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Active member
Dec 18, 2018
Really at this point, I'm starting to wonder if Xehanort was truly an evil person at all or just a bitter and angry kid being possessed by one of the darknesses that forced him to become the guy we end up fighting for the entire saga. He clearly had a massive amount of horrible darkness in him, as described by Ava in BBS when he grabbed her, which makes me think that perhaps one of the more deadly ones got to him or he made a pact with it. To add to this, Eraqus accuses Xehanort of being taken by darkness in BBS and Xehanort doesn't deny it.

Clearly, a pivotal event happened to cause him to have yellow eyes which will probably be covered in the last Dark Road update. Perhaps MoM wanted to use Xehanort to give this darkness a form that can be destroyed (like the Foretellers), which it was when Sora, Donald, and Goofy struck down Xehanort in KHIII. We see darkness excel from his body, perhaps indicating he was finally purged and allowed his true motives to surface. Would explain his sudden shift into a more sympathetic light. This may have been an original darkness or an even more extreme variant that was created when the darkness spread across the worlds in the future/present.

Makes me also wonder if Xehanort's departure from Scala was an attempt to prevent the original timeline from happening. where he stayed at Scala and become a Keyblade Master devoted to darkness. Perhaps Ansem SoD was from this original timeline and once he realized that someone was trying to change this original timeline, he made sure to visit Xehanort on Destiny Islands and ensure that he would grow in the prophesized Keyblade Master to bring about the second Keyblade war.
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New member
Jun 8, 2016
Since Xehanort is sharing a few parallels with Kairi it'd be cool if he was also adopted by the mayor of Destiny Islands at the time
Honestly Xehanort now encompasses all 3. From the outside world like Kairi, wishing to escape like Riku, and maybe not consciously but with Player, he’s made a “friends are my power” speech like Sora and had a similar moment of connecting as a baby then being dropped off on the island like Ven.


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
I’m confident Skuld is still Subject X and she was dropped in Radiant Garden. But her similarity to Xehanort’s possible mother could be related to his interest in her. Even if subconsciously. And there could be a deeper connection.

I wonder if the four Darknesses in the cable are gone for good. It’s weird that it seems MoM was wrong about them traveling through time via the Union Leaders. Of the five that were in the data world, only the one that possessed Ventus successfully made that trip it seems. The four that remained were trapped in the cable and possibly destroyed. Meanwhile, the sixth who fought Luxu is unaccounted for.

The name of the game might have been a hint all this time?
KH(kingdom hearts)U(r)X(ehanort)
maybe it's a reach but still cool

With Xehanort’s name being an anagram for Another X, I think that X (chi) in the original title represents the Player. Xehanort is another version of the player or something.


Active member
Jun 25, 2018
Hmm this sparked an idea in my head. What if the foretellers exist actually to counteract against the six deadly sins that they are named after? With this line of thinking the six masters are supposed to eliminate the six darknesses remaining in the MoM ultimate plan.
Or alternatively his grand plan was to use them to trap the six darknesses into a form in which he could then defeat them. A set of six sacrificial pawns thought necessary to finally defeat the darkness...
OMG I ACTUALLY SORTA PREDICTED SOMETHING :,) wow all my time posting here has not been in vain.

This finale was very rewarding to me in the sense that it finally shows so much of what we knew was bound to happen, and also gave good closure to the whole X saga. But of course there exists several large questions.

1. Brain and Luxu having the same face... I like the idea of Luxu using Brains body Ofer sending his heart forward the most. It makes the most sense and fits well with the "what a waste" line.
2. Skuld = Xehanorts Mom? That snippet better be more well explored in Dark road.
3. My biggest concern, the MoMs true plan is trapping the 13 darknesses into human bodies so that they can be completely eliminated. But has this plan not already failed? Ephemer lived out his life and built Scala, and it seems the same happens with Skuld and Brain. Now of the 13, 7 should be in the MoM and foretellers, while 1 was trapped in data and 5 placed in the new leaders. The explanation for this that would make sense to me is that the 4 the player trapped were all part of the 13 meaning that instead of trapping 1 they trapped 4 so the new leaders would only actually need 2. One is with Ventus and the other is potentially in Lauriam or Elrena. Elrena isn't even a leader (fake or real) so the most likely answer would be Lauriam.

Overall I am overjoyed to see the end of this half decade journey and I am excited to see what the future holds in terms of whole new releases rather than episodic drip feeds :)


Active member
Jan 10, 2020
As for Luxu's last statement to Brain that can indeed be read either way and since we have no voice over to distinguish tone it isn't easy to pinpoint if it is a threat or genuine praise and an offer of help.
If it is the latter however, Luxu would be clearly going against his role and task...possibly why the MoM called him "Luxu the traitor" beforehand.
Not necessarily. The talk just before was about giving the time travellers their bodies back, and that is a part of Luxu's role anyway. Giving the No Name keyblade to Brain may also be involved, and we don't know if he had any keyblade at all after giving Master's Defender to Ephemer.

Also, if I happen to be right about Brain and Luxu being the same person, then...
Brain: Well…… Only to give what remains of my life to fulfill this duty.
...this line is easily one of the most hilarious in the whole series. Be careful with what you promise!


Active member
Jan 10, 2020
How does brain get to the future. All of the pods are gone
There are 14 pods total for the two versions of the machine. At that point, five of them have been launched into the future, one is broken, and three are in the data world. That leaves five of them available for him. We don't know where they are, but Luxu probably did.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
So Brain and Braig being almost the same name really was significant after all

Also not a lot of talk about Sigurd here. This dude is interesting to me, and he's somehow part of a group with an "HQ" + wireless communication that knew exactly when Brain would be arriving. Is he really a resident of Scala, or part of something bigger?


New member
Apr 30, 2021
How does brain get to the future. All of the pods are gone
My 2 cents: Luxu probably possessed Brain because he was the only one able to survive the cataclysm, this was the only way to preserve the guy without a pod. It is proved that the possession doesn't destroy the host heart, take Terra as an example, so my idea is that when Luxu made the next jump he freed Brain and left him in the plaza where it was told to Strelizia she would have found him

This explains also why Luxu has his appearance in that cutscene


New member
Apr 30, 2021
Btw is this the confirmation that Kindom Hearts, the thing in the sky, is actually the "god" of the cycle of life?
Actually, we should have seen it coming a long time ago, it was stated IIRC that hearts can't be created and that they return to KH when the body dies. It just makes sense that new life comes from KH too, a cycle of reincarnation nonetheless


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2020
Looking through all this, I'm not sure if I can classify Luxu, or Xigbar for that matter, as a villain. Antagonist, yes, but a villain? He is obedient to a fault, even if he has the same sentiments as Ava, both being protective of the key kids, and even going against one of the darkness to gratify that desire.
Btw is this the confirmation that Kindom Hearts, the thing in the sky, is actually the "god" of the cycle of life?
Actually, we should have seen it coming a long time ago, it was stated IIRC that hearts can't be created and that they return to KH when the body dies. It just makes sense that new life comes from KH too, a cycle of reincarnation nonetheless
Well if that isn't the million munny question that's been plaguing us these last 19 years. It isn't exactly a god, although it might be sentient, just as worlds are. Nobody actually knows what it is, although a lot of characters talked about what it could be. We do know bringing it about is dangerous, even the Master forbade it.

I don't know where you heard that, but Nobodies, replicas, and Pinocchio sort of disproved that, although where their hearts came from, or all hearts for that matter, is a different story.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but goddamn UX. How dare you.
That was honestly great. Way better than it had any right to be. I'm still happy that UX is over, but this ending almost made it worth it.

On the ending, I really loved that dream eater reveal, most "HOLY SHIT" moment from it all. Loved the Ephemer statue and "old" scala, it looks incredible. Really enjoyed the foretellers being vessels twist, I really like those designs what can I say and I'm glad they're coming back as bad guys.

On the other hand, xehanort somehow found his way once again into another story, which like...I'm tired of him honestly. That final luxu is brain but is also still brain was very strange and I'm scared of what will come from that.


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2016
I’ve watched the cutscenes and I’m really impressed. Everything is amazing. I still need to know what happened to the Union Leaders after their escape.
And is it safe to assume that the Darknesses traveled to the real world with the Foretellers by the end of KH3?

Or are the Foretellers now the next antagonists because of being vessels for the Darknesses? This is what I have understood after watching the cutscenes. And I really love how vicious the MoM is while explaining Luxu his plan. To me it also seems that Luxu wants to stop the MoM’s plan, which is why the MoM calls him “the traitor”.


Jun 29, 2017
I'm more confused than ever. But really interesting. Nomura adds elements every time, looks like KH never gonna end.
Please, I dont wanna die before seeing the true KH's Final.

Looking at KHIII and the Chess Game, 4 Foretellers + Darkesses are our enemies for sure. Also 1 Darkness is still in Ven, staying at Re Mind
Plus, Darkness and MoM were friends? I mean before that Darkness became without form.

Mmmh, and what about Xehanort, could she be Skuld, and the old hooded ? Why Xehanort has that destiny? I dont think it has something to do with the Player , anyway.

Luxu probably used Brain to go out, but what if the scene in the Land is after the one where Brain is at Scala? I mean probably the Brain's body ended like Braig one, just like a vessel.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
I believe that Darkness was referred to as a "friend" of MoM in a previous update as well, and they reinforce that here. I'm not sure what this means plot-wise, but they're the only things that know eachother from whatever era MoM came from. They may see themselves as something closer to equals than anybody else.

(This is yet another late-KH point that's very similar to something from a Kill the Past game, and so my theory of Nomura being a huge Suda fan continues on.)