Edit: Ninja'd by Veritas7340 as to why I (and we apparently both) think Sora's suddenly Superman here
I have to say that I really enjoyed this update. Great job, Blackdrazon!
Just a few things I thought about while reading:
For one thing, I've been pondering over this for years and I think I finally know why the game is expecting you to think that Sora is allowed to have all these insane new abilities suddenly.
At first I thought the flying thing was maybe supposed to be attributed to glide from Final Form, or maybe even the Peter Pan summon (if it had reminded Sora how to fly, maybe, as we do see him flying outside of Neverland in KH1's final battles), or maybe even Roxas finally joining Sora more willingly and making them both stronger that way, BUT the real reason for it? This line right here from Mickey, I believe:
"Kingdom Hearts. The worlds gave us this door way. They want us to be the guardians of their destiny." I think you're supposed to believe that Kingdom Hearts suddenly gave Sora super powers (as it also apparently did with Xemnas, hence is spanky new robe in the last fight with him) so he and Xemnas would be evenly matched and whoever one could do what they wanted with KH?
IDK. It's a stretch. And even a really bad reason if it is true, because no one would make that connection and Mickey's line seemed like a rush add-in to explain why you shouldn't be afraid to go through the door that Xemnas seemingly made, but it's the best thing I can come up with.
Oh, and speaking of Xemnas' wardrobe change, I think that's the reason for the zebra print that we see all over the final battle. Kingdom Hearts gave him a Final Form, so to speak, that's between light and darkness like he is. Or so I've heard people deduce.
And I don't know if you know this, but it is possible to miss some of the reaction commands with the buildings in the first section (I'm counting everything as the first section until you get to that scaffolding section), and then to get badly hurt because of it--maybe you could even die if you didn't have certain abilities and were low leveled--and then you have to wait forever to try and find the reaction command again (specifically the one that takes you to the second stage). I accidentally did this one time when I just wanted to explore the area some before moving forward, but the game punishes you for it.
I really did enjoy reading all that you brought to the table about the final battle here
The KH1 is hardly better in some regards, but the KHII one is a mess where you have no idea what's going on, or why you're even doing what you are (and the main characters even seem to feel that same way at times).
I do now think that a lot of it would have made more sense with the King boss battle, and whatnot, to give it all some sort of explanation, but alas.
I really don't know what could have happened. Could Square Enix have run out of time or budget? Or were they having technical or hardware limitations?
Because I'd like to believe that if Square could have, they would have kept the two King boss fights to add some cohesiveness here--or at least would have changed things to make it more clear what was going on, when they realized that those fights would be a no-go, but maybe not?
Oh... I truly hate to be that person, but I think you were looking for the word "throw" in a few places in one of your paragraphs in the retrospective, Blackdrazon. It's a bit incoherent if I try to read it the way it is, without replacing a few of the words with that one.
For reference, the paragraph I'm talking about is this one: "This whole sequence is so inchoate. Sora comes to attack a thing, so things show up so he can conveniently
thing the things into the thing before it does a thing that doesn’t affect him but he
things the things into the thing so that it will stop doing the thing. We’re just flying around with no rhyme or reason to where we actually are, what we’re doing or why we’re doing it."
Gah! I'm so sorry, Blackdrazon! I hate giving constructive criticism (even though it does help people, I know), because you're amazing--and this whole thing is amazing--and I thank you so much for writing it, and I don't want you to think that I don't admire it, but...
Y'know, there's very much a reason I've decided to never really give anyone critique. I should probably stop now and never attempt it again. Sorry. And if I hurt your feelings, just ignore me. I'm a stupid person who should be shutting up, and not sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.
ANYWAY, I think the thing that bothers me the most about this whole ordeal is how Sora's on the other side of the buildings in the first section before they even
start to pull away from each other.
Oh, and that he's pretty much stabbing Xemnas in a certain area there:/
And does it bother anyone else how easily Sora dismisses Kairi and Mickey being left behind on the other side of the door? Riku seems upset about it, and yells out, "No!", as he stays facing his companions with his hand outstretched that way, but Sora doesn't seem to remotely care and just exclaims while summoning his Keyblade, "We can take him on our own!"
Like, I'm sorry, Sora. Do you maybe
want to be worried about your friends some? Especially for all you know, Xemnas could have a worse trap waiting for them on the other side, in which case they'd need your help.
I mean, Sora was told to take care of Kairi at the end of KH1, for goodness sake (and she's also an important Princess of Heart, who very much needs to be protected for the worlds' sake as well as her own!), and yet... Sora never does that at all, and Riku eventually seems to stop even considering the idea, too. (But at least Riku's still caring of Kairi here, that's more than we can say about Sora.)
It's also really insulting that Kairi somehow got knocked out running through a
door, writers.
Tbh, I don't even know why I should care/be surprised anymore. Clearly I should just shut my brain off with KHII. But as a video editor-- and a SoKai shipper, who has made her fair sure of SoKai videos--when I can start thinking of ways to make Sora look like a jerk towards Kairi in amvs (like say with the song "Jar of Hearts"), with actual scenes like this from the game and changing nothing in them... Then there's a huge problem there! Good gosh.
Oh, and about knowing that those fingers were from the dragon... I think I did notice that on my third playthrough of the final battle and ever since then, but not at all before that, I don't think. They really don't hint at that idea at all.
I did, however, realize that that guy in the armor was Xemnas. That's something, at least.