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Quest for Release

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Charlie K

Back in Business
Aug 23, 2007
Brilliant! Just Brilliant. Final MIx + HAS to come here! It HAS to! XD It'll be soo sweet! common people, Final Mix, Final Mix, Final Mix! Yea! Errr, yes well, lets try our best...*cough cough*


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Brilliant! Just Brilliant. Final MIx + HAS to come here! It HAS to! XD It'll be soo sweet! common people, Final Mix, Final Mix, Final Mix! Yea! Errr, yes well, lets try our best...*cough cough*

It's not really a very wise idea to get your hopes up. This Quest for Release was pointless from the start, as most of the things Takushi proposed don't work at all, and I can prove it.

I respected her wishes at first, but it's been months since then; the position has changed. Point is: KH2FM will not be released outside of Japan.

Charlie K

Back in Business
Aug 23, 2007
Well, thats fine, but I'm just saying that it will be awsome if it does, but i can still hope cant i? lol


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Well, thats fine, but I'm just saying that it will be awsome if it does, but i can still hope cant i? lol

Yes, it'd certainly be nice, but if you want to waste your hope on the hopeless, suit yourself.

Charlie K

Back in Business
Aug 23, 2007
Alright, alright. I will.. most likely not, even if i get Final Mix + for here, i lost my memory card with all my info on it :( which is incredibly sucky, cuz i just got Dirge of Cerberus'!!!


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
I think it's time, once, and for all, with all due respect, to prove Takushi's reasoning is blinded by hopeless optimism. Let's do it.

The purpose of this thread is to create a base for anyone who hasn't lost hope for this game and wishes to see it North America and Europe. Any news of a release from Square Enix themselves or from employees within the company will be posted here, along with news from other sites. This is also where you can show your support and help this game get outside of Japan. Also, we're just trying to get the game here. It doesn't have to be in the fall. Just as long as it gets here, everything will be fine and LOTS of people will be happy!

A meaningless effort.

Just remember one thing: don't lose hope if you want this! Be positive, not negative, because if you're negative, you'll be hopeless, and so will others, and any chance of getting it here will be lost.

Not negative, realistic. It doesn't really matter how much hope you have, it won't make the game come here.

I also ask one thing of anyone who is negative and thinks the game won't be coming here: DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD. Yes, you want to put in your opinion, but I'd like to make this a very positive thread, which means you need to be positive to post in it.

And I respected that for a while, unlike Souten, but the position has since changed. It's been months, you can't possibly think you can make a difference now. You couldn't have from the beggining.

This is a strange thing to add in, but an important thing: who are we up against, or who do we have to show we want this game so badly? Square Enix in general, mainly in the main Japan headquarters. The NA Square company knows the demand for this game, but we have to prove how much we want it. They have to through Japan, show them how much we want this, and then there will be a decision. It's up to us to show them that we, the fans of Kingdom Hearts, want this game. After all, nothing is impossible.

Um, yeah, there are things that are phisically impossible. And you really can't make a difference, no matter how hard you try. SE won't listen to you. It doesn't care.

What can I do?
Simple! Though it will involve some copy and pasting at points, this is what you can do:
-Email: Emailing Square has shown the demand for the game the most, most likely. It's not petitions, letters, or calls, but emails that could be the key to making this whole thing work in the first place.

No, they're not. They do nada. Them sending you an automated message is as good as them not getting it, they're not even considering it.

-Petition: Finally, you can sign the main petition to get KH2FM+. This is only a small thing, though, and you can only really do this once, but it's still helpful! You can sign the petition over here!

Online petitions don't work:Urban Legends Reference Pages: Internet Petitions

A waste of time.

What else can I do?
Put links to this on your sig! Spread the word! Have patience as well! And, pleasepleasePLEASE be positive! Negativity isn't going to get FM+ here! Just remember that we're trying to get the game here, even if it's not in the fall. As long as it gets here, we'll be good!

Once again: not negative, realistic. Your hopeless optimism won't get you the game, and neither will any of the things you stated.

-At least 150k people want this game.

And you know this how? Even if it's so, that's not really enough.

-Square is also working on other games as well; KH2FM+ is NOT a priority, but it might become one because of fan demand. This game can come out at anytime and that includes Fall of this year. It's likely to come out next year as well, so keep your hopes out! There's no definite yes or no YET.

Silence speaks for itself, regardless of whether you think so or not. Companies have no obligation to tell us what they AREN'T going to do, we have to take the hint.

-When we know if we have a definite yes or no is when there is a press release or Square completely gives us a 'NO', meaning that there's no chance of it coming here. Right now, we still do have a chance, but that chance may lead us to next year sometime. Just be patient!

No, we don't. They didn't say they weren't bringing the first FM, or any other of their Director's Cut games here, if that tells you anything.

Anything else to add?
KEEP YOUR HOPES UP. That is priority! Be positive, keep your hopes up, and be very very patient. And just keep on telling them how much we want this, without spamming them!

Optimism isn't going to get you the game, I'm sorry to say. It's not coming.

Okies, welcome to the base and LET'S GET THIS GAME HERE! You can talk about anything that happens on here, though I don't think this thread will be that active. If anything happens to this, feel free to bring it back at anytime! Even if the thread's not incredibly active, this will STILL go on until we have a definite yes or no.

Oh, we don't need them to say they're NOT doing it, because companies don't do that. Their silence speaks for itself. They said nothing at E3, their last big chance to do so, so I'm assuming they have nothing to say on the matter, because it isn't happening.

And before you get started, they don't announce NA releases for games that have already been released in Japan at the TOKYO Game Show. Next E3? Way too late. They've never taken this long to announce anything.

Granted, I don't mind if I'm wrong, I want the game to come here just as much as you do, but this is really quite pointless. For now, accept it's not coming. Do keep in mind I don't mean any of you who agree with her any disrespect, but I'm just telling you all like it is. I'm not the only who's aware of these facts.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
It will eventually come out. SO STOP BEING NEGATIVE!!!

No, it won't. What would make you think that? I pretty much proved why in the post above yours. And I'm not being negative, I'm being realistic. It's not my problem, or fault, that you are overly optimistic.
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Silver Member
Mar 17, 2007
Ya HD pretty much proved why it more than likely won't come here! I really lost will to carer if does or not come out!

Charlie K

Back in Business
Aug 23, 2007
Wow, Hades, what are you, like some kinda negative/ realistic as you say, theory smashing kinda guy arnt you? lol.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Wow, Hades, what are you, like some kinda negative/ realistic as you say, theory smashing kinda guy arnt you? lol.

Well, a lot of people think so. But it's not just who's been saying that KH2FM won't be coming here, you know. A lot of people (Souten ni Zaze, TheMuffinMan, monkeybutt(both are part of the staff, by the way), OmniChaos, New2ya, among others) have been saying this for a while.

I will admit I was optimistic at first, but my thoughts have since changed.


New member
Sep 9, 2007
I really want it to come, but I'm tired of waiting and I'm going to import it.:thumbsup:


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Oh no, Saphira, it was still here, just really far back. I just hope not too many come in here thinking this will get KH2FM here...

I really want it to come, but I'm tired of waiting and I'm going to import it.:thumbsup:

You made the right choice. Make sure to get the necessary equipment, because as you might be aware, KH2FM can't normally be played on US/PAL PS2's.

kh is ba

New member
Aug 29, 2007
Sunset horizons
Its not coming and all these kind of threads should close for good. Just admit it its not coming and your just wasting your time thinking it will come so just give up and do something else but wait for fm+.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Its not coming and all these kind of threads should close for good. Just admit it its not coming and your just wasting your time thinking it will come so just give up and do something else but wait for fm+.

Those are my thoughts exactly, but you have to give Takushi Rena some credit:

This was made quite a while ago, before E3 even, so we still had a chance, however miniscule it was. Also, this thread at least tries to provide evidence for itself, reasons why KH2FM could come here, even if it completely fails at doing so.

However, things have since changed...
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