maybe. maybe not.
Neo Nobody said:I don't want to watch them i still want it to be some sort of shock value but yet i have to see them
These past two days have been getting better and betterstratusX said:guys, maverick logged into youtube 20 mins ago.
before it said something differrent so he might be uploading the vids now, yayness
.:Roxas:. said:yay, i'm back!!
Maverick22 said:
how long till he gets home from school I just sent him the Axl vid before he left for school, so 7-9 hours form now. Depending on how far his school is, and mode of transportation.
it said that he got the game from square enix becuzz he works there so he got a hook up
Yes, he is correct. I am head of Character Design, and I occasionally help with the recording of music. And did most of the work. All profits of the game will go to me. >.> And this is all a publicity stunt to promote/hype the games release.