Americans are hearing conflicting messages. One voice says to spend money so the economy continues to flow, while the other says to save and invest so the banks and the financial system stays alive. Though the second voice is the right one, a lot of people are listening to neither and figuratively stuffing their money under the mattress to wait for the end of the month when they have to make the minimum payments on their loans, credit cards, and mortgages.
Although I disagree with the article on one point. Capitalism is a system that encourages greed for all groups, and discourages regulation of any kind. We're not at risk of depression, we're at risk of a complete collapse of a house of cards system. In the long term a system overhaul would be a good thing, but in the short term it will cause many people to believe the sky is falling.
Anyways we obviously need to AT LEAST put regulation in place to stop banks and the Fed from doing what they did to make things worse. And also rework credit cards.