Derailing the topic a bit-
GameSpot Forums - Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - MacGuyvering together the unborn bits. *spoilers*
Read the first two posts. Anyone familiar with KMA should know that they're a well respected KH theorist.
Now, I've been thinking about that for a while.
did say he had to change some things regarding Sora's birth in order to make it more palatable to a Western audience. It really does make me wonder if that's all he changed. I mean, I know that "Unbirth" wasn't technically changed to "Unversed" since the translation could have gone either way, but I've always had this nagging feeling that the initial meaning
was changed, and the homonym was used as a cover up. Let's be honest, "Unbirth" and "Birth by Sleep" felt like more than a coincidence, so it was odd to see that the translation was incorrect. As KMA pointed out, the game even dealt with pre-birth matters through Sora.
And then there's the reversals. About how the Unbirth were the "opposite of life" and precursors to Heartless/Nobodies. None of that came to fruition in the game.
I think KMA's on to something. I genuinely believe that the Unversed were originally intended to be something different than the final product, and it was scrapped. But what?
I still believe they were based on emotions, given that their eyes were indicative of feelings since the first time we saw them (some of "angry" eyes, others have "sad" eyes, etc.).
Well, if the heart exists prior to the being, it's possible that the emotions exist pre-birth as well. Now
that's something the game should have delved into. Alas...