quickman looked down at all the robot masters and wily, "silence bass, light is creating this 'X' so i must create somethnig to combat it, and he will succeed where you have not, and even if he loses, i have implanted him with a virus, which has three functions, destroy, infect survive, so X would get infected i win anyway" laughed wily, he opened the capsule and out of it came a robot with long hair "what the...zero" stuttered quickman who floated near the shadowy guy.
wily said some things and all of a sudden zero had chopped of shadow-man's head and grabbed his ninja star and threw it towards wily, bass shot it out of the air and yelled "he's attacking the doctor, all robots defend wily" the face on zero was a sadisctic smile, he started destroying robot master after robot master. then went back to wily, bass and that time's quickman and centaurman had retreated backwards and then beamed out knowing they couldn't do anything to save wily,
"wait, this is what happened before X was activated and reploids were created" muttered quickman
wily said some things and all of a sudden zero had chopped of shadow-man's head and grabbed his ninja star and threw it towards wily, bass shot it out of the air and yelled "he's attacking the doctor, all robots defend wily" the face on zero was a sadisctic smile, he started destroying robot master after robot master. then went back to wily, bass and that time's quickman and centaurman had retreated backwards and then beamed out knowing they couldn't do anything to save wily,
"wait, this is what happened before X was activated and reploids were created" muttered quickman