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Fanfiction ► Hollow Hearts (Version 3.0 Some KH2 Spoilers)

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Aug 13, 2005
The other end of the leash.

THAT'S how Allecto came to be? THAT IS SO AWESOME, DUDE. So Allecto is a heartless now? Amme said she was a fury... and stuff. o.o

That is just so beyond awesome, Pickle. Thank you. You just made my day, dude.


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
Holy forking-

Wait, hold on. The water for my jello is boiling.


Okay, I'm back. Stupid jello. -ahem-

Pickle, that was TOTALLY awesome. I thought we'd never read this again, but then you updated with this Chapter of Awesomeness?! *-* TIS BOOTIFUL.

Hollow was so ky00te. x3 I even said that as I was reading it. "HOLLW ISH SO KY00TE!"

And anyway, Silver, lemme clear somethin' up.

Non KH = Allecto is the illegitimate child of Orpheus and Alecto, making her 3/4 Fury and 1/4 Muse.

KH = Allecto is a ticked-off human Heartless created by Vexen.

No wonder why Allecto hates Zexy and Vexy so much. You better write another chappie soon, Pickle-o. I wanna see how they attempt to control 'Lecto. There's going to be a lot of destruction.

This totally made MY day. I'm sitting here in two-inch heels and a skirt and my hands smell like strawberry jello. I definately needed a pick-me-up before I fast for twenty-five hours.



Aug 13, 2005
The other end of the leash.
Wtfork? Two inch heels? Psh, that's totally weak dude.

I've worn like, four inch heels, dude. In my freshmen year, when they kidnapped me and made me dress like a female hooker.


Updart, Pickle! :D


Ashy to Classy
Mar 12, 2005
Carson, CA
Wow. This is some great work here. I've never read a KH story that was so dark. The main character is very interesting, and your explaination of how the Heartless came to be was very original and well thought out. You have good grammar as well. I'll be looking out for this one.

((Unrelated note: Hollow looks exactly like one of my other characters! The personalities are diffferent though.))


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
This is Pickle's awesome beyond awesome pic of Hollow.


And this is what Allecto looks like. Allecto is mine, but of course, Pickle gets permission to use her for HH. :D



I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
^Did I not cred you wik that? BAD OWIE!

Hey, whoasnap. That pwns, Black Priest.


I ish update soon. =3333

I luff writing. Why did I leave. o.o;


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
=o Pickle, you updarted! -gives Wilson-

It is nice to read about Hollow again. =3 He is such a great character, Allecto too. -huggles Azul-

You must update soon!


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005

Mah fans are gettin' scary. o.o;


Song: Human Tornado ~ Look Around ~ Anthony Rapp

Hollow reached for the girl's hand to pull her up, as Heartless were often weak when they first woke up. He had to push away the anger he felt at the two numbskulls down the hall for bringing her into this horrible place, if only for Allecto's sake. The girl glared at him, her crimson eyes trying hard to penetrate his impassive expression.

"I can do it myself," the sapphire skinned girl snapped, shaking as she brought herself to a kneeling position. Hollow stood, shrugging. He was very calm now, but he wasn't sure why. He glanced at her knees, concerned at the amount of trembling they were doing.

"I'm fine," she said, addressing his thoughts as if she'd read them straight from his head. He shook that thought away, as she probably just saw the expression on his face change. That in itself was strange, as his face usually didn't give away his emotions. She stared at him expectantly.

"Do you speak?" She asked icily.

"Sometimes," he said, raising an eyebrow as if to challenge her. She looked away, hesitating before turning back to him.

"Well, don't look," she growled, gesturing to the clothes in her hand. Hollow smirked at her decision to try to make him uncomfortable. He had to win this one for braggin' rights and authority. The raven-haired boy blew a lock of hair out of his face, staring into her eyes intensely.

"You're not taking anything off," he said reasonably, folding his dark arms. "And they're my clothes."

Allecto made an inappropriate comment about the size of his pants. His inner self rolled its eyes.

"They're my oldest pair," he explained. She pretended not to hear him. Hollow wondered if she was really worth his time. Then he remembered that if she didn't spend time with him, she'd be forced to spend time with those two.

"Hurry and get dressed," he urged, turning his back to her. "Those two'll be down here soon." He winced inwardly as a sudden wave of warmth flew around him. Allecto was unknowningly shooting her thoughts out in general directions - wasn't a problem. All Heartless babies did that, and she was, technically, a Heartless infant. On some level. He just didn't want to hear her thoughts, for some reason. The other Heartless wouldn't respond to it.

She expressed confusion to him, subconciously. He answered it subtly, not letting her know that he had entered her mind. He gave her an image of those two slimeballs, letting her recall that they had created her. She knew it, in her heart, because all Heartless knew who created him. He didn't, however, let on that they had used his techniques. Techniques. He hated that.

Allecto tapped him on the shoulder when she was finished. "Your jacket is huge."

"Sorry," he apologized, embarassed. "I grow like a weed."

"You're flushing," Allecto drawled, trying to sound annoyed. She masked her amusement in her voice, but it was revealed through her thoughts. Do I have to hear them constantly? Hollow asked himself silently.

"Okay, fine. I'm decent. Where are those two?" Allecto was suddenly serious. Amusement turned into bitter anger as she thought about the two. Hollow's own malice and loathing for the two drove itself back into his head. Vexen and Zexion. They had to be punished.

He could do it. He could kill them, if he wanted. But she would think that was affection. And he would think it was affection. And he had issues with commitment. Especially when this was the first conversation he'd had with the girl, and it had mostly consisted of his size of pants.

"O'er there, yonder," he said, pointing down the hall. She gave him a glance that said, "You're freakin' weird" before taking off down the hall. He absently waltzed down the hall, humming a song he'd heard once.

Piercing screams didn't penetrate his thoughts as he sorted them out. He was embarassed around this girl, but that was probably normal. She was a) the first 'visitor' to Castle Oblivion, b) the only girl he'd ever met that he didn't hate from the beginning, and c) actually not... an idiot. He shrugged the thoughts away when he suddenly saw what was unfolding around him.

"And that is just 'cause you're a pervert," Allecto was yelling, kicking Vexen in his chest. He sprawled in pain, mumbling something about her attitude being greasier than his hair. Zex was clutching a rosary - how many freakin' religions is he IN? - and muttering a prayer to some kind of God.

Allecto picked up the silvery blue-haired (wo)man's bible, reading the title silently. She spit on the book, dropped it on the ground, and slid it over to Zexion. He gaped at her silently. Grabbing his wrist, he pressed a button on his watch. Hollow knew what that meant, having had it pressed in his presence before. Many times before. Allecto stared at it in infuriated confusion and wonderment.

Within seconds, the other Organization members were there. Hollow's reflexes shot him blindly into action. He grabbed a blonde antennae and the person beneath it, slamming Larxene into the wall without her actual position registering. For all he knew, she could've been reading another Sadism book. He grabbed the restraints out of Marluxia's hands as the feathered brunette doubled over to Hollow. The raven-haired boy blinked as he sent his knee flying into Marluxia's stomach.

Allecto was doing more than holding her own. She was clawing, scratching, gouging and spitting, biting and throttling whatever she could get her hands on - including a very menacing flower vase, which he would tease her about later.

A figure in the dark registered as Hollow grabbed Zexion's hair and punched his neck. Suddenly, Allecto was captured, faster than Hollow could call out to her. The fighting died out then.

"Well, well," a white-haired man spouted, holing a steel blade to Allecto's throat. He restrained her wrists, her white hair hiding her face as he pressed a hand into her back, shoving her into a wall. She fell down, scrambling to face him, clumsy from not being able to use her hands.

Hollow's fist flew into Ansem's face before he even knew he was going at the man. Pretty boy spat blood before rounding on Hollow. The taunting would begin now, Hollow thought to himself.

"Well, well, Holly. Got a little girlfriend, do we?" Ansem sneered, waving his index finger in Hollow's face. Hollow rolled his eyes, scowling at Ansem.

"Really, Ansem? That's the best you can do? How did you get dubbed as the "Brains" of this operation, again?" Hollow asked dryly. Ansem glared at the boy, pushing his shoulder so that Hollow was suddenly facing the wall. Ansem grabbed Hollow's wrists.

"Your hands are cold," Hollow gasped in mock terror. "I haven't seen enough informational videos for this to be happening!"

Larxene snickered, despite her present situation - tending to a bleeding eye-socket. Allecto wasn't half bad. She was actually pretty good, Hollow decided, before Ansem wrapped the black restraints around his already dark hands.

"Don't joke, boy, it might happen one day," Ansem growled. Hollow stared at him confusedly.

"I don't get it. Are you threatening me or coming on to me?" He asked innocently, grabbing the restraints with his finger tips and letting the dark acid that flowed from his pores work its magic. Ansem was foolish for thinking these restraints would contain him.

"Don't flatter yourself, boy." Ansem was totally giving into this 'buying-time' stage. Hollow's wrists were completely free by now, but he held them to his back, still. After giving pretty-boy a run for his money, he'd free Allecto.

Apparently, Hollow soon realized, he wouldn't have to. The Heartless stood abruptly, jumping to meet Ansem's height and letting her arms fly over his neck, landing on the ground and pulling down as hard as she could. Ansem was dragged to the floor, gasping for breath. Hollow ran to the brawl as the other members started to catch on and leapt in to fight.

Grabbing Allecto's wrist restraints, he let the acid eat away at them, placing his other hand on Ansem's face. Now he let more acid spill onto the tan skin beneath his fingertips and enjoyed Ansem's piercing shriek. It didn't hurt that bad, Hollow knew, but Ansem was crying out more because he was a pathetic, materialistic little drama queen. Either way, it was fun to watch him squirm.

Finally, the man summoned his nerve and forced Hollow off of him, pinning the boy to the ground.

"This sick interest you have in me is disgusting," Hollow said wearily. Ansem realized that this fight was over and stood up, snapping his fingers so that his lapdogs could follow him into their conference room, where they'd think of how to punish Hollow. Oh, no. No TV for a week. He wouldn't be able to watch the Organization News Broadcast, where Larxene taught herself to read by trying to be an Anchor.


Allecto stared at Hollow, raising her head and standing up to brush the dust off of her pants. His pants. Whatever. She pulled her hair out of her face, breathing out a sigh as she tried to look nonchalant.

"The knees of your pants are covered in blood now," she said, trying to make conversation. Hollow had promised himself he wouldn't answer her thoughts, but this one couldn't be ignored. She'd just think it was a coincidence anyway.

"Yeah, they keep us under lock and key here," he explained. We? What we? It was me. Me. And the Heartless. Us. But should she know about them? What if she asks questions?

"We?" She asked. Hollow winced inside for the umpteenth time today.

"Me. And you, I guess," explained he. "That's all I meant."

The Heartless were his. His secret, his friends, and that was it. Why he was jealous, he didn't know. Why he was keeping secrets, he didn't care. He just wanted to be alone right now. This girl was a hazard to herself and others, she wasn't that interesting, she wasn't so special, and she wasn't cute enough for him to go through this every hour of every day.

"I'm going into my room. You can have the one next door. They share a bathroom and kitchenette. They'll bring you clothes in the morning," he said, suddenly and sullenly. She started to protest, but he said, "Goodbye."

He walked into his room, glanced at her through the doorway, before closing the door in her face. It didn't matter. He laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. The red ceiling. This room was so colourful. It was hard to think in here now. Why was that?

A knock at the door. Hollow sighed, standing up. He opened it, asking, "What?" Only to be smacked in the face by his sweatshirt. Allecto slammed the door to her room. Hollow was too tired to be exasperated. He'd done more talking today than he had in months. His voice was hoarse. Her thoughts were crashing into his room, and she had no idea that they were.

She thought he was cute.

He wished she lived across the castle.




May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
"She thought he was cute." Made me angry inside for some reason. Guess I'm a jealous beeyotch, forgive me. D:

That was kinky-- I mean. Awesome and violent and sarcastically humourous. And kinky. x3

I should stop talking to Silver. He rubs off on me-- Not gonna finish. LET THE INSPIRATION OVERTAKE J00, PICKLE! x333


Aug 13, 2005
The other end of the leash.
Man, that is crazy. If I were Hollow, I'd rejoice. Right next door to a chick whose mind is totally open to you? That'd be so insane, man. xD

But that's beside the point.


Great updart. Updart again like this tomorrow?


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
o.o Wow, that was one of the fastest updates I've seen I think! ><

I'm glad you updated again! xD

Poor Zexion, for some reason, I could never imagine him a... Catholic. o.o

He seemed too serious for some reason, poor guy... Too bad he never really learned how to fight! D:

... I wonder if it's possible for those two to kill them all in their sleep? o.o

No, they may be succesful, but they probably wouldn't be able to... Seeing as there is twelve members currently... Technicly eleven minus Zexion seeing he seems quite weak... He IS weak... >.>;;;
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Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
I think someone bought Creative Juice in bulk today! Good updates. This Allecto doesn't seem so scary, but... I shall still keep my guard up. And kudos to Hollow for making Ansem whine. He had it coming.


So... What law school did Hollow go to?
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