts is the same color as the lux and the way we collect lux is nearly identical to the way we harvested hearts for Xemnas's Kingdom Hearts. It also makes more sense from a story perspective because if it's a 3rd type of kingdom hearts and wasn't just made by wielder hearts then it presumably doesn't have the power to complete incomplete people, as the journal/glossary heavily implies that each Kingdom Hearts seen possessed a different quality. The one Ansem made contained a door to the realm of darkness, which lines up with what the reports in KH1 he wrote say. The one Xemnas made in theory could create/copy hearts into incomplete people like Nobodies to turn them all into Xehanort.

I have heard an interesting theory that, that isn't even kingdom hearts but rather it's the unchained world where the dandelions are and the reason Xehanort summoned it is because his plan was to forge the X-blade then release the dandelions so that they would fight over it. Thus what Xehanort and Vanitas were talking about when they said wielders would flock. Which wouldn't be really that odd after all we were able to go inside Xemnas's Kingdom Hearts and it was a weird mirrored world of TWTNW.
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