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Megaman Battle Network: Total Crash



The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
First, I know BN has ended and is old, but I thought this would be a fun rp to have... Also, just an FYI, this story does not follow the very end of BN6 (showing Lan 20 years later)...

After the defeat of the cyberbeasts Gregar and Falzar and Mr. Wily's promise to help society once more, all is at peace. Or, that it should have been. After mysteriously disappearing, Bass has once again retern. Now, his hate for humans seeming to have grown to net navis as well, Bass sets out to destroy both the net and the real world, bringing about a total crash to the planet. But first, there is one more piece he needs, Megaman.

Megaman posseses the ultimate program that Bass needs to become unstopable. Eyes set on total destruction, Bass confronts Megaman and challenges him to a fight. At first, Megaman is reluctent to fight, but due to some forceful persuasion from Bass, Megaman is forced to fight him. The fight raged on for hours, neither side showing signs of weakness. Until, Megaman slightly slumped, exahusted from the battling. Bass had found his opening and struck. Bass now used the power he had been saving for this moment, the power of Duo's subordinate, Slur, and trapped Megaman with Slur's living form of wires. Bass then absorbed Megaman and his ultimate program into him.

The last time Bass absorbed him, though, it resulted with Megaman's ultimate program overpowering Bass', resulting in a crossfusion. This time, Bass was ready. Bass installed a program into himself that he himself wrote to rewrite Megaman's Ultimate program, making it so that it would corespond with his own. Bass' program was sucessful, except the program was flawed. He does absorb the ultimate program and Megaman, but the flaw allowed for Megaman to continue to live from within Bass. Because of this, Bass somewhat develops a double personality disorder. From time to time, Megaman's voice rings thorugh Bass' head and sometimes, Megaman erupts from Bass as his second personality. Feared that it may be used against him, Bass keeps this inperfection a secret from all.

With Megaman's power, Bass begins to surely, but slowly take over the net. With every passing day, Bass began to gain followered that believed in has cuase, mainly rouge navis from the Undernet, but he gained human navi's and their operators loyalty as well. The followers soon formed an army to serve under Bass, the Forte Army. Bass and his army began capturing the net at an astounding rate, quickly conquring three fourths of it. But, to Bass' dismay, Megaman's Net Op, Lan Hikari, using a Net Navi created by Famous, began to liberate areas under Bass' control, taking back a third of the stolen net.

The inraged Bass decides not to worry about the navi, but instead, set his sights on Lan. Using the Kid Grave robot, Bass travels to the human world in search of Lan. Soon, his search comes to an end as he finds Lan walking down the street alone. Bass kidnaps Lan and demands the Net Police to surrender the net to him. They soon track Bass' location to an abandon factory and set out to save Lan. When they arrived, the machinery was active, running as it used to. The Police spots Bass and Lan on a bridge hanging over the active machines. Bass asked the Net Police if they had decided to surrender. His answer was clear when one of the police jacked his Navi into Kid Grave. Infuriated, Bass threw Lan into the active machinery below, killing him instently. Bass logged out of Kid Grave, leaving the Net Police to deal with the robotic shell.

With Bass' main resistence out of the way, he continued taking over the net. But, to his surprise, the Net Police and Net Savers pushed back with equal force, caring out their revenge for Lan. Our story begins as the split net continues it's constent tug-a-war.

1. No pping, Gming, or Flaming.
2. No Navi deleating/character killing without permission.
3. Be literate.
4. No one liners, try to post a paragraph.
5. You're allowed to have up to two characters (If your Navi has a Net Op, they count as one).
6. You are allowed to use Original or Canon characters, except for the following:
Lan (Dead, duh...)
Megaman (Inside Bass)
Slur (Absorbed by Bass)
Serenade (Allied NPC)
Famous (Allied NPC)
7. Have fun and enjoy. =P

I failed to mention that this rp has two possible endings, depending on the events that happen.

Forte Army:

The Forte Army will be made up of several NPCs that members of the army may control, but not kill. There are five NPCs that can only be controlled by myself and the Virtuoso. They are the Forte Army generals, which consist of:

Player characters:

The Virtuoso are the five strongest Navis under Bass. (If you wish to be a Virtuoso, pm me...)
1. Vampyrman

The areas of the net that has been conqured and now controlled by the Forte Army are refered to as corrputed. The following places have been confirmed to be corrupted:
Yum Land
Elec Town
End Town
Net City
I forgot to mention that corrupted area can be liberated, depending on how things tern out. On the other hand, allied areas can also be corrupted.

Navi Template:
Alliance(Allied/Forte Army):
Solo Navi/with Net Op:
Main Weapon:
Non Battle Chip Attacks:

Human Template:

(Sorry, I forgot to have the appearance for the human... So, if you would edit that in, it would be nice... Again, sorry about that... =/)

Name: Bass

Appearance: Bass

Personality: Bass appears to be a calm and mysterious navi. He acts very single minded, only going after his target and never thinking about others or the concequences of his acts to gain his power. Bass shows great distrust toward just about everyone, humans and navis alike, and when he feels betrayed or threatened he reacts with a blast of violent attacks. If anyone or anything is in his way at the time, they will be destroyed, he shows no signs of mercy towards anyone no matter how innocent they are.

Alliance: Forte Army

Solo Navi/with Net Op: Solo Navi

Main Weapon: Two arm cannons

Non Battle Chip Attacks:
Shooting Buster
Bass fires energy blast with machine gun like action. He blasts the area with about a hundred shots and the blasts homes in on your position.

Dark Arm Sword/Blade:
One of the dark abilities Bass absorbed that allows him to use it without any permanent damage to himself. When using Dark Arm Sword, Bass uses one blade to attack, while using Dark Arm Blade, he uses two.

Hell's Rolling
Bass charges dark energy into both hands and send homing wheels of darkness to whoever or whatever he wishes.

Earth Breaker
Bass gathers gathers a massive ammount of energy into his palm and releases it as a large, devistating, and earth breaking attack.

Gospel Cannon
Bass pulls his hands out from under his cloak with a large Gospel head, which releases a powerful attack.

Banishing World
Bass pulls out Gospel's head and it gathers energy inside it's mouth, then unleashes a deadly explosion of dark energy toward it's target.

Get Ability Program
This is the ability Bass was born with. He is able to take the data of any navi and use it for his own needs, this enables him to have a very wide variety of attacks and this also helps him become stronger after every battle he fights.

Dream Aura
Dream Aura is a defensive ability, he surrounds himself with a protective aura that only powerful attacks can break.

(Will post second template later)
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cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Navi Template:

Name: Paladinman

Appearance: Sleek, hard black and silver armor, with a face hidden by a knight helmet-like visor. Wears a dark grey cape.

Personality: Paladinman is a calm, patient, tolerant navi who acts as a father/older brother figure to his operator Dai. He is chivalrous, but not as much as one would expect from a typical paladin. In battle, Paladinman fights fairly (even if the opponent won't) and according to a strong sense of honor and pride that governs his life. He lets no debt go unpaid, no promise left unkept. Due to his operator's nature, friends are not something he is used to, and hence he tries to keep them with them. Though he is capable of long range combat when needed, he is not particularly good at it and this can be become a great debility.

Alliance(Allied/Forte Army): Allied

Solo Navi/with Net Op: Net Op

Main Weapon: Paladin Sword

Non Battle Chip Attacks:

Paladin Blade

A shining, silver saber that was programmed as Paladinman's supreme weapon.

Paladin Shield

Not really an attack, more of a defense. Paladinman is capable of producing a shield in one of his arms when needed. The shield can take a fair bit of abuse, can be thrown like a boomerang, and can be dematerialized and rematerialized at any time he desires, but if it is broken, this leaves Paladinman considerably weakened and quite vulnerable.

Paladin Beam

Paladinman is capable of shooting beams from his sword much like a buster gun. It takes a bit of time before he is able to shoot another, so this attack cannot be used to rapid fire effectively, and he must be conservative with his shots.

Paladin Wave

Swinging the Paladin Blade, it creates crescent waves that spread out. Not a particularly strong attack, but useful for sweeping up enemies.

Paladin Seal

Paladinman's desperation attack. Thrusting the Paladin Sword into the ground, he concentrates all of his energy and fires it into the ground, creating a seal that traps the enemy within. The seal progresses to drain the energy of all those inside it, including Paladinman. He is extremely vulnerable after this attack, so it is vital that he be jacked out immediately afterwards, or be protected by someone else.


Sword Mastery

All manner of sword battlechips are given considerably more power when used by him. Also, sword chips are not as strong when used against him.


Human template:

Name: Dai Yami

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Dai likes to keep to himself most of the time, and is not keen on trusting people he hasn't known for long periods of time. Those who he grows to trust, however, he values greatly. He tends to bottle up feelings for long periods of time, and tends to let them out at inconvenient times. He is pessimistic, generally assuming the worst and preparing for it accordingly. He usually knows better than to let himself be tricked/dared into something stupid, but he is capable of letting his emotions govern his behavior. He enjoys netbattling, going for long walks with only his PET with him, sleeping in, instant noodles right out of the cup, among other things.

Bio: Dai was born to a history teacher and a promising scientist. The family made a fairly decent income, so money and any extension of it never became a problem. As a child, Dai already exhibited traces of unsocial behavior, playing by himself and working in groups only when absolutely necessary. Because of this, his father decided that he needed a friend, and resolved to make a netnavi for the boy.

Knowing that the boy had inherited a fondness for medieval times, which was inherited through his mother, he created a knight-like navi, who he christened Paladinman. The boy was unwiling to trust the navi much at first(treating him much like he would a tool), but gradually warmed up to him, the two becoming inseparable friends. In his seventeenth year, he and his parents went inhiding to escape the threat of Bass and his Forte Army. Dai eventually felt the urge to do something about the situation, and went on his own secretly to fight the Forte Army.
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The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
(Second template)

Navi Template:

Name: Epsilon

Appearance: Epsilon

Personality: Epsilon is a cold, military type Navi. Due to his past, he isn't very friendly and has a hard time being friends. Though he knows there are warm hearted people in the world, like his Net Op, but has a hard time trusting them. Because of his miliatry like nature, Epsilon sticks with any goals he set and will not back down from anything. Though he isn't friendly, he is extreamly loyal and his military like actions makes him an irreplacable ally.

Alliance(Allied/Forte Army): Allied

Solo Navi/with Net Op: Net Op

Main Weapon: Canon Arm

Non Battle Chip Attacks:

Delta Buster
Large, slow blasts erupt from Epsilon's canon arm. What they lack in speed and numbers, they make up in power.

Force Sword
The energy within Epsilon erupts from his hand, taking the form of a crystal, flaming sword.

Gamma Blaster
Espilon's canon arm extends and grows into a rocket lancher. The energy from within Epsilon fires out an extreamly large blasts.

Epsilon's greatest attack. A bright yellow line of energy shoots out from his hand and drags his target toward him. He then quickly turns around and hits the target with a devistating blow caused by a power eruption from his back. The move extreamly drains Epsilon, but deals insane ammount of damage to the target.

Omega Force
Epsilon releases the bonding placed on his shoulder (the things that stick out) and momentarilly doubles him in all form and fasion. Strength, Defence, Speed, ect. This move is extreamly dangerous for Epsilon, as it completely drains Espilon and leaves him completely defenceless afterward.

Human template:

Name: Dante Nero

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dante

Personality: Opposing his Navi's personality, Dante is really friendly and is quick to make them. Though he may be friendly, does not make him unaware of certain things. When calm and focused, Dante notices many things that he wouldn't when he is goofing off. One of Dante's flaws, however, is that he is too trusting and sometimes finds himself in tight situations. But, unaware to most people, lie Dante's hidden feelings. His internal struggle over the loss of both of his parents, ripping him mentally apart. He tries his best to keep those emotions hidden, bit he will not be able to do so forever.

Bio: Dante was brought into this world by a top Net Police Officer and a Sci Lab scientist. Though he was alon most of the time, Dante did not become antisocial. On the contrary, he seem to have wanted friends more. At a young age, Dante was a happy, normal child. Well, he was until he and his mother recieved news that his father had been killed in a net related crime. The news split Dante in two, one half his normal, happy personality while the other a tormented, heart broken personality. Even through the tragic event, Dante was able to hold on to his optimistic attitude, though it was salted with revenge now.

The years passed as Dante was one day away from his 18th birthday. Except, his life was shattered that day. That day, Netopia was attacked and corrupted by the Forte Army. Machines and electronics began going haywire, attacking the residents of the city. Unfortunately, Dante's mom was one of the few unlucky ones that were killed during this event. The net police soon arrived and rescued the citizens, taking them to a clean zone.

While Dante was in the clean zone, he fell into a deep depression, simply staring at a blank screen on his P.E.T. His Navi was corrupted by a Dark Chip disguised as a regular chip a year before and his mother had promised to have him a new Navi made by his next birthday. Yet, as the blank screen so harshly displied, the promise was not kept. He began to cry as his past memories began to flood through his mind. After a few minutes, a low, dark voice asked him what was wrong. Dante, thinking it was a person, looked up to see them, but found no one. His eyes eventually locked onto a dark, cloaked Navi staring back at him from his P.E.T. The Navi introduced himself as Epsilon and told Dante that he is a Solo Navi seeking a human to be his Net Op. At first, Dante refused, but he quickly took it back, telling Epsilon that he would be glad to be his operator.

Since then, Epsilon had guided Dante. His strict military attitude ripped Dante out of his depression and back into real life. Epsilon is probablly the only reaon why Dante didn't give up. Epsilon's past is mysterious and dark, keeping it secret from even Dante. Whatever it may be, Epsilon has already sworn to protect Dante from any harm and promised Dante that he would not leave him. Dante, now completely better, plans to fight Bass and his dreaded Forte Army with every drop of his remaining life.
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number one fan of teresa giudice
May 17, 2006
Name: Vampyrman(not a spelling mistake)
Appearance: Same as Shademan, but with inverted colors.
Personality: Purely sadistic, enjoys watching NetNavis suffer, usually leaves his comrades to die when it's a choice of their lives or his.
Alliance(Allied/Forte Army): Forte Army
Solo Navi/with Net Op: Solo Navi
Main Weapon: His teeth and wings
Non Battle Chip Attacks:
Sonic Blast: Gathers sound energy to release a shockwave to destroy his enemies.
Energy Drain: Bites NetNavis and absorbs their energy into himself.
Clone: Uses illusions to create clones of himself.
Hypnosis: Temporarily gives him ability to use an enemy NetNavi as a brainwashed puppet.
Extra: Vampyrman was created as a tool to fight Bass, but similarly defected and later joined with Bass to terrorize the Net.


New member
Aug 19, 2006
Navi Template:

Name: Sakura

Appearance: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/xjen16xx/foto6.jpg

Has a similar image to Roll, only that her outfit is light blue and she has long, black hair that's not tied back and also has blue wings

Personality: Sakura's personality is very similar to Faith's personality. She is friendly towards everyone, but she is shy. She enjoys meeting new people and making new friends. Sakura is always willing to help those in need and is willing to help those who are hurt, whether they are a friend or an enemy. She's pretty open-minded and tries not to keep secrets from others.

Alliance(Allied/Forte Army): Allied

Solo Navi/with Net Op: With Net Op

Main Weapon: Bow and Arrow

Non Battle Chip Attacks:
Blue Arrows: Sakura is able to shoot more than one arrow towards an enemy
Wave Sword: Sakura's bow and arrow turns into a sword of a water element
Blue Shield: It creates a blue aura around Sakura, protecting her from any harm
Elemental Arrows: Sakura is able to shoot arrows of different elements


Human Template:

Name: Fayte

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/xjen16xx/normal_1128034502_eanimegirl-1.jpg

Personality: Faith is a quiet person at first but once she gets comfortable around her surrounding, her shyness disappears. She is usually the type of person to place others before herself. She also tries to help the weak and the poor no matter what their situation is. Faith is pretty friendly around others and likes to cheer those who are down.

Bio: Faith was born into a happy family until her family went through an attack. Ever since the attack, she was separated from her family and had to live with her grandparents. Her grandparents told her what happened and why everything happened the way it did. When she turned 7 years old, she received a PET by her grandfather and that's when she met Sakura. Everyday, Sakura and her trained themselves harder and harder to become stronger so that she wouldn't die like her family did back then.

When she turned 17, she left her grandparents' place and went on a journey. Before she left for her journey, Faith was told by her grandfather who was responsible for the death of her family. She wanted to get back at Bass and his Forte Army. During her journey, she hopes to meet people who were in a similar situation as hers. Faith told herself that she would help those in need because she knows how it feels to loose someone close.
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New member
Dec 3, 2007
Name: Hel
Appearance: She appears to look like a albino woman (Although digital) who dresses in skimpy robes and has the Hydra Lance on her back at all times. Her eyes are a shade of light orange and her hair is remarkably a shade of teal.
Personality: Cruel, blood thirsty and
Alliance: She is partnered with another Net navi.
Solo Navi/with Net Op: Solo
Main Weapon: The Hydra lance, A spear which has blade/point that explodes into nine knives guided to the spear with chains made of energy.
Non Battle Chip Attacks:

Iron maiden, a attack where her a coffin closes on her body and then is thrown off her to the front.
Jormundgar, a attack where her lance is thrown in the air splitting into a million shards of energy that rain down upon her foes before coming a lance again.
Midgard, her strongest non chip attack It is where her spear turns to ash that blows upon programs and viruses turning them to stone on contact. (It damages navi's)

Extra: Some of Falzar's data was inscripted in her code and she thus has some of its programs.

I'll Make her partner tomorrow morning.
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KKL & Don't You Forget It
Nov 6, 2007
I have no idea XD
All right megaman rp i am so in if aloud how many chs can we have

navie template
Name: Gyroman
Appearance: same as from team protoman5
Personality: Quick talker funny and head storng
Alliance(Allied/Forte Army): Alliance
Solo Navi/with Net Op: Solo Navi
Main Weapon: tornado blaster
Non Battle Chip Attacks:
with the propaler on his back he make a wind sucktsion which pull his enemys to him

Helicopter transformation bomb drop:
Transforminf he flys and drops bombs on his opponet from above

Extra: he always have the battle chip fusion life sword ready for emerginces he fight even harder every since charly died gettiing secret info

Endless Warrior Sora

Return of the Kid
May 9, 2005
Somewhere in between
You would kill Lan, Omni....

Navi Template

Name: Megaman Zero
Appearance: http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii234/EternalSora/zero22xx.jpg

Very good hearted and optimistic. He cna become determined and will always help someone in need, the personality of a true hero.
Alliance: (Allied/Forte Army): Allied
Solo Navi/ Net op: Net Operater
Main weapon: Zero Buster
Non Battle Chip Attacks

Zero Saber

Human Template

Name: Kiske Uchiyame
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Personality: (Like Megaman Zero's)
Bio: (Will edit)


New member
Apr 10, 2007
Taking Pictures of Aqua's magical child-bearing hi
Navi Template:
Name: Diaman

Appearance: Diaman

Personality: Very cocky and witty, can often be sartcastic but has a brave heart.

Alliance: Allied:

Solo Navi/ Net op: Net Operater

Main Weapon: A large sword made of precious crytals that can change shape a will.

Non Battle Chip Attacks:

Diamond Sheild- Forms a protective barrier from diamonds.

Crystal Blaster- His sword changes shape and turns into a blaster sending out data seeking rays

Rouges's Soul- His sword changes and turns into 2 light daggers allowing fast attacks.

Diamond Dust- Covers feild with ice holding all oppoments in place, the ice shatters and stabs the target.

Human Template:
Name: Angelo Hirionwa

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Personality: The complete opisite to his navi, Angelo is a calm, quiet kid who will do anything for the greater good.

Bio: As a child growing up was hard with no father, and his mother was away all the time, so his mother bought him a navi on his 5th birthday to keep him company. Diaman served as a father figure for Angelo, noticing the chaos in the net world Angelo and Diaman searched for anyone to help them find the infamous "Bass". Diaman cheers up Angelo when he's feeling down, Angelo and Diaman joined the net police but kept thier identities secret, incase Bass or some other Forte member came after Angelo.

Appearnce: Angelo


New member
Apr 4, 2007
The World That Never Was.
Navi Template:

Name: Zel.exe

Appearance: Shaman King 212 page 11 | One Manga
Is an Angel Navi

Personality: Very loyal to his Net op, Victor. He listens to Victor without hesitation.

Alliance(Allied/Forte Army): Neither

Solo Navi/with Net Op: Net Op

Main Weapon: Angelic Blade

Non Battle Chip Attacks:

Saint's Light : Column of light that strikes the ground in an instand that'll burn any enemy

Justice Cannon: A cannon that fires holy blasts. If fired rapidily, it isn't as strong, but if it's charged up, it can be devastating.

Shield of God: A Shield from Holy Energy that can be defended form most attacks

-thinking of more... lol


Human Template:

Name: Victor

Age: 14

Gender: Male


Personality: Most of the time easy going, but serious too. Doesn't really talk a lot and gets irratated a lot.

Bio: Thinking of one.
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number one fan of teresa giudice
May 17, 2006
K, this is Vampyrman's soon to be NetOp:

Name: Theodore "Theo/Ted" Suna
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: Jet black hair, 5'10''
Personality: Outgoing, but very nervous and somewhat secretive
Bio: Ted was a straight A student at ACDC Middle before he was met Vampyrman. After being hypnotized into making him his Navi, Ted starts becoming evil of his own accord.

New character:

Navi Template:
Name: Angelman
Appearance: Tall, with a white cloak with matching white boots and white wings!
Personality: (Think Protoman, sort of)
Alliance(Allied/Forte Army): Allied
Solo Navi/with Net Op: NetOp
Main Weapon: Wings, Bow and Arrow
Non Battle Chip Attacks:
Angelic Wind
Flaps his wings to create gusts of wind

Angelic Arrow
Charges his bow to deliver an arrow to the enemy
Extra: Created to fight the Viruoso

Human Template:
Name: Kari Miyamoto
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Blonde hair, brown eyes, 5'
Personality: Very secretive, likes to work behind the scenes
Bio: Classified due to employment by the NetPolice
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New member
Sep 12, 2020
Navi Template
Appearance:A Red Armor Identical To MetalMan.EXE but Golden Helmet with a Lighting Shaped pattern in the upper of his helmet Two Gauntlets with Lightning Shooters the Lightning Emblem in the hatch of his middle armor and the supporting unit in his backside he also likes collecting battle chips and eating cyber burgers or Lightning Monakas
Personality:Cool, Strong but Friendly and brave when needed to
Alliance(Allied/Forte Army):Allied
Solo Navi/with Net Op:he is a Stray Navi but then he runned from Forte’s Army and then he jumped the ledge while cornered by them so that’s how i met him
Main Weapon:Lightning Blasters - 30 Damage to 60 Damage - He turns out his Medium Lightning Shooters into Lighting Blasters
Non Battle Chip Attacks: Lightning Spreader - it deals ???? damage so it might be at an absolutely Damaging Rate - Giga Lightning Spreader - if the normal one wasn’t enough to kill or absorb Bass then imagine what this is capable of
Extra:He features a lot of hidden techniques which could be used for good or evil sides One of them is the Lightning In Force which he absorb evil navis with it so it is good
Human Template
Name: Diego Hikari
(Edit)Appearance: He doesn't have a helmet but have a similar characteristic to Acura Kamizono from Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX which his eyes are brightly red and is the same as camera eyes since he uses it to locate enemies and stop them before they escape away
Personality:Brave, Cool, And Friendly, But Serious when something is really Chaotic
Bio:He Likes Burgers, Cooking, Gaming, And sometimes he search around the network which it is his own homemade work now after he disbanded himself from the DiegoTech which was a anti-cyber criminals organization but now it hunts out netsavers so he decided to retire from there
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