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Smoking Pot.?

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Legendary Member
Dec 17, 2003
Will you please answer my question? You jump to conclusions in every single one of your posts. >_>

The question you asked is meaningless. Do we need those? No, we don't. That's why they're luxuries, just like we eat all sorts of different meat when beef every day would suffice, or drink Hawaiian Punch when water solves thirst. So I took it upon myself to skip the question and address the point you implied in your posts: that you'd rather have personal freedom forbidden.

I laugh everytime someone thinks pot should be legalized; it fills me with such joy to know that people are not able to cope with life.

So you don't believe in personal rights, eh?


[Following my Path]
Sep 24, 2006
Square Enix
Which I answered in the post right before this one.

Allright. Now an answer to your question:

If we should take away some personal rights to take away drugs then so be it. Personal luxeries, yes, but they kill people many times. Food is something we need (Lobster is something we need; it is food, luxury or not) Cigarettes can cause people who inhale the smoke (second-hand smoking) to be killed by the other idiot's mistake of smoking. Drunken drivers can runover children because of their stupidty of getting drunk. In the basics, people who do drugs make others suffer!...Those are liberties for whoever does them, but for other peope it is a nightmare on society.


Legendary Member
Dec 17, 2003
If we should take away some personal rights to take away drugs then so be it. Personal luxeries, yes, but they kill people many times.

If they want to die by it (and mostly, they don't) that's not your choice. Many luxuries kill people, and they're legal.

Food is something we need (Lobster is something we need; it is food, luxury or not)

You would die without lobsters? If the answer is no, you don't need it.

Cigarettes can cause people who inhale the smoke (second-hand smoking) to be killed by the other idiot's mistake of smoking.

Only if he lives with him.

Drunken drivers can runover children because of their stupidty of getting drunk.

Angry drivers can do the same. Let's outlaw anger.

In the basics, people who do drugs make others suffer!...Those are liberties for whoever does them, but for other peope it is a nightmare on society.

Except not all drunks kill and not all smokers give cancer. You are talking about a select few, anf you want to outlaw things because of a minority. That's like outlawing Islam because some extremists killed people.


New member
Apr 13, 2007
It's 4/20 today, gentlemen.

:eek: by golly, you're right.

seriously, though, as much as i shouldn't say this, i'm the only one in my immediate family who hasn't smoked weed and ... well, yes, it made my sister severely stupid (i kid you not), it really isn't that horrible, as long as you don't overdo it (really, compared to other illegal drugs, pot isn't that bad).


New member
Aug 10, 2006
Yeah, my roommate that smoked every day is getting kind of dumb.

I think the coke is what finished off my other friend, though. He's basically retarded now.

The Big Lovin'

Everyone's Favorite Uncle Ji-Chan
Feb 12, 2005
Allright. Now an answer to your question:

If we should take away some personal rights to take away drugs then so be it. Personal luxeries, yes, but they kill people many times. Food is something we need (Lobster is something we need; it is food, luxury or not) Cigarettes can cause people who inhale the smoke (second-hand smoking) to be killed by the other idiot's mistake of smoking. Drunken drivers can runover children because of their stupidty of getting drunk. In the basics, people who do drugs make others suffer!...Those are liberties for whoever does them, but for other peope it is a nightmare on society.

Are you serious? Gtfo with your bull shit. If you don't want to inhale the smoke, move away. I have just as much right to stand and smoke in the spot that the person bitching about it does. There is a fine line between necessity and luxury when it comes to food. This isn't about what can happen when you smoke it. It’s about the imideate affects on the person. When someone hits somebody or does some stupid shit like that, it’s because of thier irresponsibility. If you drink until you are so messed up you can't see strait then drive, it’s not the alcohol’s fault. When someone decides to smoke 10 bowls of pot and then drive. It's not the marijuana's fault. It’s the person's fault. Don't pin the blame on the substances rather than the user. The substance plays a minor part. I also thought this was about weed? We all know second hand smoke from a CIGARETTE can affect your health. Its not the same with weed. Not even close. You aren’t going to get high off second hand smoke unless you are voluntarily willing to inhale it. It’s not going to mess up your lungs. So, I will say it again. You can’t blame it on the substance. Stop using drugs as a scapegoat for other people’s stupidity. Most of you guys sound like the same record playing over and over again. Get a new argument plz.


[Following my Path]
Sep 24, 2006
Square Enix
If they want to die by it (and mostly, they don't) that's not your choice. Many luxuries kill people, and they're legal.

You would die without lobsters? If the answer is no, you don't need it.

Only if he lives with him.

Angry drivers can do the same. Let's outlaw anger.

Lol. Too bad you can't outlaw anger, now can you? I'm trying to outlaw things that can be outlawed.
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