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Fanfiction ► Love is a Funny Thing

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New member
Dec 24, 2005
Manila, Philippines
hello everyone. I haven't been here since....ummmm.... a very very long time ago. I had some spare time and I decided to check back here. I read all the chapters again and I put it on my ipod. So I get to read them all the time. I really hope you make a PART 2 of this fic. I really like the way it went and I would like to commend TS on her great work. Considering all the things she went through, all the time she spent and all the times she tried to finish a chapter just for us fans, she really deserves to be the best fanfic author. I think you should take a break, refresh your imagination and after your break, you can have a fresh start in making a sequel or another fic. Again, I want to thank you for making all of us happy. And we appreciate all the hard work you've done for this fic. Congratulations for finishing your great fic. Aren't you just so happy that you finished it and that all your hard work actually paid off.

Thank you for giving us a part of your imagination to enjoy!



Holy jesus high above! this fan fic is awsome. It started out good and then got wonky in the middle with the start of the pregnancy thing but it turned out great. I apploud your writing. Hope to see those alternate endings.

True Serenity

your forgotten memory
May 9, 2004
anywhere but here.
Ok...so this is awkward....

After an EXTREMEMLY long time of hiatus, I'm sorta back. To make a long story short, I was suddenly struck with inspiration to finish the very last part of this story - the epilogue. I know a lot of my old fans are gone but hopefully this will bring them back or spark interest from others.

Anyway, I have the epilogue like 95% done. I just gotta edit it. If anyone is still around to be interested let me know. Cause my crazy mind is brewing up some sorta sequel to this... o_O


Silver Member
Oct 30, 2004
home sweet home
see one of ur old fans is still here!
funny thing is i was actually readin some of this the other day out of boredness lol


I'm back? =D
That chapter...was GREAT. But so so sad...-bawls- :cry:
Finish. The. Epilogue. NOW! :]

True Serenity

your forgotten memory
May 9, 2004
anywhere but here.
Yay! You guys ARE still here! I'm so happy! =]

Lol, well now that I know some people will read the epilogue, I'm gonna start fixing it up!

So ya, expect it sometime tonight. But be warned. I haven't written anything in such a long time, so it may not be as good as my older chapters. I promise I'll do the best that I can do, though! =]

dark invader

New member
Mar 27, 2006
where do you think??
I don't know if I ever posted during the original story, but I really did love your story. I was shy when I first joined, and I didn't really post much. Haha. Anyway, can't wait for the epilogue and maybe a sequel?!

True Serenity

your forgotten memory
May 9, 2004
anywhere but here.
I realize that epilogues are supposed to be short, but I decided to break that rule. =P

I hope you guys enjoy! *crosses fingers*
Epilogue - Five Years Later

After five years, the time has finally come. I cannot hold on any longer…

Sitting on the edge of an old wooden dock, I neatly folded a worn piece of paper into thirds and tucked it safely in my pocket. This particular piece of paper was a very important letter that I had been working on for quite some time. I must have read it over thousands of times, trying to make sure that what I wrote was absolutely perfect. I gazed out over the sparkling water of the lake, letting the wind dance freely through my hair. The cool mist from a nearby waterfall splashed lightly on my face, the blazing sun quickly drying it off. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and let my mind wander through the memories of my past.

Ever since I came back to Destiny Islands, things had drastically changed. My world became something completely different, something I wasn’t sure I enjoyed. This new change sometime left me feeling hopelessly depressed. For starters, I had to raise a newborn child all by myself. If that wasn’t bad enough, I had to drop out of school, get a job, and deal with the biased reactions of all my friends and neighbors. Everywhere I went, people stared me down for two reasons. Either they were shocked that such a young girl was strolling around a baby, or they pitied me for what happened with Sora and Riku. Usually, it was both.

After a while, people began to let it all go, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t forget how uncomfortably different everything and everyone was. So after two years of living with the mayor, I decided it was time to move out and live somewhere more secluded. Aimi and I currently live in the “Sanctuary”, the peaceful haven in the middle of Destiny Island’s forests. It was the place where Sora and I vowed to always be together. The little cabin in the middle of the forest was surrounded by a crystal-clear lake, a breathtaking waterfall, and a never ending garden lush with flowers. It just seemed like the perfect home for us, especially since it meant so much to my heart.

From an outside perspective, my life was not so bad. I always remembered to keep a smiling face on, especially for Aimi. However, if someone were to explore the depths of my soul, they would only find sadness. The mere truth was…I never got over it. The fact that Sora and Riku are dead still shocks me every day. Most nights are sleepless for me. When the dark silence creeps through the corners of my room, I cannot bear the thought of my life and usually cry myself to sleep. However, there were times that I actually felt happy. These moments always occurred when I was around Aimi. No matter how screwed up I felt, she would always find a way to cheer me up. And somehow, we managed to get by.

“Mommy!” a soft voice called from behind, snapping me right back into reality. A young girl of about five years old ran up from behind and wrapped her arms around me. When she let go, I turned around and sat back on my heels. She stared at me with big, bright green eyes, her pale face splattered with freckles. Her short, strawberry blonde hair blew gracefully in the breeze, the sun casting an angelic aura around her. I could instantly tell she wanted to ask me something. Her innocent smile gave it away.

“What is it, Aimi? What do you want?” I asked sarcastically, before she had a chance to explain.

“Can we go visit daddy today? We haven’t gone in awhile,” she answered in her sweet voice.

I stared at her heavenly face for a few minutes without speaking a word. I was well aware that we hadn’t gone to visit his grave in a couple weeks, but it was because I was preparing for something – something big. I wasn’t sure if I was ready, but Aimi’s eyes were filled with desperation and I could tell she really wanted to go. “Sure. Let’s go now.”

Standing up slowly, I hulled my purse onto my shoulder and grasped Aimi’s hand. With a smile, she gracefully wrapped her tiny fingers around my palm and began to lead the way. As we passed through the towering green trees of the forest, Aimi began to chatter on about mindless things. I just smiled, nodded, and agreed, mostly because she would instantly jump from one subject to the next. Sometimes I wasn’t sure where she got her chatterbox-mouth, but it sure wasn’t from me.

“Mommy, look!” Aimi suddenly shouted, pointing straight ahead. “A butterfly!”

Dashing in its direction, Aimi began to chase after the fluttering insect, giggling all the way. I just let her go ahead, watching her from a close distance. I knew that Aimi’s free spirit came from both me and Riku. In fact, I saw a lot of Riku in her. Physically, Aimi resembled me the most. Except for her bright green eyes, her face, hair, and skin were all me. However, Aimi’s personality was completely different. Although she had my kind and delicate nature, she was also mysterious, adventurous, and had a bit of a dark side - her temper tantrums were awful. There were even some facial and body expressions that she made which reminded me of Riku. Sometimes the strong resemblance was overwhelming, but it was a positive way to keep me close to him.

I continued to follow behind Aimi, who was still eagerly trying to catch that butterfly. I didn’t realize how far we had walked until I noticed an all too familiar sight. We had finally reached the graveyard – a place I both feared and yearned for. Once Aimi noticed it as well, she lost all interest in the fleeing butterfly and stopped abruptly where she stood. When I was finally able to catch up to her, I felt her delicate fingers grasp mine again. “You’re okay, right mommy?” she asked, her voice soft and sympathetic.

I smiled with a short nod and ran my hand gently over her soft hair. “Ofcourse I am. I have you with me.”

Aimi smiled back and began to lead the way, passing countless headstones before we reached our destination. Two large memorials stood high above the other graves, both placed next to each other in the center of the entire cemetery. A brick walkway encircled the memorials, accessorized with flowers, candles, and teddy bears. Each thick headstone lay in front of a beautiful marble statue, specifically sculpted to capture the valiant pride of their silent keepers – Destiny Islands very own heroes – Sora and Riku.

When we stopped before these magnificent statues, there was a quick silence that swept over Aimi and I. I glared at my daughter and noticed that she was staring at both graves with sorrow. I knelt down in front of the first memorial, my fingers slowly tracing the name that was carved into the solid metal plaque.

“Riku…” I whispered into the dead air. My fingers outlined the rest of the inscription beneath his name, and tears began to brim my eyes. “Beloved son, friend, father, and hero.”

I opened my mouth to speak but words could not escape. Aimi quickly interrupted though. “Hi daddy,” she said solemnly, kneeling next to me. “I miss you. Mommy misses you too. She cries a lot for you. And Uncle Sora too. But mostly you. I love you, daddy.”

The unusually somber girl leaned forward and kissed the metal plaque softly. She then ran over to Sora’s memorial and began to speak to it as well. I remained in my spot, a little surprised at Aimi’s rant, and continued to gaze blankly at Riku’s memorial, my voice immune to speech. As badly as I wanted to speak with him, I knew it would be pointless. If I wanted to, I could say, “I miss you", or "I love you", or "I’m okay", or "I think about you all the time"…Blah, blah, blah. But that just didn’t work for me anymore.

At first, when I started visiting their graves, I said these meaningless statements all the time – mostly because I didn’t want to say how I truly felt. Now I know that those words have no purpose but to further conceal the raging emotions of grief and anger. After I realized this, I knew that I needed to finally speak the truth. And now, I honestly believe that I am ready.

I soon pushed myself away from Riku’s grave and stroked the hem of my pocket, remembering the folded piece of paper inside. Admiring the marble statue of Riku that towered above me, I took a deep breath and knew that this small note would somehow end all the pain and suffering.

After a few minutes of quiet contemplation, I turned around and strolled towards Sora’s memorial. Kneeling before it, I traced the engraved letters once again and felt cold tears slip from my eyes. “Beloved son, friend, and hero.”

“I’m so sorry. So, so sorry. So, so sorry.”

Although I knew it was pointless, this statement was all I could think over and over and over again. Nothing else would come to my mind. Even though Riku was more important to my life, Sora held that special place in my heart. I felt I owed it to him to say, “Sorry”, every single day for the rest of my existence. And so I sat there, staring intently at Sora's statue while continually blaming myself for everything that happened.

“Mommy, aren’t you gonna say something?” Aimi questioned. Her voice woke me from my guilt-trip and I realized that I must have upset her by not saying anything to our lost heroes. With my back turned away, I wiped my cheeks dry and put on a happy face. Once I was sure that I hid my emotions well enough, I spun around to face her.

I shook my head slowly, keeping my eyes fixed on her cheerful expression. “No. Daddy and Uncle Sora know how I feel,” I stated, standing up from the ground. “But if they aren’t sure,” I continued, slowly patting my pocket, “I wrote a letter for them. You want to come with mommy to send it to them?” I exclaimed playfully, hoping that she didn’t notice my puffy eyes.

“Yes, yes! Please!” Aimi jumped in the air and clapped her hands with joy.

I smiled cheerfully and knelt down to her height, her face illuminating with adventure and excitement. “Okay….How bout a race to the beach? Last one there has to make the beds!”

Aimi quickly dashed off ahead of me, her high-pitched giggle sounding for miles away. I obviously gave her a good heads start, even though the beach wasn’t too far from the cemetery. Although I ran close behind her, my sprint slowed down to a jog and then to a walk once I heard the crashing waves of the ocean. The sound, smell, and sight of the coast always brought back memories of a more peaceful time.

Aimi had already reached the oceanfront and was sitting in the sand, running her fingers through its grainy texture. “Look Mommy! A seashell!” she shouted in surprise.

I walked up from behind her and reached for her hand. We needed to get this done before it got dark. “C’mon. Lets move on, Aimi,” I whispered with a confident smile. She eagerly jumped to her feet and followed close behind me.

When we reached the shore’s edge, I knelt down in the moist sand and reached into my pocket, pulling out the folded piece of paper once again. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, knowing how important this moment was for me. So just to make sure it would be perfect, I had to read the letter one last time:

Dear Sora and Riku,

These past few years have been so incredibly hard without you. Some days, I’m not sure if I can go on. There are times when I want to kill myself from the dread, sorrow, and pain I’ve had to endure. And no matter how many times I think about everything that happened, I don’t think I will ever understand it. I wish I can go back and change something, anything that will bring you back. I wish…I could see you again.

At times, I almost want to hate you for leaving me alone, but I know you did what was best for us. I never blamed you for what happened, because through it all, I received the greatest gift anyone could ever get. Aimi is the one blessing in my life. Through all the darkness and uncertainty, she provides the light I need to go on in this world.

When I look at it this way, the exchange doesn’t seem so bad. I don’t know if other people will feel that same way, but I know I need to move on. Aimi is five now and she is growing up quickly. I cannot live in the past any longer.

I wrote this letter to tell you that although I miss you terribly, I have to let you go. But that doesn’t mean I’ll forget you. I never, ever can. Not after all the years and memories we shared. I hope this letter reaches you, somewhere far away. Just know that I’m always thinking of you, wherever you are.


After reviewing it one last time, I rolled the letter into a narrow cylinder and tied a rubber band around it. Taking a small glass bottle out of my purse, I pulled out the cork and gently let the note slip inside. After sealing the bottle, I took Aimi’s hand and placed it on one side of the glass with my hand opposite hers. “With one swift push, Aimi, you and I are going to send this letter to daddy and Sora. And one day it will reach them.”

“How do you know it will reach them?” she questioned, obviously confused.

The truth was, I knew it would never reach them – at least not in a physical form. This whole “experiment” was to help me clear my conscience. However, Aimi would never understand this, so I just lied. “Because the waves will carry the bottle to heaven.”

“Oh, okay. What does the letter say, mommy?” she asked curiously.

“Well, it tells them that we’re ok and that we miss them. And it says goodbye,” I explained hesitantly.

“Goodbye?” she asked, almost appalled by the idea. “Why are we saying goodbye?”

I didn’t speak for a couple seconds and pondered how I should tell her. Finally, I decided to just tell her the truth, even though she wouldn’t understand. “Because we need to move on. We need to make the most out of our life together. Saying goodbye to daddy and Uncle Sora is the best way to do that. I know you don’t understand but we just have to do it.”

“But I don’t want to forget them,” she fussed, her lip quivering into a pout.

“Oh, no. We will never forget them, hunny. Moving on doesn’t mean we take them out of our memory. It means we live our lives knowing that we don’t have to worry anymore – that there’s no guilt or blame. Now, do you trust me?”

Aimi gazed at me with her big wondrous eyes and nodded. “I trust you, mommy.”

I smiled at her beautiful face and took a deep breath. “Ok. Then on the count of three, we let the bottle go.”

As I set the glass jar in the water, memories began to flood my head. All of the good and evil things that I’ve experienced began to rush my mind again, and I paused. I began to feel the grief, anger, confusion, blame, depression, and sorrow of these past years. It caused me to hesitate, but I remembered that this was not how Sora or Riku would have wanted it. So I inhaled the crisp ocean air and channeled all these emotions into one secluded area of my soul. “This is it,” I thought. “No turning back.”

“One…” I started off.

“Two…” Aimi continued.

“Three!” we both shouted at once.

And with the help of Aimi, I let go of all my emotions until they gave me the physical strength to push the bottle far into the water. The current of the waves soon began to carry it further and further away. Aimi cuddled next to me and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight. We watched in silence as the bottle disappeared into the horizon, until it was completely out of sight. And as I watched, I could feel all that grief, anger, confusion, blame, depression, and sorrow slowly melt away. I closed my eyes and smiled, picturing “their” faces smiling back.

I heard a soft yawn that woke me from my trance and soon realized we had been sitting there for an awfully long time. The sun was now casting off hues of red, orange, and yellow as it set below the horizon, the black night sky following close behind. “Let’s go, Aimi. It’s getting late,” I stated after our long silence. “And I believe that you won our race, which means I have some beds to make.”

Aimi smiled drowsily and pushed herself up from the cooling sand. I stood up as well, gazing over the distance once again. “One day, I will see you again,” I whispered into the cool sea breeze.

At that moment, the ocean’s air gradually began to speed up and wildly dance around my body. The strength of the wind was so overpowering that I actually felt it pass through me. As it did, I felt a strange warm sensation underneath my skin and it gave me the chills. At first it was a little unsettling, but I soon realized what it meant. I knew that things were going to be okay.

A short tug at my leg averted my attention and I leaned down to clasp my sleepy daughter's hand. “C’mon Aimi. We have a brand new journey to begin.”


Mar 27, 2007
I really loved the the end of this story it was something original and something simple!

True Serenity

your forgotten memory
May 9, 2004
anywhere but here.
Thanks guys =]

I really don't think I'm gonna write an alternate ending, mainly because I was thinking of starting a sequel instead lol. I have an idea of what the sequel will be about, but I need time to make sure it flows.

But if it doesn't, maybe I'll write an alternate ending. We'll see lol.

King Wolfe

Basically... Run
Nov 30, 2006
Pressing F5
Wow, great job. Yeah, I think you should write a sequal but I don't think it's going to suck, it's going to be awesome, probably even better than this!


New member
Jun 26, 2006
Some place I've never been... wait a sec... this s
awww.... that was an amazing epilogue... True Serenity, I swear you should write a book, I would buy it...lol... I really really love your writing style... But about the sequel thing I don't think you should (even though I'd love to read more of your stories) ... cause this story is perfect the way it is, and if you make a sequel it would just be weird... that's how it always is when the ending of a story is good the way it is :p


Ooh! Sequel! Sequel! I just have to say this:

The fan fic was so moving. It touched me right to the heart. And I know it's about video game characters, but it was so good! I keep reading it again and again, and I thoroughly enjoy it. I look forward to an upcoming sequel!! =D

Oh and, yes, you SHOULD write a book. I would DEFINITELY buy it. I think you should make a sequel, but you could make another story x]
If you make another one about KH, plz don't kill Sora and Riku! That was the saddest part EVER.

True Serenity

your forgotten memory
May 9, 2004
anywhere but here.
Lol, thanks guys. It really means a lot that you liked my story, even if it came from my twisted mind lol. But I was thinking...that a sequel wouldn't work. And an alternate ending would ruin the whole aspect/tone/purpose of the story. I just don't think either are worth writing. = /

Anyway, I WAS, however, thinking of writing another fic or maybe even an original story. I just don't know about what lol. Either way:

I declare this fanfic officially finished! :thumbsup:

Lol, anyway, I probably won't be around again, cause I'll be working on something else..... :idea:

I'll repost something in this thread once I finish and link it, if you guys are interested.
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