And Artorius Rex, I absolutely agree!
I think I'm gonna go for a dancing at the ball one

Caramelldansen would be REALLY cool, but those take me...at
least seven hours to completely finish one character, so that'd be a little while xD Plus, I actually told Virg ages ago that I'd do an Olette one, which...really hasn't gotten much of anywhere
YAY, Terra/Cinderella ballroom dancing! And awww, I would've loved another Caramelldansen, but yeah,
seven hours...wow.
Hmm, yeah, that's a good point xD I guess it's just my bias speaking there. I like Aurora MUCH more than I do Snow White (I actually kinda think Snow White's an awful character...but yet, I DO respect her for being the great start of my favorite filmmakers). I see Aurora as a bit more "human", so I guess that's why I like 'em together better. But I do totally adore Ven/Snow White! That part when he helps her in the forest is SO freaking cute. While I was playing, I snarked, "Snow White's such a jerk; going for that lame Prince Charming guy after all that Ven does for her!" Plus, she was so defensive of him when the Dwarves were being cruel to Ven. Awwww...
And I like Ven/Olette, too (I'm in the process of making some fanart for it!), but Ven/Aqua will probably always be my Kingdom Hearts OTP *cough* Join the Ven/Aqua FC *cough* xD
LOL, would believe that it's the exact opposite for me? For some reason, Aurora is my least favorite of the Disney Princesses (I love 'em all), and I'm not really sure why. But I absolutely adore Snow White; she's such a sweetheart and her movie brings back a lot of great childhood memories for me. And of course, her movie was the one that started it all for Walt Disney Pictures.
But yeah, I do that too! And then I was watching the movie and I got to the part where the old hag tells Snow White the her apple is "a magic, wishing apple" that will make all your dreams come true. Then she asks if there's anyone that Snow White loves, and I was like, "VEN! Say VEN!" I'm thinking of writing a one-shot where Ven goes back to the Dwarves' cottage and discovers what happened to Snow White, and then offers to find a way to break the spell...
Besides, the Prince can sing "One Song" all he wants, but
Ven is voiced by Jesse McCartney, so he can sing "Beautiful Soul!" I rest my case.
Yay, Ven/Olette fanart!
And I don't like Aqua/Ven; I think they have too much of a big sister/little brother vibe going on.
YES! Think of the possibilites! How about...Terra with Cindy, Ven with Snow White, and Aqua with Prince Philip, too? C'mon, can't leave her out, now can we? I personally have a fondness for Aqua/Philip... Plus, there really aren't enough KH fanfics with Disney characters, so it'd be amaaaazing!
But...Aqua needs to go on her date with Zack!
Actually, I did consider Aqua/Phillip before I played her scenario, but it didn't click as strongly with me as the other two did. I think it's because with Terra/Cinderella, he's just helping her get to the ball and she hasn't met the Prince yet. With Ven/Snow White, she's only met her Prince once and he has absolutely nothing to do with what's going on between her and Ven. But with Aqua and Philip, while she might have been helping him escape Maleficent, it was to help him get back together with Aurora, and he doesn't pay too much attention to Aqua beyond, "Help me save my true love!" So it didn't click. On the other hand, I would definitely ship them in an AU, because Philip is one of my favorite Disney princes and he and Aqua make a good fighting team!
And you are so right about the lack of Disney characters in KH fanfics! It's one of the things that I don't like about KH fanfiction.
It so is. The Prince does...like, nothing xD He does more in the third movie, but still. Terra's moar perfect for her!!
The romantic chemistry that Disney couldn't get the prince to accomplish in an hour-length movie, Terra got done in
ten minutes. (Although I also liked the prince in the third movie. In fact, how 'bout the Prince gets together with Anastasia instead, and that way everyone's happy!)