So, I’ve been going to my current school since kindergarten. The schoolwork itself has never been a problem for me; I’ve always been the top of my graduating class.
Over the years, I’ve gained a lot of “acquaintances”, who are just people I’m nice to that are nice back and we don’t really have any problems between but no close bond. I’m a nice girl, but really quiet, so that’s basically the extent of my relations with most of the people in my grade.
Even most of my friends aren’t really close to me, and I’m friends with them because they’re friends with a friend of mine. I have one best friend, because my others have managed to just… fade away.
So, yeah, I’m horrible at making close friends or just social situations in general. And I’m starting a new, harder school this year, a boarding school. So I won’t have my family to fall back on, and the bonds I naturally formed over so many years are suddenly gone.
I’d just like a little advice… how should I cope with the harder work and being away from everyone I grew up with? How should I go about making friends, keeping in mind that most of the others at this school are in the same situation(leaving their school and starting this new boarding school for the more challenging work)? What do I do if I can’t keep up with the lessons for the first time almost ever?
Over the years, I’ve gained a lot of “acquaintances”, who are just people I’m nice to that are nice back and we don’t really have any problems between but no close bond. I’m a nice girl, but really quiet, so that’s basically the extent of my relations with most of the people in my grade.
Even most of my friends aren’t really close to me, and I’m friends with them because they’re friends with a friend of mine. I have one best friend, because my others have managed to just… fade away.
So, yeah, I’m horrible at making close friends or just social situations in general. And I’m starting a new, harder school this year, a boarding school. So I won’t have my family to fall back on, and the bonds I naturally formed over so many years are suddenly gone.
I’d just like a little advice… how should I cope with the harder work and being away from everyone I grew up with? How should I go about making friends, keeping in mind that most of the others at this school are in the same situation(leaving their school and starting this new boarding school for the more challenging work)? What do I do if I can’t keep up with the lessons for the first time almost ever?