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Prophecy of the Heart

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Apr 30, 2005
Ultra-Tech Facilities
After boarding the train, the three looked out the windows to see if they could find Kyo anywhere but there was no luck at all. Once that were back at the Station Plaza the group hopped off of the train and ran outside side, splitting up to cover more ground and have a better chance at finding their friend. After a while they all met up back at their usual Hangout and all of them sighed. "Any luck yet?" Hayner asked while Pence and Olette shook their heads. "No. But.... there's still that abandoned mansion. We could always check there." Pence suggested but Olette interrupted. "It's getting late though. How about we check it out tomorrow?" she asked as Hayner just crossed his arms. "Fine. We'll check tomorrow. But we should all meet up here first before going there." he replied as Pence and Olette nodded before the three went home.

Back at Hollow Bastion, Kyo had a confused look on his face after Dawn just ran off. He scratched the back of his head and looked around the place now wondering how he was going to get back to Twilight Town. Walking over to the large door that led into the castle, Kyo pushed it open and thought that maybe he should just take a look around the place for a bit. And so he did once he had entered a room with two stair cases next to a fountain that led to to doors, one at the top and one to the side. "Looks like I got a lot of searching to do." he said to himself.

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
Dawn was just looking at the man. "Why would he attack the other person if they work together?" She thought. The man turned to face her,he held out his hand for Dawn to take it. "No." She said. "Why not?" The man asked. Dawn looked down at the ground."Because I don't want to join you." She said quietly. The man walked over to her and grabbed her by the arm,he used his other hand to make Dawn look up at him. "Let me go!!" She yelled. The other person got up and made their way over to Dawn and the man in the cloak. "Do you want her to come with us?" The person asked. The man nodded the person turned to face Dawn, The man in the black cloak stepped back. "What is going on?" She asked. They didn't answer her,the person punched her. "Wh.." She began to say but she blacked out.

Dream: She looked around her, but she couldn't see anything."Were am I?" She asked.No one answered her, she spun around to see nothing. "You aren't in the light you are in the dark you need to find your light." A voice said. She began to look around for the voice. "What do you mean?" She asked. She closed her eyes and she heard voices. "A Keyblade that unlock hearts... I wonder." Someone said. "Huh,what's going on?" She asked. She looked around her to see everthing go white. "Are you really- No. It can't be! I won't let him go!" She yelled.

Dream ends: She woke up breathing hard again. "Why are those dreams like that." She wishpered. "So you're wake." Someone said.
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Apr 30, 2005
Ultra-Tech Facilities
Before Kyo even set foot on the steps, he suddenly felt dizzy and had a feeling that someone was in trouble or atleast that's what he thought. He just shook his head and ignored the feeling, figuring that maybe he was just feeling a little sick. "I wonder what that was about. Hmm... I guess I'm just sick, that's all. Now to find a way to get out of this world and return to Twilight Town." Kyo said to himself as he looked around the room he was in, seeing that there was another floor just above him.

Walking up the small flight of stairs Kyo approached a door that had a symbol of a heart. It looked like that it need four pieces that needed to be place in the slots. He then decided to go to the other door and as he did, he walked into a large library with different colored books scattered all over the floor. "I have a lot of work to do but it'll be worth it." Kyo said to himself once again as he began to pick up the books and put them back on the shelves.


New member
Jun 24, 2006
On the stage.
OOC: I'm back and ready to post! Let's see...


"So, umm, thanks. Now then, how did I get here?"

Ryokin smiled.

"First of all, you battled some heartless, I guess. And they kinda beat you, by the looks of it," He pointed at the places he had mended her top, "Then I found you, I gave you a potion, carried you out here, gave you another potion, and now you're awake."

He stood up. Checking if there were any heartless around.
Good. He thought to himself. He looked at the girl again.

"Hey, I got ourself a ride before I went to help you. We're apparantly going to Hollow Bastion, care to go there?"

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
ooc: Dawn is happy now, thank you for posting AxelRoxas.

IC: Dawn found a portal out of the world she was in and landed in another world, she looked around."Why can't I find my way back to Hollow Bastion" She wispiered. "Hey,who are you?" Someone asked.She spun around to see three teens. "Who are you?" She asked sommoning her keyblade,the girl that was there walked up to her."Have you seen our friend Kyo?" She asked. Dawn looked at the girl."You know Kyo?" She asked.The three teens nodded. "I see you can use the same thing Kyo can?" One of the boys said."You mean this,"She said looking around her, and saw a portal she walked over to it,the three teens followed her. "Just so that you know, we're Kyo's friends." The other boy said; Dawn nodded her head and headed through the portal,she landed in the market area. "It's nice to be back in Hollow Bastion." She said quietly. "Hello Dawn." Someone said. Dawn spun around to see Maleficent, Dawn turned to run but Hook was in front of her. "What do you guys want?" She asked. "Tell us were Kyo is." Maleficent said. "I don't know!!" She snapped. Dawn turned to her left and dashed off and then turned and left the market area."If she won't tell, we'll use the heartless." Maleficent said smiling. "But she can control the heartless." Hook said.

She came to the castle gate,she was breathing hard because of the run. "Kyo, please don't be in the castle." She said quietly. A man in a black cloak was watching her,he looked down at the ground and opened a portal in front of her. "I want to go inside of the castle." She thought.She walked through the portal and found herself inside of the castle,she turned to go into the library, she looked down to see someone else enter the library she hid behind a bookshelf. "I have a lot of work to do but it'll be worth it." Someone said. She closed her eyes. "Kyo?" She thought. She opened her eyes and looked down,at the person that was in the library with her. "Kyo, get out of here!!" She said cried quietly.
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Apr 30, 2005
Ultra-Tech Facilities
Kyo had finished putting back all of the books on the shelves by the same color but then heard someone telling him to leave. This person sounded a lot like Dawn too. "Dawn? Is that-" Before he could ever finish his question he quickly turned around as he saw the bookshelf move to the side, revealing a staircase that led to the next floor. Kyo began to walk to the staircase but turned around slowly to see if anyone or maybe Dawn was following him. "I could of sworn I just heard her..." he muttered to herself until a portal opened up in front of him, a witch holding onto a rod with a green crystal at the end of it. "Ah... so you must be the one named Kyo am I right?" the witch asked with a evil grin on her face.

Summoning his Keyblade Kyo just glared at the witch. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" The witch let out a small laugh before answering. "My name is Maleficent and nevermind how I know your name. I have an offer for you." Kyo just lowered his Keyblade and walked right passed Maleficent. "Forget it." he said but then stopped dead in his tracks when she mentioned that she could help him return home to his friends. "I can take back to your home, Twilight Town, with all of your friends. Wouldn't you want that?" she asked knowing that this was something he could never deny.

"Of course. But... what do I have to do?" asked Kyo as he then dismissed his Keyblade. "Just come with me and you'll find out." she replied as she made another portal and wanted Kyo to walk into it. He began to walk towards her and the portal but then stopped as he started to think that maybe he shouldn't go with her.

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
He began to walk towards her and the portal but then stopped as he started to think that maybe he shouldn't go with her.

Dawn watched as Kyo walked over to Maleficent "Kyo don't do it" She said as she came out from behind the bookshelf she was hidden behind. Kyo spun around as Dawn said this. "Dawn." Kyo said. Kyo walked up to Dawn. "You can't go with Maleficent." She said shaking her head. A portal opened up and a man in a black cloak stepped out. "Run!" The man yelled.

Dawn grabbed Kyo's hand and ran out of the library."What is going on?" Kyo asked. Dawn just looked down at the floor."We can't stay here." She said quietly. Kyo was really confused because first Dawn says they need to stay now she's saying they need to leave."We need to hid until the people we're suppose to meet show up." She said. The man that held off Maleficent showed up. "You can use this portal to leave the castle." The man said. They ran through the portal,and ended up in Ansem's study."Is this place okay?" Kyo asked.

Dawn just nodded her head. "I come here to hid."


Apr 30, 2005
Ultra-Tech Facilities
"No!" Maleficent yelled out of frustration as she knocked the man back with her powerful magic. "The power of the Keyblade was so close but now it's gone thanks to you!" she shouted at the man wearing the black cloak. "I don't have time for this... I must find that boy!" With that, she bursted in green flames which left no trace of her at all.

Back at Ansem's Study, Kyo looked around the small room and noticed that it was a complete mess. The books on the shelves were scattered on the floor and the bookshelves themself were wrecked. The painting of a man with long, silver hair and orange eyes was knocked over a bit and had a tear across it. The desk was still in good condition but the paper work were all over the surface of it. "I wonder what could of happened here." said Kyo as he walked over at the portrait of the man. "So.... this guy, he must be Ansem right?" he asked Dawn while looking at the painting. He also had another question as he turned to look at her. "Dawn... how come you told me not to go with that lady? I mean she promised me that she could send me back to my home."

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
"So.... this guy, he must be Ansem right, Dawn... how come you told me not to go with that lady? I mean she promised me that she could send me back to my home."

Dawn looked down at the floor with each question that he asked. "Maleficent will do anything she can to get the people that she wants, she over heard that you wanted to go back to Twilight Town so she was useing that to get you to join her. And that man is not Ansem, he use to help Ansem the wise but he turned around and got rid of his teacher that man is....Xehanort, he stole everything from this world's leader who was Ansem the ture Ansem." She said. They were quiet for awhile. "How do you know this?" Kyo asked. "This world changed one year after I showed up, and I came here when I was four years old."


Apr 30, 2005
Ultra-Tech Facilities
"So... Maleficent was lying..." Kyo said softly as he then let out a sigh, leaning up against the wall and closed his eyes. He started to slide down along it until he was now sitting against the wall. "Maybe... I'll never get back to Twilight Town or ever see my friends again." he added, now upset at the thought of never returning home. He really wished he could go back to his friends just to see if they were okay and just to show them that he's okay too. But what if it took forever just to get back home? Would his friends even remember him at all? All these thoughts rushed through Kyo's head as he then burried his face in his hands, becoming very silent.

"I just want to go home..." was all he said, clearly showing Dawn that he was very upset.

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
ooc: Please play "Back at one." By Mark Wills. Here is a link for it http://youtube.com/watch?v=1TO5bjZTaQU

IC:"I just want to go home..."

Dawn walked over to Kyo and sat down next to him. "I want him to be happy, but what happens if that dream comes true?" She thought. Dawn looked over at Kyo. "I use to feel so alone, that was until Kyo came and became my friend." She thought. "Kyo, we can leave Hollow Bastion to let your friends know you are okay, then we come back is that all right." She said. Kyo didn't say anything. The man that was fighting Maleficent showed up. "You have to leave this area." The man said. "Open a portal to Twilight Town." She said, Kyo looked up at Dawn. "Why is she doing this?" Kyo thought.

They got up from where they were and ran through the portal. They showed up at the sandlot, to see Kyo's friends about to leave. "You guys!!" She yelled. The three teens turned around to run over and knock Kyo over. Dawn just stood there watching. "Kyo after awhile of us being here in Twilight Town, can we go back to Hollow Bastion?" She asked. Kyo just nodded his head. "And when you two do go, you are taking us got that." The boy with the blond hair said. Dawn just stood there with a smile on her face.
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Apr 30, 2005
Ultra-Tech Facilities
Kyo looked up at Dawn and smiled at her after his friends had playfully tackled him to the floor. They got off and allowed him to stand up. "That's really great and all but I think it's better if you three stayed here." he told Hayner, Pence, and Olette who didn't look too happy about his comment. "But we're your friends Kyo. I mean, don't you want us to be there for you?" Pence asked as Olette spoke up. "No, he's right. We're vulnerable if we happen to bump in with those weird creatures again. That's if we do go with him though so I agree with him about us staying." she told them as Hayner just crossed his arms and Pence put his hands behind his head.

"Well... I guess we should. But be back soon okay Kyo? Don't make us wait that long and have us worry about you again." Hayner said with a smirk on his face. Kyo just nodded. "Thanks... but I like you to meet my new friend." he said as he walked over to Dawn and introduced her to his friends. "Dawn, meet Hayner, Pence, and Olette." The three teens smiled and greeted her.


New member
Jan 15, 2006
Hanging from the bottom of the bottom when the bot
"Hey, I got ourself a ride before I went to help you. We're apparantly going to Hollow Bastion, care to go there?"

"Sure," she said, nodding her head. Suddenly remembering her empty medicine pouch, she added, "But give me fifteen minuets first to stock up on supplies." Not waiting for a reply, she dashed off. She knew that they could just use his, but it wouldn't be a good idea to be out of items if an emergency arose.

Twenty minuets and 5,000 munny later, she came back to the gummi docks. Feeling his look of impatience, she sputtered, "Sorry about being late; they had an Angel's Ring at the Accessory Shop that I've been trying to find for ages."

"So, you're Ryokin's friend, right?" A female crew member asked. "You're really pretty."

"Yeah, I'm his friend. You're going to Hollow Bastion, right?" Torah asked, getting excited.

"Yep, we are. Let's get going then!" The girl cried. Almost as an after thought, she tossed back over her shoulder, "You wouldn't happen to be going there on a date, would you?"

Torah's head snapped up, her eyes flashing briefly amber in shock. "What?! No, that's not...."

But then the girl laughed softy. "Relax hun, I was just joking." When she saw that Torah wasn't moving, she said, "Well? Are you coming or not?"

Torah just looked from her to Ryokin. Quietly she answered, "Yeah, I'm coming."

OOC: Next post is going to have some more stuff from the Destiny Islands. Until then, bye!


New member
Jun 24, 2006
On the stage.
"You wouldn't happen to be going there on a date, would you?"

Both the girl and Ryokin snapped their heads up.

What the--! Ryokin thought. He just met her! Well... almost just met her.

Ryokin looked at the girl. He suddenly remembered that he didn't know her name.

"Uhm... Hey, what's your name?" He said to her while walking into the Ship, following the Captain.

Ryokin didn't know what to think about the Captain. She seemed nice and all... just a little bit forward. He turned around, looking at the girl.

"Are you coming?" He said with a smile on his lips.

OOC: Me be excited about hearing more about Destiny Island^^^^^^XD

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
ooc: They need to head back now.

IC: "Dawn, meet Hayner, Pence, and Olette."

Dawn smiled warmly. "Hi." She said. "Why didn't you tell us your name before?" Hayner asked. "You met my friends before?" Kyo asked. Dawn turned to face Kyo. "Yes, and Hayner it was because you didn't tell me your names." She said. They all looked at each other for awhile. "We'll come back and talk every once in awhile." Kyo said.

Dawn and Kyo, walked through the portal and ended up at Merlin's house (ooc: For in kh2) IC: "Can we hid here?" Kyo asked. "Yes." She said. Kyo nor Dawn said anything after that.

ooc: I'll put something else up after someone else does and we might have another person joining us bye.
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Apr 30, 2005
Ultra-Tech Facilities
Kyo smiled at his friends before leaving Twilight Town and now entered a small house. Though he may look like he was happy but he was still sort of upset considering he wouldn't see his friends that often anymore but didn't show Dawn that he was upset. Looking around the inside of the house, Kyo saw a pile of books which most of them were about magic and spell. There was also a bed in the corner of the house as well as a small table as well as what looked like a computer.

The two were still quiet until Kyo walked up to Dawn. "So... you met my friends before? You don't mind me asking when and how you met them." he said, wondering how she would have met Hayner, Pence, and Olette.

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
"So... you met my friends before? You don't mind me asking when and how you met them."

Dawn turned around and looked down at the floor hiding her own sadness. "I'll tell you, but don't act like your happy." She said. "How did you know?" Kyo asked. "The tone in your voice." She said, looking up at Kyo putting on a fake smile. "I was running away from the man in the black cloak when a portal opened up in front of me, and I landed in Twilight Town, that is how I met your friends." She said. Kyo just looked at her. "Okay." Kyo said.

Dawn and Kyo just stood there for awhile not saying anything until Dawn walked over to the computer. "We'll go see them after the people we need to meet get here." She said. "Promise?" Kyo asked. "Promise."

ooc: I forgot to put it down in her template but she knows how to hid her emotions well enough you think she is happy, when she could really be sad.
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Apr 30, 2005
Ultra-Tech Facilities
Kyo began to wonder who these 'people' that Dawn mentioned were in the first place or wondered if she knew them at all. As he waited he began to look through the books, skimming through them quickly before moving on to the next book. Wow. These are some powerful magic. Whoever lives here must be strong. he thought to himself as there was burst of white smoke that came into the small house, revealing an old man wearing a light blue robe as well as a light blue hat. The old man also had white hair along with a long white beard that nearly touched the floor. Pushing his glasses up considering they were beginning to fall a bit, he looked over at Kyo and Dawn.

"Ah so you two must be the Keybearers I presume?" the old man asked as Kyo quickly summoned his Keyblade. "Easy now! I'm not an enemy! I'm the one who lives here and I can help you." the old man added which made Kyo lower his Keyblade. "Ahem... now that's out of the way, I'm Merlin." he introduced himself as Kyo looked over at Dawn. "Is... this one of the people that are supposed to meet us here?"

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
"Is... this one of the people that are supposed to meet us here?"

"No, they're coming here from another world." She said. Dawn looked over to Merlin. "Merlin, you took my friend Kyo by surprise" She said. "I'm sorry." Merlin said. Merlin looked from Kyo to Dawn "Do you..." Kyo began to say. "No, I don't know who they are, all that I know is that someone is coming here." She said.

Kyo just watched as Dawn walked over to Merlin."Of course you can do that." Merlin said. Kyo was really confused now, Dawn walked over to him and just smiled. "Come we're going to be learning magic." She said. "Okay." Kyo said. They walked over to a platform and stepped on it, then they were in a room. "This is were you work on your magic." Merlin said. "Come on Kyo."
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