I'm kinda still feeling like the video is a big metaphor and if they aren't righting side by side with them, they are in spirit.
I'm kinda still feeling like the video is a big metaphor and if they aren't righting side by side with them, they are in spirit.
Terra ;A;
Thank you for the pic!
I'm kinda still feeling like the video is a big metaphor and if they aren't righting side by side with them, they are in spirit.
I could see it as just being a metaphor, and if a scene like this does crop up later in the series it probably won't look like this at all---but I can't see why it wouldn't happen eventually, anyway.
As far as I'm concerned-- I just got another glimpse of KH3. = )
Can someone snap Aqua as well? Everything moves too fast for me to snap...
Go to this link ¥ê¥Ð¥¤¥Ö¤Î¤ª½Ð¤«¤±Æüµ*
then find this sentence
the video above that sentece has the final bit of the trailer clearer and you can see aqua and the rest really well
I linked that video already. XD I can see her, but I'm not quick enough to pause or snap a picture for a friend.
its possibly, there was a place to puase and you can see her behind donald and sora, i wish i knew how to take snpashots
Thanks! And... I feel as if the TAV crew are all missing their faces, but I guess that's because of how it was shown.
Yeah, I find that oddly suspicious too. I think it is probably just because of those hanging icicle like things on the ceiling. That, or it's supposed to be symbolic somehow...but that's probably just reading too much into it.
Lol, those "icicles" are not part of the video, they're just decor for the event. ^___^