Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
its HB....i just spend 10 mins reading the whole topic post by post. I always thought it was HB but now i dont even think it is HB...I KNOW IT IS...i love the comparison and other facts, i thank .:KL:. and the others who see it this way.
You can tell it HB cuz when Sora arrives at Rising Falls he says the same thing. I believe he says he feels something familiar or his heart is warm or something. (srry haven't played kh since I beat a long time ago..)
Yopu should look back on the previous posta, then you'll see that i posted the slide and the current state (of Hollow Bastian) at least twice, if not once. I hate people who don't bother to read posts and just post crap from their head. Don't you agree KL??