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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts Show!

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Sep 1, 2005

*Sora and Riku are in the car, driving*
Sora: "Let's go to the TGS!"
Riku: "It ended several days ago.."
Sora: "... YOU LIE.."
Riku: "I'm telling the truth.."
Sora: "Well.. Let's go to E3!"
Riku: "About that... It's called EE3 now.."
Sora: "... It makes no difference does it?"
Riku: "It does.. Big companies like Sony and Nintendo withdrew from it."
*spaces out*
Riku: Whoa.. Sora wake up! You're the driver! Oh god.. Not the pole! NOT THE POLE!!!!!!

*at Sora's House*
Riku: "And that's how he spaced out for two days.."
Kairi: "Wow.. I never knew he can be still and not eat for two days.."
Riku: "Worse thing about my new job is that I have to remove his underwear.. and replace it with a diaper."
Kairi: "How was it?"
Riku: "I had to use a blindfold to survive it."
Namine: "Riku?"
Riku: "Yeah?"
Namine: "Roxas has been spacing out for two days."
Riku: "Well.. About that."
*Points to Sora in the corner*
Riku: "Yeah.. One question.. Did you change his underwear and replace it with a diaper?"
Namine: "No."
Riku: "Boy.. We got a big mess in isle Roxas.. So does he have that pee smell?"
Namine: "Oh yeah."
Riku: "When did it start?"
Namine: "About.... 10 minutes after he spaced out."
Riku: "Make that a very dry and smelly mess.. Kairi get the washing machine ready.."
Kairi: "Alright.."
Riku: "Now where's my blindfold?"

*One day later*

Riku: "Sora.. KHII Final Mix+ is coming out in the US.
Sora: IT IS?!
Riku: Er.. Might..
*spaces out again*
Riku: There's a 55% chance it might.
Sora: Well 55% chance is better than nothing..
Roxas: Uh.. Where's my old clothes?
Riku: Yeah.. About that.. You see...

*At the basement*
Axel: Give me Roxas' clothes or I'll burn you!
Riku: Well.. I'll burn you first!
Axel: How?! You don't have any fire! Eat my chakrams!
Riku: Eat Dark Firaga, spikey!

Riku: And I was carrying the clothes..
Roxas: It burned up?
Riku: No.. You see.. Dark Firaga isn't really fire.. It's actually darkness that looks and burns like fire.. So.. The darkness part
kinda.. Corrupted your clothes..
Roxas: Corrupted?
Riku: It sprouted eyes and some dark firaga arms, head and legs. Then it ran away.. Leaving
burnt footprints on my carpet!
Roxas: So.. what happened to it when it left?
Riku: Oh.. no it didn't leave.. The thing didn't have a brain so it turned on the stove and... kinda torched the room.. And there seemed to be a water bill on your dinner table too, Sora. Now we're at my house right now..
Sora: Yeah.. I know we're at your house.. Oh yeah.. I forgot my car keys at my house..
Riku: Sora.. I set up a shotgun at the front door.. So you attempt to leave.. You'll get shot.. You do not want to return to your house.. Or to pet your cat.. Which was sleeping when the incident happened.
Mickey: Riku! I'm going to the minibar down the street!
Riku: Yeah go ahead..
Riku: I never really liked Mickey anyway. He eavesdrops too much.

KHS Credits
Lottery Winner: Jax-Oh1
MOST WANTED: 5 Kings of Twilight,( Reward: 300 gil )
MOST DaNGEROUS AND WANTED: Sephiroth ( Reward: His sword )
Reports say that Sephiroth is wearing a Hamtaro suit, and randomly
goes to places.
Hosts: Kairi, Sora, Riku, Roxas, Namine.
Announcer: KH2R
Employee of the Month: Vincent, Riku
Most Kills of the Month: Sephiroth (3,000,000,000 KILLS)
Least Kills of the Month: Sora (1)
Most Person hated: Muffindude and Ansem
Who caused the most horror of the Month: SEPHIROTH (3,000,000,000 KILLS)
Most Stupidest Person in KHS: Sora
Most Deaths: Sora (1000 and counting)
What has spiky hair, and is dumb: Sora
Owner of KHS: KH2Researcher (aka 5 Kings of Twilight)
Username: KH2Researcher
Full Username:KingdomHeartsTwoResearcher
Producer: KH2Researcher
Director: KH2Researcher
Designs: KH2Researcher
Ideas from: KH2Researcher, and some other fans.
Credit's Idea: KH2Researcher
Studies Character Attidutes: KH2Researcher
Which Final Fantasies KH2Researcher played: FF3, FF7, FF8, FF10, FF10-2
Designer of Logo: KH2Researcher
Main People in the show
Rikku (Now living in Besaid, good news for Riku)
Vincent (In jail for mass pwnage)
Sephiroth ( NO JOB AT ALL except he has to hide for the rest of his
life )
Kelfa (now working as a janitor for KHS)
Annoying Guy
Molgi (disappeared)
Gogi (disappeared and left a very smelly fart trail)
Muffindude (killing and hunting people for muffins)
Show Made by 5 Kings of Twilight (KH2Researcher)
(C) 2005
All Rights Reserved
Anyone who uses my pics and EXACT ideas or ideas that are similar
will be spanked... Or flamed.... Get it?
Kingdom Hearts Show
Sep 1, 2005

*At Japan's airport*

Sora: " So... Why are we here again?"
Riku: "We're here to get infomation from Square Enix if they're gonna ship the game to the US shores."
Sora: "Why did you invite Roxas? I thought we had two tickets."
Riku: "I didn't.. It was a major coincedience that he was on the same flight and plane as us."
Roxas: "Sora I need a hand."
Sora: "Here you go."
Roxas: "You're supposed to grab the case not my pants."

*Sitting around the room in a hotel*
Sora: "So.. What's our plan?"
Riku: "I packed some serious heat in my bag.. "
Roxas: "Heat? You mean guns?"
Riku: "Yeah.. AK47s."
Sora: "How did you get pass security with them?"
Riku: "I didn't.... I shot pass security with them."
Roxas: "Oh.. That explains the gunfire and the dead guards in the airport."
Riku: "So.. We get in the company's headquarters ninja style."
Sora: "Couldn't we just walk in the front door?"
Riku: "Could Nomura escape with all of his projects on a helicopter?"
Roxas: "No.. He would die before he wraps all of the FFXIII projects."
Riku: "Well the quickest way to the headquarters.. is.. in the sky .. through the window.. GET... AK47s.. NOW."
Roxas: "All your guns are belong to me."
Sora: "One question..."
Riku: "Shoot."
Sora: "How are we going to get to SE's HQ?"
Riku: "Easy.. We use jetpacks."
Roxas: "Is that even possible?"
Riku: "Everything is possible with Gameshark.."
*Gains infinite jetpack, Riku opens the window*
Sora: "So how do you fly?"
Riku: "Press the button."
Sora: "What button?"
Riku: "The button in front of you."
Sora: "There's a button in front of me?"
Riku: "Yes."
Sora: "I don't believe you."
Riku: "Sora, I really hope there's anti-stupid machine turrets out there."

*45 minutes later*

Sora: "Holy jiggering pink BALLS! We're 100 stories high!"
*Riku contacts Sora through a mic*
Riku: "Sora! Wrong building!"
Sora: "Wow.. I can't believe you're talking to me.. When you're not even here!"

*10 minutes later at the correct place - SEHQ's window*

Riku: "Lock and Load boys.."
Sora: "Uh oh.. It appears that I dropped my AK47... Let me use my hacks to get it."
Roxas: "Uh.. What?"
Riku: "Oh god.. He's gonna do something stupid.. I'm not surprised."

*Riku bursts open the window*
People: *Japanese words*
Riku: "Uh oh... Did we remember to learn Japanese while in the plane?"
Sora: "I learned some Japanese words.."
Riku: "Yeah that's great."
Roxas: "I guess our only option is.. gather every piece of infomation that we cannot FREAKING understand."
Sora: "Oooh, look... It's the secret ending..."
*Sora, Riku and Roxas watch*
Sora, Riku & Roxas: "OH.... MY.... GAWD..........."
Riku: "Let's copy it down onto my CD here!"
Sora: "Umm.. I don't think we could understand how to copy this onto a CD.."
Riku: "Nonsense.. We'll understand."
*A box comes up.. ALL JAPANESE*
Sora: "Wait.. There's two big buttons.."
Roxas: "Is the one on the left, COPY, or on the right, EXIT?"
Sora: "Wait.. People in this part of the world are leftys.. So it might be on the right.."
Riku: "Err...."
*shotgun blast*
Nomura: "You... die.. shotgun! SHOTGUN BLOW YOU!"
Roxas: "HA! 3 AK47s against a shotgun.."
Sora: "Wait.. Is that an auto shotgun?"
Riku: "No it's pumped.."
Riku: "I guess it's a death shotgun."
Sora: "Wait.. Is he blind?"
Roxas: "He could be.. Let's move to the left.."
*Nomura's eyes follow them*
Sora: "... He could just be guessing our moves.."
Riku: "Right.. Let's move farther left.."
*Nomura looks mad, and follows them with his eyes*
Sora: "Hey, let's jump out the window."
Roxas: "Are you crazy? We've got to copy the secret-"
Sora: "Bye, Riku and Roxas."
Nomura: "DIE!!"

KHS Credits
Lottery Winner: Jax-Oh1
MOST WANTED: 5 Kings of Twilight,( Reward: 300 gil )
MOST DaNGEROUS AND WANTED: Sephiroth ( Reward: His sword )
Reports say that Sephiroth is wearing a Hamtaro suit, and randomly
goes to places.
Hosts: Kairi, Sora, Riku, Roxas, Namine.
Announcer: KH2R
Employee of the Month: Vincent, Riku
Owner of KHS: KH2Researcher (aka 5 Kings of Twilight)
Username: KH2Researcher
Full Username:KingdomHeartsTwoResearcher
Producer: KH2Researcher
Director: KH2Researcher
Designs: KH2Researcher
Ideas from: KH2Researcher, and some other fans.
Credit's Idea: KH2Researcher
Studies Character Attidutes: KH2Researcher
Which Final Fantasies KH2Researcher played: FF3, FF7, FF8, FF10, FF10-2
Designer of Logo: KH2Researcher
Main People in the show
Rikku (Now living in Besaid, good news for Riku)
Vincent (In jail for mass pwnage)
Kelfa (now working as a janitor for KHS)
Annoying Guy
Muffindude (killing and hunting people for muffins)
Show Made by 5 Kings of Twilight (KH2Researcher)
(C) 2005 - 2006
All Rights Reserved
Anyone who uses my pics and EXACT ideas or ideas that are similar
will be flamed.... Get it?
Kingdom Hearts Show

Ultimate oblivion

New member
Dec 21, 2004
Somewhere in-between the Multiverse of fiction
I apologize 4 the lateness i had 2 go 2 bed right after i posted on 10-14 @ 10:30PM so ive been working my own little ep and 5KoT and myself R in it!

Kingdom Hearts Show (filler episode by Ultimate Oblivion)

P.S. I’m in this ep starring as a guy who lives up in the attic of the Host’s house and I’m Strong bcuz I wield Fenrir. ALSO some characters from my fav animé's may be in this episode for comedy of course SO ENJOY

*at KH2R's house*
*doorbell rings multiple times*
Sora: ALLRIGHT! ALLREADY! Geez.You'd think that your girlfreind would stop being so damn lazy and be nice to the one she loves but no, she gets me 2 do all of her stuff.
*Sora opens door to see Naruto *
Sora: Hi Naruto!
*Naruto does his sexy Jutsu*
*Sora bleeds from his nose & falls on the ground*
Sora: Oh CRAP!
Naruto: HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA I got u good, Sora!
Sora: yeah u did, ninja boy, now $&%# off!
Everyone except Naruto: GREAT, now this is rated M-15
UO: All right then, time to make my entrance in the scariest way possible HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
*Teleports Ninja-style from attic to ceiling of one of the bathrooms in the house*
*Roxas enters and is suddenly strangulated by wire cords, UO hangs him from the ceiling in the doorway*
UO: now all that’s left is to wait….. (20 mins later) IM SO $%&@in BORED
Riku: WTF?!?!!? Holy Hell! Roxas is dead!
UO: Yes. He is dead I killed him.
Riku: Wait… since Roxas is dead, what happened to Sora?
UO: He’s still alive
Riku: Just Get the out here!
*Everyone is alerted and is all gathering close to Riku*
Kairi: What’s happening?
Naminé: Yeah, What’s happening?
*UO appears before them*
UO: You know. Just because you’re Kairi’s ‘special’ nobody, doesn’t mean u have to copy her all the time, Naminé
Everyone: Someone from Org. XIII!?
UO: Don’t worry, I’m NOT from Org.13. I can assure you that, besides those bastards were weak assholes!
UO: Since I am strong (Since I wield Fenrir) and I wanted a decent challenge so I decided to kill one of you and since Roxas was closest I decide to kill him I figured Riku could have Naminé since Kairi belongs to Sora--
Kairi: I don’t belong to anybody you dip-shit!
UO: Sorry, I meant to say love but I sed belong, and I AINT NO DIPSHIT!!!
UO: By the way, call me U.O.
Riku: is that an abbreviation?
UO: yeah, it’s one of my forum-names
Riku: Let’s just get to the fighting screwball
UO: It's UO!
*Sora charges UO whilst screaming his lungs off only to have the wind kicked out of him by UO and fall to the ground near Kairi*
*Stars encircle Sora’s head*
Disorientated Sora: Kairi has nice 800845
*Kairi FUMES and that little X thing indicating anger appears on her forehead*
Kairi: HEY! I understood that L33T speak! Die you @#$%& pervert!
*Kairi begins to strangle Sora like Homer Strangles Bart*
UO: Hey! NO strangling each other! I’m here to fight, not watch you fight yourselves. Besides, I don’t think 3-tard wants to die, right 3-tard?
Sora: No I definitely DO NOT want to die
*One Winged Angel from FF7: Advent Children starts playing*
*UO summons Fenrir, Riku summons WTD and Soul Eater, Sora activates TRUE and summons Divine Light. UO dodges multiple attacks while imitating some of the Sora’s Drive Form attacks*
UO: Hey guys, if Sora is where intelligence goes to die, then Roxas must be where it goes to be drugged up on heroin and hit by a bus
Riku: Hey, that’s a nice j/k UO I’ll have 2 remember that 4 later wen we revive Roxas
UO: How can u possibly do that?
Riku: simple, we use a Phoenix-Down MAX on him
UO: DAMN! I hadn’t thought of that.
KH2R: This fight’s gone 4 too long I guess I’ll just get my lazy ass in gear then and delete you, UO
UO: Wait a sec….. You’re not Luther and this is not the Eternal Sphere So you CAN”T DELETE ME!!
KH2R: Think again dunkoft.
UO: Hey I know what that means, and I thought you people DIDN’T discriminate!
*A yellow-white aura surrounds UO*
*One Winged Angel stops playing*
*UO’s body is deleted*
Dearly Beloved Reprise starts to play
Kairi, Riku, Naminé, KH2R and Roxas: This song is depressing. Turn it off Sora.
*song is turned off*

End of KHS episode
(Insert Credits Here)
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