First, I know BN has ended and is old, but I thought this would be a fun rp to have... Also, just an FYI, this story does not follow the very end of BN6 (showing Lan 20 years later)...
After the defeat of the cyberbeasts Gregar and Falzar and Mr. Wily's promise to help society once more, all is at peace. Or, that it should have been. After mysteriously disappearing, Bass has once again retern. Now, his hate for humans seeming to have grown to net navis as well, Bass sets out to destroy both the net and the real world, bringing about a total crash to the planet. But first, there is one more piece he needs, Megaman.
Megaman posseses the ultimate program that Bass needs to become unstopable. Eyes set on total destruction, Bass confronts Megaman and challenges him to a fight. At first, Megaman is reluctent to fight, but due to some forceful persuasion from Bass, Megaman is forced to fight him. The fight raged on for hours, neither side showing signs of weakness. Until, Megaman slightly slumped, exahusted from the battling. Bass had found his opening and struck. Bass now used the power he had been saving for this moment, the power of Duo's subordinate, Slur, and trapped Megaman with Slur's living form of wires. Bass then absorbed Megaman and his ultimate program into him.
The last time Bass absorbed him, though, it resulted with Megaman's ultimate program overpowering Bass', resulting in a crossfusion. This time, Bass was ready. Bass installed a program into himself that he himself wrote to rewrite Megaman's Ultimate program, making it so that it would corespond with his own. Bass' program was sucessful, except the program was flawed. He does absorb the ultimate program and Megaman, but the flaw allowed for Megaman to continue to live from within Bass. Because of this, Bass somewhat develops a double personality disorder. From time to time, Megaman's voice rings thorugh Bass' head and sometimes, Megaman erupts from Bass as his second personality. Feared that it may be used against him, Bass keeps this inperfection a secret from all.
With Megaman's power, Bass begins to surely, but slowly take over the net. With every passing day, Bass began to gain followered that believed in has cuase, mainly rouge navis from the Undernet, but he gained human navi's and their operators loyalty as well. The followers soon formed an army to serve under Bass, the Forte Army. Bass and his army began capturing the net at an astounding rate, quickly conquring three fourths of it. But, to Bass' dismay, Megaman's Net Op, Lan Hikari, using a Net Navi created by Famous, began to liberate areas under Bass' control, taking back a third of the stolen net.
The inraged Bass decides not to worry about the navi, but instead, set his sights on Lan. Using the Kid Grave robot, Bass travels to the human world in search of Lan. Soon, his search comes to an end as he finds Lan walking down the street alone. Bass kidnaps Lan and demands the Net Police to surrender the net to him. They soon track Bass' location to an abandon factory and set out to save Lan. When they arrived, the machinery was active, running as it used to. The Police spots Bass and Lan on a bridge hanging over the active machines. Bass asked the Net Police if they had decided to surrender. His answer was clear when one of the police jacked his Navi into Kid Grave. Infuriated, Bass threw Lan into the active machinery below, killing him instently. Bass logged out of Kid Grave, leaving the Net Police to deal with the robotic shell.
With Bass' main resistence out of the way, he continued taking over the net. But, to his surprise, the Net Police and Net Savers pushed back with equal force, caring out their revenge for Lan. Our story begins as the split net continues it's constent tug-a-war.
1. No pping, Gming, or Flaming.
2. No Navi deleating/character killing without permission.
3. Be literate.
4. No one liners, try to post a paragraph.
5. You're allowed to have up to two characters (If your Navi has a Net Op, they count as one).
6. You are allowed to use Original or Canon characters, except for the following:
Lan (Dead, duh...)
Megaman (Inside Bass)
Slur (Absorbed by Bass)
Serenade (Allied NPC)
Famous (Allied NPC)
7. Have fun and enjoy. =P
I failed to mention that this rp has two possible endings, depending on the events that happen.
Forte Army:
The Forte Army will be made up of several NPCs that members of the army may control, but not kill. There are five NPCs that can only be controlled by myself and the Virtuoso. They are the Forte Army generals, which consist of:
Player characters:
The Virtuoso are the five strongest Navis under Bass. (If you wish to be a Virtuoso, pm me...)
1. Vampyrman
The areas of the net that has been conqured and now controlled by the Forte Army are refered to as corrputed. The following places have been confirmed to be corrupted:
Yum Land
Elec Town
End Town
Net City
I forgot to mention that corrupted area can be liberated, depending on how things tern out. On the other hand, allied areas can also be corrupted.
Navi Template:
Alliance(Allied/Forte Army):
Solo Navi/with Net Op:
Main Weapon:
Non Battle Chip Attacks:
Human Template:
(Sorry, I forgot to have the appearance for the human... So, if you would edit that in, it would be nice... Again, sorry about that... =/)
Name: Bass
Appearance: Bass
Personality: Bass appears to be a calm and mysterious navi. He acts very single minded, only going after his target and never thinking about others or the concequences of his acts to gain his power. Bass shows great distrust toward just about everyone, humans and navis alike, and when he feels betrayed or threatened he reacts with a blast of violent attacks. If anyone or anything is in his way at the time, they will be destroyed, he shows no signs of mercy towards anyone no matter how innocent they are.
Alliance: Forte Army
Solo Navi/with Net Op: Solo Navi
Main Weapon: Two arm cannons
Non Battle Chip Attacks:
Shooting Buster
Bass fires energy blast with machine gun like action. He blasts the area with about a hundred shots and the blasts homes in on your position.
Dark Arm Sword/Blade:
One of the dark abilities Bass absorbed that allows him to use it without any permanent damage to himself. When using Dark Arm Sword, Bass uses one blade to attack, while using Dark Arm Blade, he uses two.
Hell's Rolling
Bass charges dark energy into both hands and send homing wheels of darkness to whoever or whatever he wishes.
Earth Breaker
Bass gathers gathers a massive ammount of energy into his palm and releases it as a large, devistating, and earth breaking attack.
Gospel Cannon
Bass pulls his hands out from under his cloak with a large Gospel head, which releases a powerful attack.
Banishing World
Bass pulls out Gospel's head and it gathers energy inside it's mouth, then unleashes a deadly explosion of dark energy toward it's target.
Get Ability Program
This is the ability Bass was born with. He is able to take the data of any navi and use it for his own needs, this enables him to have a very wide variety of attacks and this also helps him become stronger after every battle he fights.
Dream Aura
Dream Aura is a defensive ability, he surrounds himself with a protective aura that only powerful attacks can break.
(Will post second template later)
After the defeat of the cyberbeasts Gregar and Falzar and Mr. Wily's promise to help society once more, all is at peace. Or, that it should have been. After mysteriously disappearing, Bass has once again retern. Now, his hate for humans seeming to have grown to net navis as well, Bass sets out to destroy both the net and the real world, bringing about a total crash to the planet. But first, there is one more piece he needs, Megaman.
Megaman posseses the ultimate program that Bass needs to become unstopable. Eyes set on total destruction, Bass confronts Megaman and challenges him to a fight. At first, Megaman is reluctent to fight, but due to some forceful persuasion from Bass, Megaman is forced to fight him. The fight raged on for hours, neither side showing signs of weakness. Until, Megaman slightly slumped, exahusted from the battling. Bass had found his opening and struck. Bass now used the power he had been saving for this moment, the power of Duo's subordinate, Slur, and trapped Megaman with Slur's living form of wires. Bass then absorbed Megaman and his ultimate program into him.
The last time Bass absorbed him, though, it resulted with Megaman's ultimate program overpowering Bass', resulting in a crossfusion. This time, Bass was ready. Bass installed a program into himself that he himself wrote to rewrite Megaman's Ultimate program, making it so that it would corespond with his own. Bass' program was sucessful, except the program was flawed. He does absorb the ultimate program and Megaman, but the flaw allowed for Megaman to continue to live from within Bass. Because of this, Bass somewhat develops a double personality disorder. From time to time, Megaman's voice rings thorugh Bass' head and sometimes, Megaman erupts from Bass as his second personality. Feared that it may be used against him, Bass keeps this inperfection a secret from all.
With Megaman's power, Bass begins to surely, but slowly take over the net. With every passing day, Bass began to gain followered that believed in has cuase, mainly rouge navis from the Undernet, but he gained human navi's and their operators loyalty as well. The followers soon formed an army to serve under Bass, the Forte Army. Bass and his army began capturing the net at an astounding rate, quickly conquring three fourths of it. But, to Bass' dismay, Megaman's Net Op, Lan Hikari, using a Net Navi created by Famous, began to liberate areas under Bass' control, taking back a third of the stolen net.
The inraged Bass decides not to worry about the navi, but instead, set his sights on Lan. Using the Kid Grave robot, Bass travels to the human world in search of Lan. Soon, his search comes to an end as he finds Lan walking down the street alone. Bass kidnaps Lan and demands the Net Police to surrender the net to him. They soon track Bass' location to an abandon factory and set out to save Lan. When they arrived, the machinery was active, running as it used to. The Police spots Bass and Lan on a bridge hanging over the active machines. Bass asked the Net Police if they had decided to surrender. His answer was clear when one of the police jacked his Navi into Kid Grave. Infuriated, Bass threw Lan into the active machinery below, killing him instently. Bass logged out of Kid Grave, leaving the Net Police to deal with the robotic shell.
With Bass' main resistence out of the way, he continued taking over the net. But, to his surprise, the Net Police and Net Savers pushed back with equal force, caring out their revenge for Lan. Our story begins as the split net continues it's constent tug-a-war.
1. No pping, Gming, or Flaming.
2. No Navi deleating/character killing without permission.
3. Be literate.
4. No one liners, try to post a paragraph.
5. You're allowed to have up to two characters (If your Navi has a Net Op, they count as one).
6. You are allowed to use Original or Canon characters, except for the following:
Lan (Dead, duh...)
Megaman (Inside Bass)
Slur (Absorbed by Bass)
Serenade (Allied NPC)
Famous (Allied NPC)
7. Have fun and enjoy. =P
I failed to mention that this rp has two possible endings, depending on the events that happen.
Forte Army:
The Forte Army will be made up of several NPCs that members of the army may control, but not kill. There are five NPCs that can only be controlled by myself and the Virtuoso. They are the Forte Army generals, which consist of:
Player characters:
The Virtuoso are the five strongest Navis under Bass. (If you wish to be a Virtuoso, pm me...)
1. Vampyrman
The areas of the net that has been conqured and now controlled by the Forte Army are refered to as corrputed. The following places have been confirmed to be corrupted:
Yum Land
Elec Town
End Town
Net City
I forgot to mention that corrupted area can be liberated, depending on how things tern out. On the other hand, allied areas can also be corrupted.
Navi Template:
Alliance(Allied/Forte Army):
Solo Navi/with Net Op:
Main Weapon:
Non Battle Chip Attacks:
Human Template:
(Sorry, I forgot to have the appearance for the human... So, if you would edit that in, it would be nice... Again, sorry about that... =/)
Name: Bass
Appearance: Bass
Personality: Bass appears to be a calm and mysterious navi. He acts very single minded, only going after his target and never thinking about others or the concequences of his acts to gain his power. Bass shows great distrust toward just about everyone, humans and navis alike, and when he feels betrayed or threatened he reacts with a blast of violent attacks. If anyone or anything is in his way at the time, they will be destroyed, he shows no signs of mercy towards anyone no matter how innocent they are.
Alliance: Forte Army
Solo Navi/with Net Op: Solo Navi
Main Weapon: Two arm cannons
Non Battle Chip Attacks:
Shooting Buster
Bass fires energy blast with machine gun like action. He blasts the area with about a hundred shots and the blasts homes in on your position.
Dark Arm Sword/Blade:
One of the dark abilities Bass absorbed that allows him to use it without any permanent damage to himself. When using Dark Arm Sword, Bass uses one blade to attack, while using Dark Arm Blade, he uses two.
Hell's Rolling
Bass charges dark energy into both hands and send homing wheels of darkness to whoever or whatever he wishes.
Earth Breaker
Bass gathers gathers a massive ammount of energy into his palm and releases it as a large, devistating, and earth breaking attack.
Gospel Cannon
Bass pulls his hands out from under his cloak with a large Gospel head, which releases a powerful attack.
Banishing World
Bass pulls out Gospel's head and it gathers energy inside it's mouth, then unleashes a deadly explosion of dark energy toward it's target.
Get Ability Program
This is the ability Bass was born with. He is able to take the data of any navi and use it for his own needs, this enables him to have a very wide variety of attacks and this also helps him become stronger after every battle he fights.
Dream Aura
Dream Aura is a defensive ability, he surrounds himself with a protective aura that only powerful attacks can break.
(Will post second template later)
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