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Kingdom Hearts: The Road to Oblivion [RP Thread]

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Digidork for life.
Apr 3, 2008
At the end of time, listening to the drums...
Chase nodded wearily, giving a slight smile as he crawled into a bed adorned with his favorite colors, grey and blue. "Sounds like a plan to me, mate, I'm ready to pass out for the night." He slumped down into the bed, looking up into the ceiling, 'What a day...' he thought to himself, thinking over all the amazing changes trough the day, his heart sinking as he thought of his family back in town, 'Please... Please be okay...' he thought as he felt himself slip off into unconsciousness, sinking into a deep sleep.


New member
Jan 15, 2012
Hueco Mundo
"Sounds like a plan to me, mate, I'm ready to pass out for the night."

Nodding in response, Zero laid back on his own bed and faced the wall. Don't know how much sleep I will get tonight. Since I napped outside earlier, so I'm pretty wide awake. But if I don't shut my mind up soon, I'll do badly in training tomorrow thought Zero, stubbornly. Recognizing the sound of sleep coming from Chase, Zero fell back onto his back to stare up at the ceiling. It's not the same, not being able to see the stars. Instead its just a plain ceiling. Wonder if I would get yelled at for exploring around the tower. Than again I would probably end up lost. After awhile Zero mind began to wander back to past memories and eventually fell asleep.

"Why do you do it, Zero?" asked Bo, sitting across from me in the infirmary. "What do you mean?" I asked back. "This training that Kaz has you doing, is it worth all the pain?" asked Bo, wiping gently away with a cotton ball to one of the wounds above my eyebrow. "Yeah, it is" I mumbled back. "You shouldn't worry so much, I'll be fine" I said, with a grin. "But your arm!" said Bo, motioning to the black and purple brusies on it. "It just needs a few days to heal is all" I answered back, wrapping clean bandages over it. "Are you done?" asked Kaz, pushing the curtain aside. "Kaz, I'm warning you now. Zero has to recover for at least a week before you continue this, this sucicide training of yours!" said Bo. "Alright-alright. Sheesh, you heard her, right Zero?" said Kaz, looking at me. "Yeah, I did" I said, meeting Kaz's eyes briefly. "Theirs no way I'm stopping now" I indicated with my eyes. Kaz gave a small nod that thankfully went unnoticeable by Bo, at the time.

First few days in the Academy.

"Hey there, I'm Bo. You must be Zero right?" asked a younger version of Bo. "Yeah, I am" I said, shaking her hand. "I see you've met my new recruit. What do you think Bo?" asked Kaz, patting an hand down on my shoulder. "Hmm, I think we will become good friends" answered Bo, with a cheerful smile. "Typical answer as always Bo" said Kaz, earning a ruffle of hair from Bo. "Don't listen to him Zero, he's just jealous that I like you" said Bo, laughing. "Friends till the end" said Kaz, pushing her hands away with a smile on his face. "Yeah" I said, holding out my hand to clasp Bo's and Kaz's.


Digidork for life.
Apr 3, 2008
At the end of time, listening to the drums...
It was a beautiful day, the town was bustling, the birds were chirping happily, and Chase was finally home from the war, his house laid out in front of him. "Mom! Dad! Toby! I'm home!" He called out happily, opening the door, he walked in and looked around, surely somebody had to be home, right? "Hey, didn't you hear me?! I'm back!" he shouted out again, walking down the hall to his parents bedroom, pausing at the door, something was wrong. There were marks all over the door, as if something had been clawing at it, and the doorknob, why was there red paint oozing out of the keyhole? "Mom...? Dad?..."

He opened the door slowly, he could hear someone on the other side, they were talking, but their voice sounded so strange, like it was filled with water... As he looked into the room, he saw what was causing the strange noise, there on the bed was his father, but no, Chase stared awestruck as he looked closer, there on the bed were his parents heads, blood pouring from their mouths, staining the sheets and the wood floor as his mom and dad watched him, eyes filled with confusion and fear.
He was suddenly aware that he was screaming, mouth agape as he watched the blood flow over the floor, taking form in a path straight towards him, in a panic he slammed the door shut and ran.

Chase ran, down a dark and twisting hallway, dodging shadows that seems to reach out for him, grabbing for him in their dark depths. He gave everything to his speed but still he seemed to move so slow, so painfully slow, he had to be faster, he had to find his brother... He could still save him, he just had to be faster... Finally he emerged into a street, and there was his brother, standing with a big grin, arms open, just waiting for him. "Chi-chi!" he heard Toby call, using the name he'd called him by when he was just a toddler, it was strange how he seemed so much younger than he had seconds ago... "Toby!" He called out, moving towards him, "We have to run, we have to get-" but his words were torn from his lips as he saw the trolley smash into his brothers fragile body, finding it's target this time around. His heart stopped as he watched his brother being torn away from him. He shut his eyes tight as the world spun around him, moving faster and faster, his ears filled with the screams of his family, his own lost in the chaos of it all.
There was no escape for him, even with his eyes shut he saw his mother in front of him, tears flowing down her face "How could you Chase? How could you leave us?" He shook his head frantically, "I didn't know, I thought you were safe!" But his words were lost in the emptiness, their sounds stolen away as his mother faded out, only to be replaced by his father, eyes filled with disappointment, "You oughtta be here son, only a coward would run away at a time like this." He tried to explain that he wasn't running, that he thought he'd made the right choice. "I just wanted to protect my home! I wanted to help end the war!!" he cried, tears streaming down his face, but all he saw was a disappointed shake of his fathers head, before he too was gone, replaced with the image of his brother, alone and terrified. Chase reached out for him, desperate to save him, to right this terrible wrong. "Toby! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" but he was gone before he could reach him.

"No! Toby! Mom! Dad! I'M SORRY!" he cried out in pain, in anguish, only to open his eyes to his temporary room in the tower.

He was shaking furiously, soaked with sweat, eyes red from crying. He looked over to Zero, relieved that he hadn't woken him, and quietly crept out of bed. 'So much for sleep...' he though sadly, rubbing his eyes as he tried to get the memories of his nightmare out of his mind. He silently stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him before making his way through the halls, getting lost a few times before finally finding the main entrance to the tower. He stepped out and slumped against the wall, looking out over the star-filled sky, bowing his head before speaking out in quiet prayer, "Please be safe..."
Last edited:
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Amelia smiled as her dream continued. She didn't even realize it was a dream, it felt so... real. It was hard to believe they weren't happening then... They were her past, though. Amelia held her dad's hand and watched breathlessly as her mother made her final decision. Everything seemed to be anxious to hear the results- she didn't hear the waves crashing against the shore, she didn't feel the breeze blowing though her hair, she couldn't even see if the clouds were moving of not. No little creatures scurried and the other children and teenagers and adults had stopped their activities simply to watch Ace's performance.

It was so quiet... Too quiet. Amelia hated how quiet everything was. But it was to be expected. This was Ace, the island's pride and joy. The resident genius, the amazing prodigy. And her awesome brother. Of course they were all excited... but none moreso than Amelia.

She knew he'd made it. He'd finished every task his mother and thrown at him flawlessly. And he even had to fight her mother herself and today, for the first time ever... he won. She still remember the dazed look of shock on everyone's face as he panted heavily and held her down while pointing the keyblade down at her. Master Rose... was finally kicked off of her pedestal.

She had laughed then, and she almost laughed now. But her mother opened her mouth to say something and she decided now wasn't the time.

"...Ace Bright, you have performed commendably today. I am proud to say that you show the Mark of Mastery. Congra-"

"YAY!" Amelia cheered before her mother could finish. She ran and tackled her brother in a big hug. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Mom just had to be a drama queen and take forever to say it, but I knew it, the trees knew it, and the wind knew, and the sea and the sky and the birds! Oh, and dad knew, too!"

"Honestly, Amelia, could you drop it for once and let me finish speaking?" her mother scolded.

Amelia ignored her mother and simply laughed in amazement. "Drama queen," she sung, motioning towards her mother.

Ace laughed and ruffled Amelia's hair playfully. "So I did have lots of cheerleaders, then?"

Amelia pouted and shook her head. "Nope, just me, of course." She got off of him and pulled him up.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
Dusk layed face down on the ground, having finally given Ichigo the slip. But not before he had cut her in a few places. Dusk was tired, hurt, and hollow. When was the dream going to end? This all couldn't be real could it? But...it was. So she had to survive. Her mother had always said that if you keep on living, good things will happen to you, so even if there was nothing to live for at the moment, she had to keep on living. Even if her best friend didnt want her to.

Dusk rolled onto her back, able to see the stars clearly from where she laid. There was so many, all of them other worlds. And all of them would hate her for being a nobody, just like Ichigo had. But that didn't matter. She couldn't stay on this world and she didn't want to anyways. But how would she get off? She couldnt get on a gummi ship, she didnt know how to open one of those portal's nobodies were known for, what other options were there?

Then she heard footsteps comeing near her...
"Cathrine! You're on in five!" A stage hand told her quickly, rushing off to do other things. This was it, Cathrine's shining moment. One of many that the young star had had. She had on her simple white dres, nothing to fancy, not to low cut. She wasnt one of those singers who drew people in more with her body then her music."Okay Cathrine! You're on now!" The same stage hand told her, giving her a thumbs up.

Cathrine stepped out onto the stage and took a quick bow as the audiance apualled. Then she took the microphone and started singing:

"I long for joy...
I long for joy with you...
I long for the joy of you..
So take me along...
Take me long and far...
..to somewhere far from here.
The farther you take me...
...The more I long for your joy!"

The crowd gave her a standing ovation, and it was only her first song! It was going to be a good night tonight!...Then darkness came...

(the song is from tusbasa vol.6, sung by Oruha)


Hyped Ruler of Honnouji Academy
Jul 7, 2009
Honnouji Academy
"...Will the Imperium take care of that thing? Or... do you think we will have to?" Callie asked quietly, looking down at the bedsheets. She couldn't forget the bloody scene from her dreams... she hoped none of them would ever be in such a dangerous situation... She shook her head and lied back down. "We'll... think about that in the morning. It's still really late, probably. Not that we can tell from the sky, but... Good night. For real this time."

"I'm not sure..." Rutilus whispered, "But you're right. That can wait until morning..." he smiled and kissed Callie's hand for a moment, "Sleep tight. I'll be right here if you need me."

With that, Callie was asleep not long afterwards, leaving the Nobody alone in his wakened state. He couldn't find himself being able to fall asleep again. 'Hope I can fall asleep soon...' he thought to himself, as he looked down at the slumbering Callie. He smiled as it appeared she was sleeping much more soundly now and turned his head to look at the ceiling as he thought to himself over the matter of Xelphion.

Eventually, he drifted into a black slumber...

Serah smiled and aloofly asked, "How's it go again?", feigning forgetfulness. It would be nice to hear Domino sing.

Domino blushed, "I'm sorry, wifey, but I can't seem to remember the words!" She sighed in frustration, "I always focused more on the way Louis Armstrong sang it, not what he was actually singing."

The Pure-Heart sighed, "Soooo what do you want to do while we wait?"
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
"Sleep tight. I'll be right here if you need me."

Callie was able to sleep peacefully now, knowing she was safe. She didn't have to worry about everything else. She drifted into a much calmer slumber, this time dreaming of herself and Rutilus returning to Radiant Gardens one day. She dreamed of introducing him to her family and to Mushie. She smiled as she dreamed happily now.
Domino blushed, "I'm sorry, wifey, but I can't seem to remember the words!" She sighed in frustration, "I always focused more on the way Louis Armstrong sang it, not what he was actually singing."

Serah laughed. "That's okay, part of the reason I asked you to sing it instead of singing it to you was because I couldn't remember its exact lyrics..." She rubbed the back of her neck nervously, hoping Domino wouldn't be mad about that.

The Pure-Heart sighed, "Soooo what do you want to do while we wait?"

Serah looked out at the void of space. "I spy with my little eye... something black." This wasn't likely to last long, but it would kill a few minutes. There were stars, planets, asteroids, heartless... Wait, they had to maneuver past all this, didn't they? That would be a better way to spend their time anyway.

"Nevermind, let's have some fun with the controls!" she said. "What do you say?"

"Know what? To celebrate... We should share one of these!" Amelia jumped onto the branch and struggled to reach and pull down a paopu fruit. "I bet they taste great... And then we could be together. Since I'm your partner in crime, we'll have to be together." Amelia grinned as she succeeded in pulling one down. "Whaddya say?" She smiled goofily at him, making him laugh.

"You realize that legend is usually thought of as romantic, right?" He said, still laughing.

Amelia's cheeks tinted red and she stared down at the fruit in shock. "...Ew..." she said, suddenly feeling a little sick. She threw the fruit out in the ocean as far as she could. "Go make some fish fall in love or something!" she yelled angrily at the fruit. She'd wanted to try that for so long... So much for that.

She sat on the tree dejectedly. Her brother was going to go far, far from this place and far from her. He was so amazing... she thought that fruit was her last chance at not being left behind. But... she didn't love him like that.Her brother joined her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Something the matter?"

"...Why are you single, anyway? Any girl in the village would love to be with you, we all know it. You're not like me."

Her brother laughed at this again, but Amelia kept a somber expression on her face, which was very uncharacteristic for her. He stopped and looked at her seriously. "You really want to know why?" He asked her, crossing her arms. "I wouldn't be happy with any of them. They're too boring... to plain. You've set the bar too high for any of them to hope to interest me."

"...Hey, are you saying it's my fault somehow? Then I'm blaming you for my lack of a boyfriend!"

Ace laughed and ruffled her hair again. "Good, you shouldn't have a boyfriend. You're too young."

"I'm 16 now, bro! How long am I going to be too young? I don't want to wait forever...."

"Don't worry about it. You don't need some guy, I'm here for you. Besides, if you're waiting for someone more awesome than me, you'll be waiting forever, won't you?"The two of them laughed together and watched the sunset.

"...Hey, you won't be here forever. And I know that... So, here." Amelia handed him a dried morning glory she had gotten a while back. "Don't you dare forget me. Ever. Don't even try to forget me."

"How could I? And you? Will you ever try to forget me?"

"I wouldn't want to. You're my big brother... And you'll always be. No matter how far away you are. Right?"


"Promise me."

"I promise."

"Now jump in the ocean and catch a fish in your teeth."

"What th-"

"Hey, you were doing everything I said. I wanted to see if that would work."

"You little-"

Thud. Amelia winced and opened her eyes to find herself on the floor. She sighed, still groggy. When had she fallen asleep? "Mom, Dad, Bro, that was nothing," she called sleepily as she moved around to sit up. "I just fell off again!" She laughed and stood up to look around and became increasingly aware that this wasn't her room... Or the islands...

She almost screamed when she saw Dusk and Kitty on her bed. But then she remembered where she was. Her dream... was a dream. She would pretend that it wasn't her past. She hoped no one had heard her back there. She felt guilty for being such a hypocrite... forgetting her brother like this. She tried to push that thought out of her mind.

She wondered how late it was now... She felt rested, even though she was still tired, so it'd been hours since she fell asleep. She wondered if she should try to go outside and just train, like she did before whenever she wanted to clear her mind. But she wasn't even going to try to find the exit of this crazy tower.

She lied back down and silently did some sit-ups, wondering why Dusk and Kitty were in there with her, anyway... Were they her roommates now? Where was Kelsey, then?


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
Dusk was on her feet in a matter of seconds, thinking Ichigo had found her. Instead, a man and woman, who looked to be in their twenties, came walking around the corner.

"Hey Eric! There's a savivor!"The girl told the man, Eric.

"You're right Lily! Hey, are you okay kid? You're bleeding." Eric took a step forward, but stopped when Dusk summoned her staff on him,"Hey!What are you doing!?"

"Keep away from me!"Dusk shoughted at him. When they found out she was a nobody, they would attack her for sure...

"Calm down kid," Lily said, taking a step forward, "My name's Lily, what's yours?"

"I dont have one!" Dusk yelled at her, gripping her staff tightly, ready to attack if she had to.

"What do you mean?" Eric asked, but Lily already had an answer.

"You're a nobody aren't you?"

Dusk nodded and waited for them to attack.
In the darkness cames screams and cries of heartless. Cathrine's first thought was to get off the stage, so she ran to stage right. Yellow eyes. The same happened when she tried for stage left. Cathrine jumped off the front of the stage to get away from them, but they followed and she had to get past the ones on the ground. She was almost to the hall doors though when she heard a scream. Her mothers? Turned around trying to call for her mother, when a heartless got her. She went down with her voice dying in her throat...

Kitty's eyes snapped open. She wasn't there anymore, she was in the present. Which was better then waking up in her past. Dusk, she found, was still asleep, while Ameila was doing sit ups.

"What are you doing Amelia?" She wrote, trying not to wake Dusk up.
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
"What are you doing Amelia?"

Amelia almost jumped from the surprise. One of them was awake... had she woken them up when she was calling for her family? No... no, hopefully she had just woken up. She couldn't explain the fact that she was addressing a brother... a mom and dad, she could attribute to a simple dream. Everyone had a mother and father. Whether or not both were present in their life, they both existed. But she was hoping to give the impression of being an only child. Rutilus was close to figuring it out- she... hoped it wasn't too much a disappointment to her brother. But she was going to deny his existence.

She was good at playing dumb, anyway. That was one game she could play without even trying...

Oh, and it was Kitty, too. She would have preferred if it had been Dusk... or, you know, anyone who hadn't tied her up in a net. If she expected a serious answer, then she was obviously still dreaming.

Amelia smirked and simply answered, "Sit-ups, Pussy Cat." She said it in a demeaning tone, like the question itself had been a stupid one. In hindsight, wondering why someone was sitting on the floor doing sit-ups wasn't really that odd. But, oh well, this was Kitty she was talking to. She wasn't dropping the grudge that easily. Even if she was her new roommate... which Amelia still didn't understand. She didn't once stop her even pace of sit-ups while Kitty stared at her.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
Kitty sighed, Amelia apperatnly never let grudges go. Even though Amelia had been the one to attack first. Oh well, that didn't matter. Kitty had put up with a lot of snobs when she was Cathrine, so she could deffintly put up with this one as Kitty.

"It's still late in the night," Kitty wrote, "Shouldn't you be sleeping? It's going to be a long hard day tommrow, I would hate to see you push yourself past your limits." Kitty was telling the truth. Amelia may have been annoying, but she didnt want anything bad to happen to her.
Instead of attacking though, the girl walked up to Dusk and quickly hugged her.

"W-what are you doing?" Dusk asked startled.

"Giving you a hug...You need one..." Lily told her.

Dusk stood there for a minute, just letting herself be hugged...Lily was right, she did need that...she felt a little less empty now...
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Amelia chuckled a little when she saw Kitty sigh. Mission accomplished...

"It's still late in the night," Kitty wrote, "Shouldn't you be sleeping? It's going to be a long hard day tommrow, I would hate to see you push yourself past your limits."

"Limits? I train to push my limits. That way, I'll be able to take more. I've slept, don't worry about little old me," she said, trying to sound cute. She was perfectly aware that she did succeed in the slightest. "I'm ready for whatever tomorrow might throw at me... I can sleep after I work out a little bit. That okay with you, Pussy Cat?"

Amelia stopped for a second and smiled a genuine, grateful smile at Kitty for a moment. She was glad that she actually did seem to care, after all. She still hated the net. But... "But seriously... thanks. I'll be okay, Kitty. Just rest, you probably need it more." With that said, Amelia turned over and began to do some push-ups. "...Oh, and now I'm doing push-ups, in case you didn't know," she said, returning to her teasing manner.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
"Listen Amelia," Kitty wrote, "Since it's you an me,since Dusk is asleep, why dont we talk? You're obvisouly still mad about the net ealier, and staying mad wont help us work together and we need to to win this war.okay?"
After her new Masters Eric and Lily picked her up, they begun teaching Dusk magic. Dusk was already starting to learn before she became a nobody, but if it wasn't for her new masters, there wasnt a good chance that she would have been able to continue to learn. And master Eric and Lily were good masters, they hardly ever got mad at her!...Even after the twelvefth explosion...But they taught her well and she was ready to take her masters exam. But like so many other things, her nobody status stopped her.

"Don't feel bad Dusk!Those old fools are just idiots!" Lily tried to cheer her up after they had been turned down before Dusk could even start her exam.

"I don't feel bad Master Lily."Dusk told her, biting back "I dont feel anything" becuase that would have been really rude to her master, and it wasnt her fault she couldn't take it.

"They'll have to get over themselves one of these days!" Lily told her.

"Be careful what you say Lily!" Eric told her, looking around warily. He was always concerned about other people.

"Who cares if they hear! I dont care!What they did to Dusk was beyond rude and cruel! Why don't we go ask Master Faber to help let Dusk to take her test!"

"Are you crazy?! He lives in Twilight Town! If they find out Dusk is a nobody, they'll take her!" Eric exclaimed.

"What do you want to do Dusk?"

"Lets go," Dusk said, knowing that they were going weather master Eric or herself wanted to or not. Master Lily was just that way.

"Thats the spirit!" Lily cheered while Eric groaned.


Digidork for life.
Apr 3, 2008
At the end of time, listening to the drums...
Chase absentmindedly ran a finger through the dirt in front of him, tracing patterns into the earth as his mind wandered. He thought about his home, about all the people he had left behind, wondering if he'd ever see them again. 'I may never see it again...' he thought, thinking about the battles that lie ahead, the adventures he had left to endure. He thought about Dusk, and the training he would receive tomorrow, and just how much magic he really wanted to learn. His eyes scanned the area around him, taking in the tree's, the tower itself, and landing on a small boulder some distance away. "I wonder..." He rose to his feet and pointed one hand at the object, recounting some of the words he'd seen in the book of spells, focusing on his intent to raise the object. "So, I focus on what I want to happen... And..." His eyes narrowed as he spoke the spell aloud, "Risa!" he commanded, watching with fierce determination as...

Absolutely nothing happened. "Well, I guess that's not really surprising." he gave a slight grin, he'd definitely have to train more. He grabbed his swords and waved it through the air, holding it like a staff as he imagined himself as a wizard. He smiled as he watched his weapon dance through the air, imagining the spells he'd cast, envisioning himself surrounded by countless enemies. Faster and faster he moved, laughing as he gave one quick slash upwards through the air in the direction of the stone, "Risa!" he shouted with glee, imagining himself hurling the rock into the air. And his jaw dropped as the the boulder flew, with immediate speed and force, straight up, crashing down with a loud boom a few seconds later, barely missing the roof of the tower itself. He stared for a few seconds, before a single thought crossed his mind. 'Holy Sh-"
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Amelia tried to keep her breathing even and steady as she did her push ups. She kept her eyes on the ground, trying to ignore the lights that she knew were more words from Kitty.

She was trying to just clear her mind, though. Training time was her chance to be alone- usually, that is. She wished Kitty would go back to sleep, because this was defeating the entire point. She sighed and finally stopped her pushups to look up at the words.

"Listen Amelia, Since it's you an me,since Dusk is asleep, why dont we talk? You're obvisouly still mad about the net ealier, and staying mad wont help us work together and we need to to win this war.okay?"

Amelia rolled her eyes. "Me? Mad? About that? No, I love being tied up in nets," she said sarcastically. Being bound up always made her antsy, and she hated it. She wasn't making an exception here. "To win this war, you need to rest and be ready. I need to get stronger so I'm ready. So, here's an idea. Since talking doesn't make either of us stronger or better rested, why don't you sleep and I train?" Amelia returned to her exercises then, keeping her eyes closed this time.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
"Will you stop being a brat and just listen to someone for once." There were two odd things about that. one was that Amelia had finally gotten other Kitty's skin. The other was, she didn't write that. Her voice said that. Kitty just sat on the bed, stunned. how was that possible? Had she gotten her voice back? Kitty tried to say something again, but nothing came out. What happened that made her voice come back...even for a second?...AMELIA!

"Make me mad again!" Kitty exclaimed as she hopped out of bed and began to shake Amelia.
"Well Eric, I guess you were right..." Lily said as they looked at the imperiums that surronded them. They hadn't even gotten to Faber's house before they were surronded.

"And you wonder why I tell you to listen..." Eric mumbled.

"Give us the nobody and we'll let you two go." An Imperium solider told them.

"Not going to happen!" Lily shoughted back at them.

"This is your final warn-" The imperium didn't get to finish thanks to the lightening spell Lily hit him with. Then the fight was on.
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
"Will you stop being a brat and just listen to someone for once."

Amelia stopped for a second before continuing her exercises. She was under the impression that Kitty couldn't talk, but apparently she was wrong. That would make keeping her eyes closed a much less effective method than she expected... And who was she to call Amelia a brat? She was a brat, she knew that. But still, she was the victim this time! Kitty had been the one to tie her up!

She would still ignore her. She was a brat, and that wasn't changing. She didn't plan on changing it, anyway. She could ignore her well enough, even with sound.

But then Amelia felt herself being shaken. She still didn't open her eyes, but she gritted her teeth in anger. This was her time to train! "Look, if you have something to say, say it. Or go back to bed! What, cat got your tongue or something? Oops, I mean Kitty's got your tongue. Just... leave me alone!" Amelia sat up and pushed Kitty back.

Amelia was getting no rest this way. She stood up and opened her eyes to glance at the door, maybe think of a way out. She noticed the words "Make me mad again!" in the air, and she sighed. "I'm no sell out, I anger people when I want to. It's no fun if they ask for it. Duh." Amelia huffed and walked to the door. Maybe she could do this in the hallway well enough.


New member
Jan 15, 2012
Hueco Mundo
Hearing a loud boom, jolted Zero awake and made him fall out of bed with a thud. What the hell was that? thought Zero, rubbing his head in pain. Looking over to Chase's bed, he saw it was empty. Great, wonder where he went off to? thought Zero, getting up and flinging the bedroom door open. Looking down both darken hallways Zero decided to go find Chase and make sure nothing was attacking them. Wonder if the Commander or anyone else heard that? thought Zero, opening doors and looking for the way outside. After a few tries, Zero manage to find the spiral stair case he went up through earlier and saw the huge doors that leaded outside.

Opening them up, Zero silently grabbed hold of his daggers as he walked out the front door, keeping an eye out for attackers. Hearing swearing nearby, Zero saw Chase look of astonishment. "Chase! Is everything alright? We're not being attacked are we?" asked Zero, strolling over to him.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
the second star from the right
"Please!" Kitty wrote, "You might be the key to helping me get my voice back!"Kitty didn't know how it worked, or why, but if it got her voice back...if she could sing again...then she would do anything! "I know you hate me but please just do me this one favor!"
This wasnt supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to die. Why? Why didn't she let her die instead? Lily saw Dusk was about to be impaled by an Imperium sword, there wasnt anytime to cast a spell, so she just jumped in front of her like a live sheild. She was dead before she even hit the ground.

"Lily!!!" Eric screamed when he saw her hit the ground. Dusk was quiet, and she was even more numb now then before. She searched deep inside herself. There had to be one little feeling. Be it sadness, rage, of just shock, it had to be inside her. She found something, but it wasnt a feeling. It was..life maybe? Well, Dusk reached for it and pulled it up.

The Imperiums never knew what hit them as the trees grew up and hit them.


Digidork for life.
Apr 3, 2008
At the end of time, listening to the drums...
Chase shook his head, bewildered, "No, sorry for waking you Zero. I uh, I just threw that rock, is all...." Points at boulder, blinking a few times before sitting near the wall. 'Maybe I won't be so bad at magic after all....' he thought to himself, yawning deeply, he'd forgotten how tired he was in all the excitement, but he wasn't about to go attempt sleep again, not after his nightmare. "You can go back to sleep... I'm just gonna hang out here for a while."
Sep 19, 2011
In the great wide somewhere~
Amelia sighed in exasperation as she saw that Kitty was writing more.Why did Kitty involve so much reading? She reluctantly glanced at the words to read over them.

"Please! You might be the key to helping me get my voice back! I know you hate me but please just do me this one favor!"

Amelia laughed, in the back her mind wondering what the noise she heard in the hallway was. Someone just left... "So many things wrong with that. One is that I don't need to do you any favors whatsoever. We may be allies, but we're not... friends." Amelia smiled mischievously. "Besides, it doesn't work that way. If you want to be mad, it's harder to make you mad. And I get less fun out of it. It's like asking for a surprise party. Where's the surprise anymore?"

Suddenly, Amelia mentally smacked herself for just now letting what she read sink in. "Your voice? It's gone? You spoke just a little while ago." Amelia crossed her arms. "I may not be smart, but I'm not an idiot."
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