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New member
Feb 12, 2008
UrbanQuattrusgot me thinkin!!! he said light cant make enemies cuz like think about it y would evil be made of light!!! i think that maybe they can be made out of light but not pure light but what if MOON light.
Kingdom hearts moon light to be exact. what if kingdom hearts has its on monster protecters but MX takes control of them some how after he goes to it in the bbs trailer!!!! jus sayin


New member
Oct 28, 2007
Path in between
what the heck how can enemies be made of moon light? that is just plain wierd i mean think about it.... good guys have light since bad is the opposite of good than they must be made of the opposite of light which is darknis


New member
Feb 12, 2008
im talkin bout how kingdom hearts could haVE things that protect it but since MX is so powerful he got control of them an made them his as the new enemy for bbs or somethin


New member
Feb 2, 2008
i sort of get what you mean about creatures protecting KH anf how MX corupts them but moon magic sounds kinda weird

Sexy Angel
Apr 17, 2007
...and why cant light be an enemy? We dont know much, so i can assume that VAT are the super evil bad-guys, and MX and his minions are beings of light, and i wouldnt be wrong, bucause no one could disprove it.

kh is ba

New member
Aug 29, 2007
Sunset horizons
It is an interesting idea that he takes over some of the "good guys" that have light and they don't know what they are doing so they still have light. So this makes sense to me.


Bronze Member
Jul 28, 2007
my house
if you are insinuating in any way that MX is from the light realm .. or uses the power of light .. then i would definitely have to disagree completely .. look at his keyblade .. the dark eye on it and even its color (mainly the eye) would prove that it is a manifestation of darkness ..

and also MX's magic .. his keyblade turns into a dark orb and he shoots a dark aura through ven before freezing him .. that is black magic my friend - which also justifies that he uses darkness and not light ..


The whole moonlight idea was mine, in which the moon illuminates from light. That artificial light only illuminates to its fullest when in Darkness. It's not real light to be truthful but rather a dim reflection of it. I also considered the importance of the moon in BBS being blue in which the illumination of the moon from light can give a distinct color of blue to the human eye, not to mention the new enemies being blue. MX on a side theory, could have fallen close to darkness in possibly constructing the dark keyblade or perhaps experimenting on his apprentice, which can only be achieved when finding KH , either way the extended use of dark magic (darkness) can swallow that person in complete darkness, not leaving a heartless, as heartless were not around at this moment. I like to keep in mind that Riku when using his dark form would fall closer to darkness but with the love of his friends he managed to hold a glimmer of light keeping him from being swallowed by darkness. Sora who became a heartless was enveloped with light from Kairi creating a shell in his image or container for his heart while his body and soul Roxas was elsewhere. In any case, the stabilization of the heart has kept the body from completely falling into darkness. What kind of place can keep a heart from dividing itself from the body? memories of course, any extent of regaining or reliving memories of moments that hold the heart in keeping it stabilized. Castle Oblivion in betwixt of its name is a place in which you are able to relive memories of past events and although Sora lost his memories, it was only in the affect of Namine manipulating and unlinking memories. Oblivion may refer to being in a place oblivious to others hence the master and apprentice missing or unheard from. Memories can stabilize the existence of the heart, Artificial light can be used to form a shell in which the body is also not swallowed by darkness, and kingdom hearts can be filled with hearts that MX can use in absence of his former heart. If all is stabilized he will be able to contain the power of darkness (Soras dark form for example) and absorb KH making absolute power in balance of true light and pure darkness. A being of incomprehensible power. Also on another note, MX mocks Terra of trying to hold a glimmer of light...

Another Report article:

There is one more method, which is the use of the “Dark Corridor.” There are those who are on a fallen path, essentially not being on the path they should be. Only those who can be said to have a Dark existence or an Inbetween existence can make these doorways. On rare occasion, those with particularly strong feelings or hatred, such as the case with the Beast, DiZ, and perhaps others like them, can open these paths. However, you must be careful when coming into contact with such Darkness. As such, if you use these paths too often you will be completely swallowed by Darkness.

...Terra anyone?? We see him pull off his helmets and watch as his eyes turn yellow, and his expression of rage, at that moment he was falling into darkness.

Another Report article

about the opened door of the integrated heart of worlds “Kingdom Hearts” itself, to prevent the outflow of the Darkness within hearts, the intent and reasons were different so the Keyblade was used for a different purpose. In order to work, the door needs to be closed from both the Dark side and the Light side and both a Dark and Light realm Keyblade are needed. The King needed a Keyblade opposite from the realm of Light Keyblade that Sora had, so he went to the realm of Darkness to obtain one.

When MX possibly summoned KH it is apparent that when he opened it, the outflow of darkness would come from hearts resulting in mass darkness and would very well affect those who in someway have fallen or come in contact with previous darkness, a clash with MX, DS, and Terra could have caused some disdain result of darkness melding together.

That darkness sooner or later would become the heartless


New member
Feb 12, 2008
The whole moonlight idea was mine, in which the moon illuminates from light. That artificial light only illuminates to its fullest when in Darkness. It's not real light to be truthful but rather a dim reflection of it. I also considered the importance of the moon in BBS being blue in which the illumination of the moon from light can give a distinct color of blue to the human eye, not to mention the new enemies being blue. MX on a side theory, could have fallen close to darkness in possibly constructing the dark keyblade or perhaps experimenting on his apprentice, which can only be achieved when finding KH , either way the extended use of dark magic (darkness) can swallow that person in complete darkness, not leaving a heartless, as heartless were not around at this moment. I like to keep in mind that Riku when using his dark form would fall closer to darkness but with the love of his friends he managed to hold a glimmer of light keeping him from being swallowed by darkness. Sora who became a heartless was enveloped with light from Kairi creating a shell in his image or container for his heart while his body and soul Roxas was elsewhere. In any case, the stabilization of the heart has kept the body from completely falling into darkness. What kind of place can keep a heart from dividing itself from the body? memories of course, any extent of regaining or reliving memories of moments that hold the heart in keeping it stabilized. Castle Oblivion in betwixt of its name is a place in which you are able to relive memories of past events and although Sora lost his memories, it was only in the affect of Namine manipulating and unlinking memories. Oblivion may refer to being in a place oblivious to others hence the master and apprentice missing or unheard from. Memories can stabilize the existence of the heart, Artificial light can be used to form a shell in which the body is also not swallowed by darkness, and kingdom hearts can be filled with hearts that MX can use in absence of his former heart. If all is stabilized he will be able to contain the power of darkness (Soras dark form for example) and absorb KH making absolute power in balance of true light and pure darkness. A being of incomprehensible power. Also on another note, MX mocks Terra of trying to hold a glimmer of light...

Another Report article:

There is one more method, which is the use of the “Dark Corridor.” There are those who are on a fallen path, essentially not being on the path they should be. Only those who can be said to have a Dark existence or an Inbetween existence can make these doorways. On rare occasion, those with particularly strong feelings or hatred, such as the case with the Beast, DiZ, and perhaps others like them, can open these paths. However, you must be careful when coming into contact with such Darkness. As such, if you use these paths too often you will be completely swallowed by Darkness.

...Terra anyone?? We see him pull off his helmets and watch as his eyes turn yellow, and his expression of rage, at that moment he was falling into darkness.

Another Report article

about the opened door of the integrated heart of worlds “Kingdom Hearts” itself, to prevent the outflow of the Darkness within hearts, the intent and reasons were different so the Keyblade was used for a different purpose. In order to work, the door needs to be closed from both the Dark side and the Light side and both a Dark and Light realm Keyblade are needed. The King needed a Keyblade opposite from the realm of Light Keyblade that Sora had, so he went to the realm of Darkness to obtain one.

When MX possibly summoned KH it is apparent that when he opened it, the outflow of darkness would come from hearts resulting in mass darkness and would very well affect those who in someway have fallen or come in contact with previous darkness, a clash with MX, DS, and Terra could have caused some disdain result of darkness melding together.

That darkness sooner or later would become the heartless

yah u were the one that got me thinkin but i forgto ur name and i diidnt give u cred sorry!!! but i hoped u would come an give ur insight

fallen soul

New member
Aug 6, 2007
You what i love is how ever defines light as good and darkness is evil. i once wrote something about how crazy everyone is and so a small recap is in order.

when you think of light it is the source of life, but sice we humans came into existance we have almost destroyed everything, evil everyone. Also light burn those in it and even works in secretive was creating a poision which slowly eats away the body and there is nothing that can done about it. this is cancer and can light sound any more evil, causing destruction.

The darkness is soft and nurturing, hiding pain in the sweet bliss of darkness where the eyes no longer play dreadful memories through you mind, and the darkness carefully blankets your body causing no harm but gently caresses your and in that sweet bliss to people find calm and sleep. This sounds like a persons mother not an instrument of evil, unless mothers are evil.

look at riku in KH2, he was immersed in darkness and he was no more evil then your are (i think) and its not the darkness that is scary as mickey says its just the people who abuse its sweet mellow for there selfish gain.

I think i should become a poet. And i know some of this sounds scandalish but its the truth. think about it.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
The edge of the cosmos.
I don't think they mean "light" as in like sunlight, albeit there is alot of black and shadows when they talk about black, but I think that's for emphasis, as is the brightness of color for light, that's just because it's more aesthetically pleasing. But I don't think it's quite that literal. What I DO think, is that MX probably is a product of the dark, perhaps he IS the embodiment of the darkness of Kingdom hearts, and was defeated and thus broken into smaller fragments of power. Basically, why can't he be dark power embodied? The true darkness made real. Xehanort could end up being a title for someone who completely has control over the darkness, and could be what Xehanort from KH1 and 2 was trying to bring into himself, and just adopted the title.
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