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The Confrontation between Eraqus and Terra

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New member
Jan 11, 2014
When Eraqus attempts to kill Ventus and becomes angry when Terra interferes, he is still able to wield light.

On the other hand, when Terra tries to defend his friend from being executed, he is wielding darkness.

Shouldn't Eraqus be wielding darkness too if he is acting out of anger? Perhaps I misread the scene. Did Eraqus have rage in that scene?

Obviously, it's incorrect to say that light is always good and darkness is always bad in the KH universe. Riku and Terra are counterexamples, and it was very interesting to see light wielded for a misguided/bad purpose for once.

Is this the answer? Eraqus admitted that he acted out of darkness, but he was wielding light...

I'll stop before I stop making sense.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
I don't think Eraqus acted out of rage. It was rather his thought of protecting the light (ironic, isn't it? Killing pure light to save the light...) from the possibility of the X-blade being forged.
To be honest, I find it kind of troublesome that the characters repeatedly say that darkness itself isn't evil, and then again we have Aqua who says that darkness is nothing but hate and rage.
I'm really looking forward to some explanation in the future. -_- To me, it always felt as if the darkness was more powerful, but at the same time more dangerous.


New member
Apr 25, 2015
I don't think Eraqus acted out of rage. It was rather his thought of protecting the light (ironic, isn't it? Killing pure light to save the light...) from the possibility of the X-blade being forged.
To be honest, I find it kind of troublesome that the characters repeatedly say that darkness itself isn't evil, and then again we have Aqua who says that darkness is nothing but hate and rage.
I'm really looking forward to some explanation in the future. -_- To me, it always felt as if the darkness was more powerful, but at the same time more dangerous.

I agree I think Eraqus was trying to do his job, protect the light.

From KH I learn that darkness does not mean it is necessarily evil but people in it can be, and in BBS they were learning the wrong information. From master to master they were taught that light is good and darkness is bad, and it has been their tradition, but with Sora we learn that it is wrong. Light does not mean good but darkness does not mean bad, and hopefully they state it out (which I thought they did) better (or at least teach it to TAV).

Divine Past

Bronze Member
Jun 11, 2013
Just because you wield light doesn't mean you can't use it for mischievous deeds. Roxas wields light(Pretty sure it's storyline cannon and not just a battle gimmick) but he still gets angry a lot and does stuff because of that anger. Riku wields darkness but he uses it for positive goals like protecting his friends.


Mar 9, 2008
Eraqus was misguided. In my opinion he represents what the first wielders that spawned the war was like. He wanted to protect light but did so in a very poor way and admits himself to darkness.
Had he been understanding with Terra the boy wouldn't have been as easily manipulated, had he been calm and tried to rationalize and help Ven he could've helped his students take on Xehanort, had he not forgotten that every light casts shadows he himself wouldn't have been so easily drawn into his end.

Light & dark, two sides same coin, and it's easily to flip them. If Riku can use darkness in a positive manner then this is defiantly light being used in a negative manner with misguided intentions.


New member
Sep 10, 2014
Eraqus was misguided. In my opinion he represents what the first wielders that spawned the war was like. He wanted to protect light but did so in a very poor way and admits himself to darkness.
Had he been understanding with Terra the boy wouldn't have been as easily manipulated, had he been calm and tried to rationalize and help Ven he could've helped his students take on Xehanort, had he not forgotten that every light casts shadows he himself wouldn't have been so easily drawn into his end.

Light & dark, two sides same coin, and it's easily to flip them. If Riku can use darkness in a positive manner then this is defiantly light being used in a negative manner with misguided intentions.
New villain for the next saga anyone?


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Just because you wield light doesn't mean you can't use it for mischievous deeds. Roxas wields light(Pretty sure it's storyline cannon and not just a battle gimmick) but he still gets angry a lot and does stuff because of that anger. Riku wields darkness but he uses it for positive goals like protecting his friends.

Anger is not tied solely to Darkness, but an emotion that may lead to lose yourself in Darkness if you cannot control it.
There is a difference between directed anger and mindless rage, the latter of whom may cause someone to fall into Darkness, which is why after their fight is over, Eraqus realized just what he had done and claimed his own heart to be Darkness.

Ventus himself is the best example for anger without Darkness in BBS itself (as he has no Darkness anymore since it became a being of its own): When he sees Aqua in danger because of Vanitas he gets so pissed off that he actually manages to thaw himself out of the frozen state he was in by solely using his light power.


New member
Jan 11, 2014
When Eraqus says this: "My own heart is darkness."

Did Eraqus actually corrupt his heart with darkness, or did he misunderstand the nature of light and dark in the KH universe?

To me, if he had succumbed to darkness, there would've been a sign. Yet, in battle he wields light, and even when he dies, he dissipates into light.

So basically, if you control the anger, like when Ven and Aqua were fighting Vanitas, it's not darkness? The series wasn't clear about the nature of light-anger


D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
When Eraqus says this: "My own heart is darkness."

Did Eraqus actually corrupt his heart with darkness, or did he misunderstand the nature of light and dark in the KH universe?

To me, if he had succumbed to darkness, there would've been a sign. Yet, in battle he wields light, and even when he dies, he dissipates into light.

So basically, if you control the anger, like when Ven and Aqua were fighting Vanitas, it's not darkness? The series wasn't clear about the nature of light-anger

Eraqus may not have been using the Darkness, but he technically succumbed to it regardless when he was unable to properly deal with his feelings concerning Xehanort, Ven and Terra. I doubt that he "corrupted" his heart with Darkness in the sense that he was using Dark powers or accepted it the way Riku did in Kingdom Hearts I, but rather he misunderstood the Light/Darkness dichotomy. At the very least, it is clear that he fell into Darkness in the metaphorical sense.

Anger, to me, is just something that can tie into each side of the spectrum. Terra outright lives and breathes The Power of Hate by the end of Birth by Sleep and even Sora has been shown to use the power of the Light (well, more specifically, his keyblade) out of anger.


Mar 9, 2008
Eraqus was speaking of his actions I believe. He as channeling light in the fight but the choices he made was far from positive.
Each emotion seems drawn to one of the two elements (light & dark) but they both can likely feed on any emotion given opportunity.

Divine Past

Bronze Member
Jun 11, 2013
Ops posted in wrong thread, but yes this series has tried telling us that light and darkness both have no connection of being good or bad, but it's the person intention while using those powers that matter.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I am just wondering if Eraqus had a deep hatred due to Xehanort's use of it.

Eraqus' intense disdain of Darkness (hate is a bit too strong a word I think) does not primarily stem from Xehanort per se but from his general fear of what it is capable of.
BBS already provides us glimpses that Eraqus knows more about the calamity that was the Keyblade War:
BBS said:
Eraqus: Wait, Xehanort. There is a reason the precepts bar us from such knowledge.
Why do you seek the X-blade? Would you blanket all the worlds in darkness, reduce them to nothing!?

Xehanort: But darkness did cover the world once, in legend. We know so little about the Keyblade War--only that it was just the beginning.
Amidst that crisis a precious light was found. It is a curious tale--and one worth exploring.
They say ruin brings about creation. So what, then, would another Keyblade War bring?
When the darkness falls, will we be found worthy of the precious light the legend speaks of?
I must have these answers. The X-blade needs to be forged, and with it, the door to the Keyblade War unlocked!

Eraqus: Fool... You would risk an apocalypse out of sheer curiosity? I will never allow it, Xehanort. Not while I live!

Now, with the recent information revealed in both KH x[chi] and the new KH III trailer it becomes more and more evident that Eraqus knows quite a bit about the tome of prophecies and the real danger of history repeating itself with another Keyblade War.

From this knowledge, there sprouts a big amount of fear inside Eraqus, fear that the Darkness will again swallow everything if nothing is done, especially with Xehanort apparently willing to let it happen just to satiate his own curiosity. And in that fear, Eraqus comes to the conclusion that what has to be done is striking against the Darkness with every possible power available and at every possible opportunity.

Thus, Xehanort is more of a catalysator to Eraqus' attitudes, but the origin of these attitudes lies in Eraqus' knowledge of a possible bad future.
In this vein though, Eraqus ironically seems to mirror the Foretellers from the past who went also gung-ho over the possibility of the light being defeated and each of them took to extreme measures to try and prevent it.


bronze member
Nov 2, 2011
Albuquerque, NM
Eraqus' intense disdain of Darkness (hate is a bit too strong a word I think) does not primarily stem from Xehanort per se but from his general fear of what it is capable of.
BBS already provides us glimpses that Eraqus knows more about the calamity that was the Keyblade War:

Now, with the recent information revealed in both KH x[chi] and the new KH III trailer it becomes more and more evident that Eraqus knows quite a bit about the tome of prophecies and the real danger of history repeating itself with another Keyblade War.

From this knowledge, there sprouts a big amount of fear inside Eraqus, fear that the Darkness will again swallow everything if nothing is done, especially with Xehanort apparently willing to let it happen just to satiate his own curiosity. And in that fear, Eraqus comes to the conclusion that what has to be done is striking against the Darkness with every possible power available and at every possible opportunity.

Thus, Xehanort is more of a catalysator to Eraqus' attitudes, but the origin of these attitudes lies in Eraqus' knowledge of a possible bad future.
In this vein though, Eraqus ironically seems to mirror the Foretellers from the past who went also gung-ho over the possibility of the light being defeated and each of them took to extreme measures to try and prevent it.

I don't think Eraqus noticed the calamity first hand. I think he just heard about the Keyblade War's Aftermath. But, didn't the confrontation happen due to Eraqus wanting to destroy Ventus due to Xehanort's attempts at making the X-blade?


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I don't think Eraqus noticed the calamity first hand. I think he just heard about the Keyblade War's Aftermath. But, didn't the confrontation happen due to Eraqus wanting to destroy Ventus due to Xehanort's attempts at making the X-blade?

I never said that Eraqus saw it first-hand, only that he knows more about it as was shown so far. The legend that at the end of the Keyblade War everything fell into Darkness and only some small scraps were saved by children who then rebuild the universe is widely known among informed circles, even Yen Sid knows about it.

It all still relates to Eraqus' fear nonetheless. Xehanort's attempts to make the X-blade are part of wanting to unleash another Keyblade War, and thus bring about another Apocalypse, which is most likely the core foundation of Eraqus' fears and thus the explanation for Eraqus' attitudes.
The core of the issue is that Eraqus acts primarily out of fear, not because he's "using light for evil" as some Darkness-fanboys want to paint it.


bronze member
Nov 2, 2011
Albuquerque, NM
I never said that Eraqus saw it first-hand, only that he knows more about it as was shown so far. The legend that at the end of the Keyblade War everything fell into Darkness and only some small scraps were saved by children who then rebuild the universe is widely known among informed circles, even Yen Sid knows about it.

It all still relates to Eraqus' fear nonetheless. Xehanort's attempts to make the X-blade are part of wanting to unleash another Keyblade War, and thus bring about another Apocalypse, which is most likely the core foundation of Eraqus' fears and thus the explanation for Eraqus' attitudes.
The core of the issue is that Eraqus acts primarily out of fear, not because he's "using light for evil" as some Darkness-fanboys want to paint it.

Fear can make people do stupid and regrettable stuff.

This is probably off-topic, but who were the children that saved the worlds after the Keyblade War?


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
As far as I can tell, emotions like anger and fear aren't exclusively related to Darkness. Protagonists like Sora or Roxas have gotten angry before, but that didn't result in them utilizing the Darkness to fight. In fact, Roxas was pretty furious during that fight in The World That Never Was, and that was when he was spamming those pillars of light everywhere.

Eraqus was just using his powers and his Keyblade like he always knew how. That happened to involve a ton of light-based attacks.

This is probably off-topic, but who were the children that saved the worlds after the Keyblade War?

I've heard from somewhere that it was the Princesses of Heart, but I could easily be wrong. My guess? It was just a lot of children in general. No one specific, just the next generation that went and rebuilt the worlds.


Mar 9, 2008
I dont believe the children are actually specified. All that we know is the war shattered the world, kingdom hearts was lost and the Xblade somehow destroyed.
In the wake of this the world reforms as one of several realms and countless worlds within those realms. The keyblade made to imitate the Xblade is then repurposed as a weapon of balance to keep the new world order intact so the same tragedy isn't repeated.

The origin of the 7 PoH or why theres even seven to begin with is a mystery and unexplored territory. Even the full extent of their roles and powers aren't known. So far we only know they act as the lock and key to the Door to Darkness from KH1.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I dont believe the children are actually specified. All that we know is the war shattered the world, kingdom hearts was lost and the Xblade somehow destroyed.
In the wake of this the world reforms as one of several realms and countless worlds within those realms. The keyblade made to imitate the Xblade is then repurposed as a weapon of balance to keep the new world order intact so the same tragedy isn't repeated.

The origin of the 7 PoH or why theres even seven to begin with is a mystery and unexplored territory. Even the full extent of their roles and powers aren't known. So far we only know they act as the lock and key to the Door to Darkness from KH1.

Indeed, who exactly those children were, even how many there were, is not specified at all.

Yen Sid talks about it in DDD:
Yen Sid said:
The Keyblade Wars of yore plunged the true Kingdom Hearts into darkness, and the Chi-blade was shattered.
But the light still shining in the hearts of children rebuilt the world that we know today.

Notice how Yen Sid specifies that "the light shining in the hearts of children" has nothing to do with the light parts of the shattered X-blade.

As for the seven hearts of pure light (The Princesses), we do get more information on them, including a confirmation on the often misinterpreted fact of the correlation with the seven light shards of the X-blade.
Unlike some fans claim, the seven light shards of the X-blade are NOT the seven pure hearts of the Princesses:
DDD said:
Yen Sid: And the light from the broken Chi-blade was then divided into seven, to protect the number of pure hearts in the world.

Mickey: Seven pure lights. They're...the princesses of heart.

Yen Sid: Indeed. Those seven pure hearts form the very source of all light in the world. If they are lost, the world will again give way to shadow.
Thus, even if we deliberately avoid finding our seven lights to avert another Keyblade War, Xehanort will still target the seven princesses in order to forge the Chi-blade.
In the first statement, Yen Sid explicitly states that the light part from the X-blade was divided in order to protect the number of pure hearts (the Princesses).
This plainly shows that the seven light shards (the protectors) of the X-blade are not identical with the seven pure lights.

What Yen Sid however also warns about is that the seven pure lights that are the Princesses can be used as a substitute to also fill out the formula for forging the X-blade, as the glossary tells us that:
DDD glossary said:
The letter χ can be pronounced both "key" and "kye" (leading to some confusion) and symbolizes the perfect crossing of light and darkness. The χ-blade can be forged via a high-dimensional clash between those two poles.
This tells us that the actual main condition for forging an X-blade is just to have a high-dimensional clash between equal powers of light and darkness. This is also why the clash between Ventus and Vanitas actually produced an X-blade and why Xehanort even tried out/experimented with this "shortcut".
What Xehanort didn't count on and what apparently makes a difference is that in order to reach the mentioned perfect crossing of light and darkness you need to follow a specific formula that was off with Ven and Vanitas. You can theorhetically produce an X-blade with any clash of equal darkness and light poles, but the strongest, most refined variant can only be created in one way.

Back to the Princesses though, Yen Sid's statement about "Those seven pure hearts form the very source of all light in the world" teaches us that the seven Princesses are indeed the replacement/substitute for the original/true Kingdom Hearts which was lost to the darkness after the first Keyblade War, since this original/true KH was also stated to be the source of all light in the old world:
Yen Sid said:
And as for the source of all light--the one true Kingdom Hearts--it was swallowed by the darkness, never to be seen again.
This can even be connected to the prophecy:
"on that land shall darkness prevail and light expire" is exactly what happened at the end of the great Keyblade war which caused the end of the old world. Darkness did prevail and flooded the Realm of Light, and the Light (in the form of the true KH) expired and was swallowed by the darkness.
Now, in the current world, if all seven Princesses fall, history will repeat itself as Yen Sid states: "Those seven pure hearts form the very source of all light in the world. If they are lost, the world will again give way to shadow."
In that bold part above, Yen Sid practically quotes "on that land shall darkness prevail and light expire" in his own words.
This is the great danger that hangs over everything and this is also why Yen Sid may think he can throw a wrench into the prophecy by training Kairi, one of the pure seven. Unlike in the first world, where there was only one source of all light, the current world as seven and as long as at least one of those still stands, the prophecy may be prevented from repeating.
By training Kairi, the light thus may actually endure long enough this time to allow for a different outcome than the original war had. With this bought additonal time though it would probably fall to Sora (and any allies that are still left) to find a proper solution before Kairi's strength finally wanes as well.
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