The camera in the waterfall of Deep Jungle was not made for platforming. Probably the worst room in that game, and this is coming from someone who likes giant rooms.
The camera in the waterfall of Deep Jungle was not made for platforming. Probably the worst room in that game, and this is coming from someone who likes giant rooms.
A nitpick we can all agree to.
Little thing: everybody saying "thank you" or a variation of it when you heal them <3
Then almost as if out of spite BbS goes and does the OPPOSITE by having Terra react late to Xehanort destroying LoD.
*LoD falling apart*
Terra: *processing...processing...processing*...OH SHIT!
Although I find it more lulzy than anything. XD
A nitpick we can all agree to.
The HD Version of 2 has a few minor Audio issues. In a few cutscenes music dosen't play. It happend for me in The scene where right before the Twilight Thorn fight, the scene where hades talks to Pete about the Auron before they release him, and the scene with Malificent and the cornerstone. A few voice clips in battle seem to have been removed as well. Specifically Jafar's" this world is mine to command!" and the MCP Insignificent User!"
I was devastated by the lack of a proper dodge-roll in the original KHII.
Another nitpick for the HD version is that whoever translated the Limit form limits is dumb. They changed Ars Arcanum to Last Arcanum and Ragnarok to Infinity. Did they not know these were KH1 abilities? Why not just reuse the names from there?
I am still not sure why they feel the need to change names for the Western releases. Its not like one name is more "acceptable" or "easier to understand" than another. Perfect example: Aerith or Aeris....
It's worse than when in KH1 you HAD to watch the whole "It is I, Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness" scene after Riku II killed you.
Calling them dumb is going way too far imo. As far as the changes are concerned, I don't know where they got the "infinity" from but the other attacks use the original japanese names: "sonic rave" and "last arcanum". And some things are bound to change in any localization process anyways ... KH1's did this too btw ... But it's KH1 so we shouldn't complain right? #rantAnother nitpick for the HD version is that whoever translated the Limit form limits is dumb. They changed Ars Arcanum to Last Arcanum and Ragnarok to Infinity. Did they not know these were KH1 abilities? Why not just reuse the names from there?
Calling them dumb is going way too far imo. As far as the changes are concerned, I don't know where they got the "infinity" from but the other attacks use the original japanese names: "sonic rave" and "last arcanum". And some things are bound to change in any localization process anyways ... KH1's did this too btw ... But it's KH1 so we shouldn't complain right? #rant