Hey Noezel, since everyone here is praising you like a golden God, I decided to, instead of going "OMG U ROCK", which you do, I'd give you some constructive criticism to help you out
Noezel7 said:
“You know Sora, no matter what happens or what your going through, we’ll stick with you till the end.” I felt tears starting to come to my eyes. I had become such a crybaby lately. So instead of letting them see me cry I ran forward I little bit, keeping my back to them, with my hands place behind my head.
“Thanks you guys,” I chocked out. “I hope I can repay you someday, for all the things you’ve done for me.” I turned and smiled the biggest smile I could possibly make. They laughed and in turn so did I. I turned back to the gate, hesitating a little. Did I really want to know what these dreams meant or was I destined to know? Either way I was about to find out.
Though this is very emotional and good, too much emotion turns a Drama into a Soap Opera, which can sometimes be a little annoying. Also, Goofy seems to have said this a little too late. It would have made more sense for him to do that right after Sora became 'normal' again. Though it was a nice thing to say, at the time it's a bit uncomfortable.
Noezel7 said:
“Hey Sora, long time no see.” Leon always made me laugh. I mean he wasn’t trying to be funny but he always said everything in such a serious tone, you had to wonder sometimes if he even knew the definition of funny.
Just a few things. After such a sad good bye in the first game, Leon seems to be a little to distant when speaking to Sora. Even though it's normally in his nature, it just seems that after closing Kingdom Hearts and defeating Ansem would, Leon could have given a little more gratitude.
Noezel7 said:
They all had gathered, Aerith, Cloud, and even Yuffie. I had to remind myself that Yuffie was a ninja not a nurse, thinking back to the nightmare that started all of this. I explained my problem to the group, each of them listening closely. By the end of the story Leon looked confused, Cloud’s expression hadn’t changed, Aerith looked at me in disbelief, and Yuffie laughed hysterically. That made me feel great.
“So....so....you’re trying to tell me that you think there are two realities. Oh my God that’s the funniest thing I have ever heard ” Yuffie fell to her knees, laughing with tears comming to her eyes. Everyone gave her the same look, are you really that retarded?
Is she? Seeing how Sora was very serious about this, and that, as I said before, Sora deserves a lot more gratitude (and respect) than for her to be rolling on the floor laughing...
Noezel7 said:
“No your right, it was stupid, see you guys later.” I stormed out of there in a raging fury. When I got outside I lashed out with my keyblade at a nearby statue. It shattered into a million pieces.
“How stupid am I. How could they ever understand?” My body sunk to the ground. I put my head in my knees. I was trying to calm down but I just couldn’t. Suddenly I hear footsteps come running towards me.
Once again, so much emotion. You sometimes almost make Sora seem a bit femminine. But, I suppose he can be sometimes in the game, but more like a little 4 year old girl, not a girl who's on her period. (No offence to girls here)
Noezel7 said:
“Yuffie didn’t mean to be cruel, it’s just when she gets scared she tries to make a joke. She didn’t mean to make you mad. Please forgive her.”
The diolouge is a bit....uh, sketchy. Cruel is an odd word for him to say. Anyway, I'd just 'tune' those 3 sentances up if you care to edit your story.
Noezel7 said:
“We have no time to discuss the details! If Kairi is in danger I need to go, NOW!” I tried to run but Cloud and Leon held me in place. I kept struggling but as soon as I was about to break free, Yuffie slapped me in the face.
Once again, Sora tries to run away. A bit jumpy, but I understand his intentions
Noezel7 said:
As I opened the doors to go outside to the ship to rest, I realized that it was nighttime. I had never been in Hollow Baston at night. I also noticed a slight fog. I shrugged and tried to feel my way through the fog. Before I could take another step, a force stopped me from moving forward. Instincts told me that something was wrong. I summoned my keyblade and prepared for an attack. In front of me the fog started to clear. I squinted to see if my enemy was the one causing the fog. As soon as I saw who was in front of my very eyes, my mouth went dry. I let the keyblade fall to the ground and I fell to my knees. Why was all of this happening? There in front of me was Riku, with soul eater in hand.
Now that I've given you a few negative thoughts, I gotta say- this final paragraph is an A++! It's very well written and I wanna know what happens next!!
So, I'm not saying that you're story is bad, it's VERY good. I just wanna help you out so you can be even better than awesome!