I mean, you are heavily underplaying the fact it was a pilot. That is exactly why it behaves the way it does and makes certain choices. It was about selling the idea of the show to Disney. Actual proper plotting and pacing would have come once staff could have been brought on board for it.I like how we're all just ignoring the fact that Maleficent straight yeeted Jafar out of a space door.
All in all, I think this would have made for a cute little TV adaptation, but I don't think it would have been a great show. First of all, it seems like the pacing of the story that they're going for here is way too sped up (and yes, I know it's just a pilot proof-of-concept, but even still, the fact that they go straight from Destiny Islands to Agrabah and have Riku's transformation happen so fast is still weird).
Second, the problem with doing a TV adaptation of a game like KH is that you have so many degrees of replication. You're already recreating the events of pre-existing Disney animated films for the game, but now you're also going to reverse translate that back into a TV adaptation of a game that adapts movies? Maybe most people wouldn't mind, but that would just feel pretty off to me.
I'm ultimately glad this didn't get made, partly because it looks kinda mediocre especially compared to other 2000's cartoon shows of the time (and yes, I'm taking into account the 0-budget pilot status of this footage). But also because, I'm glad it didn't screw up the production of the game series in any way. Having this tank would have been a major blow to the game's longevity, while having it succeed would have pressured Nomura to follow the storyline of the series more than the absolutely batshit crazy ride we've actually gotten over the years.
Really neat piece of KH history though. Glad we finally got to see it and know that it was real.
This would have never been how the actual show would have played out. And as noted by Seth himself, he was assisting other people with their own pilots unrelated to this, so he didn’t have a ton of time to work on it.
This was one dude working on a 11 min pitch for free. You’d be shocked to see some proof of concept pilots that existed back then for some of the best shows.
It’s like having no knowledge of KH at all, pointing at the weird lion boy Sora with a chainsaw and some of those weird concept worlds like vague barn world and going “probably wouldn’t make a good game.” Well, yeah. It’s proof of concept. We don’t know how it would have ACTUALLY been.
But it is all we can go off of. I don’t think we need to speak about the merits of if this particular rendition would have worked or not because we’ll never know. We can’t even speak to if this would have prematurely hurt the series or helped it. There isn’t enough info for that.
I know its an animatic but its hilarious to me how animatic Sora looks okay and animatic Riku is going to be the new fandom meme.