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Nitpicks and the little things

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ass flatter than a kh2 level
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
The camera in the waterfall of Deep Jungle was not made for platforming. Probably the worst room in that game, and this is coming from someone who likes giant rooms.


Vulpes Chronicler
Aug 8, 2013
The camera in the waterfall of Deep Jungle was not made for platforming. Probably the worst room in that game, and this is coming from someone who likes giant rooms.

I've become convinced that room was meant to be seen from a fixed, side-scrolling camera at some point in development. I'm imagining it like modern-day 3D Marios, though Mario 64 may have inspired it with a not-really-fixed camera in the red coin puzzle of Rainbow Ride. It didn't work there, and over-the-shoulder doesn't work here.


New member
May 9, 2009
A nitpick we can all agree to.

Sorry to disagree with you, but I feel that qualifies as far more of an annoyance than a mere 'nitpick' Good gosh that one had me gouging at my ears every time somebody said it.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Nitpick: everybody healing me right as I am healing myself. THANKS GUYS.

Little thing: everybody saying "thank you" or a variation of it when you heal them <3


New member
Nov 6, 2012
Little thing: everybody saying "thank you" or a variation of it when you heal them <3

I...actually really like how battle quotes are dealt with in KH and Final Fantasy games lol Most of the time anyway...There are those "get up on the hydra's back" moments...


Dream eater ally.
Dec 23, 2005
The HD Version of 2 has a few minor Audio issues. In a few cutscenes music dosen't play. It happend for me in The scene where right before the Twilight Thorn fight, the scene where hades talks to Pete about the Auron before they release him, and the scene with Malificent and the cornerstone. A few voice clips in battle seem to have been removed as well. Specifically Jafar's" this world is mine to command!" and the MCP Insignificent User!"

Then almost as if out of spite BbS goes and does the OPPOSITE by having Terra react late to Xehanort destroying LoD.

*LoD falling apart*

Terra: *processing...processing...processing*...OH SHIT!

Although I find it more lulzy than anything. XD

They still react before something happens in BBS as well. The scen that comes to mind is where Aqua reacts to Hades appearing before Hades actually appears.


Mar 9, 2008
One of my other nitpicks. The way the Coliseum makes crowd sounds and the characters act like people are in the audience when no one is.


New member
Oct 13, 2013
The HD Version of 2 has a few minor Audio issues. In a few cutscenes music dosen't play. It happend for me in The scene where right before the Twilight Thorn fight, the scene where hades talks to Pete about the Auron before they release him, and the scene with Malificent and the cornerstone. A few voice clips in battle seem to have been removed as well. Specifically Jafar's" this world is mine to command!" and the MCP Insignificent User!"

Those scenes aren't supposed to have music, except the one with Auron, which had music for me. Also those voice clips aren't gone, since I just watched a Youtube video of the MCP boss where he says that.

Here's a nitpick for you: Youtube playthroughs of the games where they clearly are either playing for the first time or just suck royally. Why bother?

Forsaken Shadow

Active member
Jan 15, 2011
Los Angeles
Nitpicks for KH2, since it's the most recent game I replayed:
- The whole not being able to say the word 'photo' in Twilight Town. What was the point of that again??? There were so many other ways they could have added suspense, not that it was needed in the first place..
- The 'Nobodies don't exist because they don't have hearts' concept. Maybe we need to clarify what it means to "exist"?-_-
- This is more of a plothole than a nitpick, but I hated how they had everyone that had ties to Sora forget about him while he was asleep, yet Riku, Namine, Mickey, DiZ, Axel, etc. all remembered him perfectly well...
- I despised Aerith's KH2 voice actress, and Leon's had a bit of a nasal tone that really bothered me. The only change I was really happy with was Mae Whitman for Yuffie (go Katara!).
- All of Atlantica...the minigames weren't even fun, a better attempt at a musical minigame was the ice cream challenge in BBS where, at least, you had to press the buttons to the beat...
- How the actual story of The Little Mermaid was squished into 10 minutes of one visit
- How out of place SDG and Pete looked in Port Royal
- The pathetic imitation of Genie
- The voice acting in Pride Lands. If this world makes a return in KH3, please bring Matthew Broderick for Simba! To be fair, Pumbaa had his original voice actor and Timon's replacement did a pretty good job, but Simba, Scar and Nala made me want to skip all the cutscenes to be honest..
- The plot of the Pride Lands. It was such a bad copy-paste of the movie, it's almost reminiscent of an awful Lion King play my school put on back in 4th grade -_-

Little things, again from KH2:
- Not a very 'little' thing, but Jesse McCartney did such a fantastic job as Roxas!
- How the music for Twilight Town was different for Sora and Roxas
- Roxas' new model. His old one made it look like he had a permanent pout, I'm so glad they fixed that..
- The skateboard
- How the Seven Wonders of Twilight Town still existed in the real Twilight Town
- How the Garden of Assemblage in KH2FM is actually the 'Rising Falls' area from KH1. Made me really happy to see that again!
- Hades. Nuff said.
- All of Timeless River. I think that must have been the single most creative thing they've done with their Disney worlds so far!
- On the same note, I loved how Sora was in his KH1 outfit in Timeless River
- How Sora's Guard stance in Limit Form was the same as his KH1 stance
- All the Pride Lands' flaws aside, lion form was probably the best thing they could have done for Sora. He was also really well animated, reminded me a lot of Kovu from The Lion King 2,
- This isn't much, but in the Proof of Existence area, Zexion's name plate thing was smashed up, I hear, because they didn't have a design for his weapon yet; I thought that was quite a clever way to hide it.
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New member
Oct 13, 2013
I think it's funny how they added Chicken Little in KH2 just to promote the film's release in Japan. So they made him the first summon you get, and also the best summon in the game.

Another nitpick for the HD version is that whoever translated the Limit form limits is dumb. They changed Ars Arcanum to Last Arcanum and Ragnarok to Infinity. Did they not know these were KH1 abilities? Why not just reuse the names from there?
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Apr 12, 2006
Clarksville, TN
I am still not sure why they feel the need to change names for the Western releases. Its not like one name is more "acceptable" or "easier to understand" than another. Perfect example: Aerith or Aeris....


Vulpes Chronicler
Aug 8, 2013
Another nitpick for the HD version is that whoever translated the Limit form limits is dumb. They changed Ars Arcanum to Last Arcanum and Ragnarok to Infinity. Did they not know these were KH1 abilities? Why not just reuse the names from there?

KH2 is full of so many renames that in a weird way, this screw-up almost makes the rest of the screw-ups consistent!

I was reading something a few years back about how they must have set out some rules at SE NA on how to localize certain terms, because Final Fantasy got very consistent somewhere in the early 2000s. But they sure as hell don't have a document for KH. :S


New member
May 9, 2009
I am still not sure why they feel the need to change names for the Western releases. Its not like one name is more "acceptable" or "easier to understand" than another. Perfect example: Aerith or Aeris....

To be fair, Aeris was not an intentional change, it was a mistranslation. The original english FFVII called her Aeris because I believe there is no symbol for the 'th' sound in the Japanese alphabets, so some confusion came about as to what her name was. The mistake was eventually caught and subsequent appearances have her labelled as 'Aerith' however because most people were introduced to her as 'Aeris', it remains a popular mistranslation

Some guy

May 10, 2014
Another nitpick for the HD version is that whoever translated the Limit form limits is dumb. They changed Ars Arcanum to Last Arcanum and Ragnarok to Infinity. Did they not know these were KH1 abilities? Why not just reuse the names from there?
Calling them dumb is going way too far imo. As far as the changes are concerned, I don't know where they got the "infinity" from but the other attacks use the original japanese names: "sonic rave" and "last arcanum". And some things are bound to change in any localization process anyways ... KH1's did this too btw ... But it's KH1 so we shouldn't complain right? #rant

And yeah, the Aeris/Aerith case isn't really a good example, as it wasn't intentional (and they fixed it in all subsequent work with her). The 'th' sound doesn't have a japanese character counterpart, the closer they can get is the 'su' sound (though 'fu' would have been a better replacement in my opinion); so they actually pronounce Aerith "Earisu", and that's where the confusion came from. In the same manner, Sephiroth is pronounced "Sefirosu" by the Japanese; there was no problem here however as "Sephiroth" is actually a "thing" in many cultures ...

As for my KH2 nitpick, it would be on how absurd the i-frames are for the limits (it just breaks the game imo, but at least it's not spamable).
And "the KH2 things"
- Everything involving the journal, I love the little details so much I just have to check it after every cut-scene.
- Reaction commands.
- The growth system.
- The lion form, and how surprisingly good Pride Lands Donald is.
- Being able to talk to party members, and change them at any time.
- How op the world-specific party members are compared to Donald and Goofy.
- Sora calling Captain Jack "Captain" in gameplay to distinguish the two Jacks (though it's not the case in Japanese I think?).
That's all I can think of right now.


New member
Oct 13, 2013
Calling them dumb is going way too far imo. As far as the changes are concerned, I don't know where they got the "infinity" from but the other attacks use the original japanese names: "sonic rave" and "last arcanum". And some things are bound to change in any localization process anyways ... KH1's did this too btw ... But it's KH1 so we shouldn't complain right? #rant

They likely did that because they were translating 2.5 fresh, and didn't know they were existing abilities. "Infinity" likely came from them thinking "Ragnarok" was too dark a name.

Another KH2 nitpick: Valor form can't use magic, yet Wisdom form can still attack.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
Mirage Arena
I'll take your "looking at stuff before it happens" and raise you a "looking at the same thing as if it's a different thing while the new thing has yet to happen".

I was watching 2.5's re:Coded and there were at least five, one minute long sequences where Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy would be looking at the computer screen, one of them would gasp and tell the other to look at the screen which they are all already looking at and then the camera would show us, the audience, the screen as whatever they were looking at was just starting to happen.

Also, did anyone else notice they kept getting the same messages and treating them like new messages? Was that really happening or was it just me, 'cause I could'a swore they got two of the post-world messages twice?
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