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Fanfiction ► Hollow Hearts (Version 3.0 Some KH2 Spoilers)

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I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005

BAM. A knock at the door before it was kicked open, and a figure dressed in black approached Hollow's bed. It was that idiot Hedge-Hog again. Hollow muttered curses in his head as he pulled the covers over his head. It didn't do any good.

"Rise and shine, Gopher!" Axel's all too cheery voice piped up. He grabbed a nearby pillow, swinging it into the back of Hollow's head. The dark-haired had-been-sleeping boy wouldn't give a groan. He wouldn't give Axel that satisfaction. He rolled over in his blankets, wanting to kill Axel for all this trouble.

"Aw. He's tired. I'm sorry. Does poor little Have-a-Heart wanna sleep just a little longer?" Axel asked it in too sweet a voice. He ran a hand through his own crimson, long hair. "Too bad. Get up, idiot."

Hollow couldn't stand anymore. He kicked the white sheets off of his legs, tore the comforter off, and stood up, staring down at Axel. The ruby-haired fool just laughed, rubbing a fake tear away as he pretended to double over.

"So you've got, what, an inch on me? I don't care, Hollow. I could still destroy you." He folded his arms. "Because I'm awesome. Got it memorized?"

It enraged Hollow that he was getting so upset about this. He suddenly felt very uncomfortable in Axel's presence, which irritated him further. He pushed the Hedgehog away from him. "I need to change. Get out."

"Aww. You don't want to stay in your pajamas all day, your highness?" Axel asked in mock tenderness. He walked out of the room, though, as Hollow grabbed an old steak knife from an abandoned plate on his dresser.

Finally that fool was gone. It'd been just a few weeks since they'd captured Hollow and put him in this... Place. It was annoying, and he hated it here.

Hollow was seventeen now. He was tall - Just over six feet and still growing. His hair had gotten darker, if that was possible, and his eyes still held that mysterious sun-coloured light. His features were sharp, and his skin was just under looking healthy. He didn't see anything especially good about his face, and he paid no attention to it, but he'd seen Larxene stare at him for a good long time once or twice. It annoyed him, and she was always getting on his nerves.

The people here made his skin crawl. All the sudden, out of the blue, they'd found him and restored all his memories. He remembered killing his father, or at least, making him suffer something worse than death. He remembered making nobodies out of them, and he could recall hiding from them on Halloween Town, though he didn't know he was hiding. He grew up there, and then this "Organization" captured him. Found him, and now they were running tests. On his friends. On the Heartless.

The Heartless. That was their name for them. He'd never named them. He just made them. The day after he was dropped back in Halloween Town, Hollow realized that when he cried, he created things. Things that came in dark, swirling pools of darkness. The things that wanted very much to please Hollow, and they only wanted his love.

He was lonely. He loved them, because they were his best friends and only companions. That was the only thing that kept him sane. No one talked to him in Halloween Town. But now, he could talk to the Heartless, and no one else knew what they were saying. Only him.

He must've been four. It started with Shadows, but it grew. He made more, and different species, and colours, and everything he wanted. They helped him, acted like he was their King, and he only wanted them to love him. They were equals in his mind, but they secretly adored Hollow. He loved it.

Hollow couldn't shake away those feelings, because he still had them. He loved the Heartless. They were his only friends in this place, too. Axel, Larxene, and those others... They annoyed Hollow. His only reprieve was in his room, where he took his meals, where he stayed most of the time. Sometimes, though, Marluxia and others would call him out, and he would be forced to be in their company.

So he used them. He analyzed them, found their weaknesses, let them trust him, and then he tore it away. And they were so distraught by the whole thing that they were vulnerable, and they let him do it again. Anything for his attention, because he was so mysterious and uncaring. It was pathetic, but it strengthened Hollow. It led him to the point of no return. He reached a place that would let him kill, if only he could be alone for once.

There was no one to care about other than the Heartless.

Now, though, that stupid Axel woke him up every day, early in the morning, before the Heartless could. It annoyed him, and he was bored of playing tricks on Axel. Mostly, Hollow kept to himself and read. Soon, though, he'd read all the books in this Castle Oblivion, and he actually had to TALK to people.

Like Larxene. Hollow changed into his usual clothes, consisting of long, dark pants and a soft, loose shirt with no sleeves. He didn't wear shoes - it amused him when the people here glanced at his hands and legs, seeing the tones of ebony and faltering slightly. Hollow looked around his room. He made his white bed, picked the ivory dishes up off his peeling white dresser, and walked across the lighter-than-cream coloured carpet. It was plush under his bare feet, but it didn't soothe him. He was usually a wreck when he had nothing to read and nowhere to go. It meant that he'd have to deal with those people.

Hollow hated all this white, too. Why were they constantly pushing the Light on him when they were so proud of their "darkness." Their Darkness. Hollow scorned them for associating what they did with the beauty of Darkness. Evil wasn't black. As far as Hollow was concerned, evil was white. He shook away the thoughts as he walked out of his room.

Hollow dumped the dishes in the kitchen, not even glancing at the people around him. They could crawl back under their rocks for all he cared. Then he walked out of it, on his way to the library.

For a while, he was walking alone, but then someone's footsteps got closer. They were lighter than his, faster, and they were walking on eggshells. Larxene. She crept up to Hollow's side, glancing nervously up at Hollow.

"Hey," she said breathlessly. Hollow barely glanced at her, giving her a look that made her feel incredibly self-concious. She swallowed nervously, just as he'd planned. Then she looked down, saw his black feet, and snapped her head back up.

"Yeah?" Hollow muttered, annoyed. She was always following him. It was still annoying. She pulled an antennae-like lock of hair, a nervous reaction. Hollow decided to be rude.

"Listen," he said, pulling her aside. "You gel your hair back, you dress like them, you're trying to be like the big boys, right?"

Larxene nodded, scared. Her eyes stared up at him, as if she was praying for something to happen between them. Hollow became aware of what she was thinking and pulled his hand away from her shoulder. Then, he folded his arms. "Well, if you want to BE a big boy, stop coming onto me. I hate you. I hate this place, and the only one you seem like now is Marluxia. Tell him to cut it out, too. You're both annoying, and I need you to leave me the heck alone."

Hollow hated talking. His voice was raspy and hoarse from his very few words because he mostly spoke through his mind, and only to the Heartless. Larxene just stared at him, big eyes filling with tears.

Then she acted like he thought she would. She clenched her fists, shaking her tears away, and she glared up at Hollow. She looked like she was going to take a swing at him, but she didn't.

"You think you're so great-" she started, but Hollow interrupted.

"I think Axel is just as desperate as you are. You two are close to being the same age. Go give him your heart - Oh, wait. I destroyed it. Silly me." Hollow glared, satisfied with her pain. She was sickened by him, but she liked him.

"You're sadistic, he needs pain to feel good... It'd work out between you two. But I won't take your... idiocy. So leave me alone." Hollow had done his share of words for today. Now Larxene ran off. He was alone again. Good.

He sighed. She wasn't really attracted to him - she was just playing hard to get for Axel, and Axel hated Hollow, so it was perfect. He would NOT be part of her little plan, though, and he didn't want to associate with any of them. Keep their little false-love lives to themselves.

Now he was in the - big surprise - white-themed library. He settled down with a book he hadn't read too many times, but he was interrupted by someone who sat across from him.

Hollow groaned inwardly. It wasn't Larxene - it was worse. It was Vexen.

"What do you want, you greaseball?" Hollow asked, annoyed. Vexen looked eager. He brought out...

A chess set.

"Oh, for the love of..." Hollow trailed off as Vexen set up the chess pieces.

Thought I'd give you guys an idea of what Hollow has to go through when there's no exciting Keyblade-Business going on at the moment. Hollow's four years older than Sora, so he only has one year to wait before things get exciting. Poor Hollow-kun.




Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
xDD Poor Hollow! Forced to play chess with Sir Laughs Like a Woman. Awesome updart, Pickle. I love the way you make Axel out to be such a peppy person in the morning. I pity Hollow for having to live with those nutjobs. It must be quite irritating having to listen to 'We will rule Kingdom Hearts' 50 times a day.


Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004

Hollow went through a lot of donkey poo, figuratively. That must be how he became the bestest lawyer man ever. Good stuff. I don't get how his hair turned from blonde to black, but I guess blonde wouldn't suit him.


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Poor Hollow... I guess I feel sorry for him considering the fact that Larxene is technicly stalking him... If she's constantly following him... And he's woken up by...o.o Oh t'nod... Axel! O.O Yep, I feel sorry for him... Awsome update as usual!=^_^= *Wonders how he'll be more or less in this term set,"Free."*


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
... he ... he was BLONDE.... ;~;

But that's okay. 'Cause he's still smexy. <3333 BUT HE MUST DEAL WITH THE ORGANIZATION OF IDIOTS. ;~;

Hollow-kun. -clings-

Awesome update, Pickle! ^-^


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
'Kay. Updatin' time? Sure. o.o;


Chapter: Pickle Doesn't Know What Chapter This Is. o.o; Let's say... Five.

Hollow ran a hand through his hair, wiping a bead of sweat away as he finished wiring the bomb. He set it on top of the slightly open door, so that it would fall on the appropriate side when the ivory door was completely open. Then, he climbed back down, moving the pedestal of glass back to its place before someone saw what he was doing.

After that, everything was in order. He only had to make the call. Walking over to a snow-colored chair in the empty, vast room, he sat, taking out a jet black cell phone and holding it to his matching, pointed ear.

"Axel, you're needed in the dining room," he sighed, whipping his hair out of his eyes - it really was getting long in the front. How annoying.

"Whaaaaaat?" Axel asked, bored to tears and unwilling to move from his place in front of the T.V. in the kitchen. Hollow knew that was what he was doing, because he heard some kind of annoying trill in the background - that stupid yellow sponge thing was probably laughing while it flipped burgers at whatever that restaurant was. And that annoying starfish...

"...Larxene's drunk and being weird?" Hollow suggested. Axel snorted, unsurprised.

"What else is new?"

"Just get over here. I have... A present. Or something." Hollow hated talking, especially on the phone, where he couldn't read people's emotions as easily. It was annoying. Not that Hollow was against technology.

"PRESENT?! OH, YEAH! That's hot!"

Apparently so. Hollow could hear the fire alarms going off in the room. "Stop burning things and get over here!" he growled. Then, he heard Axel hang up, and sure enough, he could hear someone yelling as they flew down the halls, towards the room Hollow was occupying.

Three, two, one, Hollow thought. Axel burst through the door, the bomb falling into his outstretched arms as he choked out, "PRE-S-" and fell onto the ground.

Suddenly, the white sphere that was the explosive Hollow'd been working on lately outstretched an antenna ((didn't spell THAT right)) and emitted a plasticy substance, forming a bubble around the ol' Hedge Hog's head. ((H, H, H, H))

Then, a faint, muffled beeping started as Hollow watched Axel's reaction, amused. And then: BOOM! It was loud, as if you'd compacted the sound of a lawn mower into a thimble and then released. The air in the room shifted, whipping Hollow's hair back into his face, so that he had to flip it again, in annoyance.

When he looked back at the flame-headed 'warrior' in front of him, he was glad dark bangs weren't blurring his vision. The look on Axel's face was so priceless, so pleasing to Hollow's eyes.

It looked as if Axel had just gotten fly D.N.A. grafted into his genetic make up, so that his eyes bulged out and his hands shook nervously. In short, his reaction was: WTF?!

Hollow grinned, saying innocently, "Did I do that?" His mouth smiled, but his eyes held bitter hatred inside, sickening pleasure growing at seeing the soot and ashes around Axel's face - along with the fact that he'd lost about an eighth of his hair and eyebrows.

Axel rose shakily, summoning the flaming wheels of death that he'd recently figured out how to use and charging at Hollow. He let out a battle cry, distracted by anger, as predicted.

Hollow pushed back in his chair as Axel flew straight through the table, cutting it more or less in half. Suddenly, Hollow was staring at the ceiling, and Axel had just ran into the legs of his chair. Axel was stunned into silent shock for a minute - something Hollow exploited.

He grabbed Axel by one of his crimson locks and, to the dismay of one of his captors, wrenched him forward. Then, he let the acid that his hands could produce slowly ooze out of his pores. It ate away at Axel's hair, but didn't do much more than that.

"YOU STUPID GOPHER!" Axel yelled, running out of the room to view his hair in the closest mirror he could find. "I'm gonna get you for this!"

Hollow stalked out of the room, adrenaline rushing through his veins, though he kept a calm composure. Then, he grabbed a pane of reflective glass that had been lying against the wall - missing from the bathroom Axel was panicking in right now, surely.

Lexaeus groaned, having just walked into the hallway from the library. "What're you doing now, Dione?" He asked in his low, scathing voice.

Hollow fumed inwardly at the use of that name. "I'm working on a cure for receding hairlines!" He exclaimed in mock excitement.

"Really?" Lexaeus asked enthusiastically and rubbing his brown hair with his gloved hand.

"No!" Hollow chimed happily. Then, he threw a glare at Lexaeus and ran past him, catching up with Axel. Sure enough, the Hedge Hog was in the bathroom, wondering where the mirror was. He skidded into the hallway, doing a doubletake as he saw the pane of glass in Hollow's huge, clawed hands.

Staring at his reflection, he let his hand wander into the mass of ruby hair, gaping as all colour drained from his face. "You... You... YOU LITTLE RODENT!" Shouted Axel as he charged in Hollow's direction.

Hollow was expecting this and threw the glass into the air as he ducked forward, running past Axel as he crashed into the shattering sheet of reflective material. Hollow smiled bitterly as he ran through the halls, into the library.

"Hollow!" A familiar voice called. Hollow rolled his eyes, groaning inwardly. It was Larxene. She waved her arm in the air as he turned around to face her. Fists clenched, he walked stiffly to her table, glaring at her.

"I'm sorry I acted that way, Hollow," she apologized. "It was wrong of me to try to use you to get back at Axel."

"Yeah, especially when it doesn't work," Hollow said dryly. Larxene let out a nervous giggle. One a little too hysterical to be natural.

"That wasn't a joke," Hollow said icily. She winced, to his satisfaction. Hollow let his gaze slip to the books in the middle of the round table. "Sadistic, aren't we?" He mused.

She stared at them nervously, her eyes flicking up at Hollow once in a while. Then she remembered that she was supposed to be tough. "Don't judge me!" She stated firmly, the effect dying as she stroked her hair nervously.

"Whatever," Hollow said, annoyed. Then he turned from her, leaving her to be... weird. He hated it here. How long before something HAPPENED? He could only wonder.

"Well, well, well-" Started a figure in the shadows. Hollow knew Marluxia had been there for a while. He made plenty of noise, trying to hide stealthily. That was also why Larxene had been so nervous.

"Don't try it," Hollow growled, walking right past. "I don't sway that way."

"That's not what I was going to say!" Marluxia insisted, about ready to pull his feathered locks of hair right out of his head. Everyone thought Marluxia was gay, and for all Hollow knew, it was true. But that wasn't why Hollow hated him. Let him pretend to love who he wanted to love.

He was Nobody. They were all Nobodies. And Hollow hated them.

He continued to stomp past, running into a figure he actually didn't recognize for a second. It was Zexion. The silvery-blue hair over one eye tipped him off. Hollow glared at Zexion, annoyed with his "Holier-than-thou" attitude. And it was literal. Zexion was obsessed with the bible.

"Hello, Hollow," Zexion whispered, his voice hoarse. Probably from praying the whole day again, fasting all the time and growing thinner and thinner. "You could pray to the Lord about your hands, you know." That was Zexion. Straight to the point.

"Why?" Hollow said. "They work fine." He made a rude gesture with said hands and walked past. Zexion, however, scurried back up to Hollow, who groaned, yet again, inwardly. It wasn't that Hollow hated religious types. For all he knew, there WAS a God, and that God was awesome. But he hated Zexion.

"Peace be with you!" Zexion urged, patting Hollow on the back. Hollow muttered, "But never with you," and walked on. Why did Zexion have to push the stuff on him?

"I think Axel has some questions about the Church!" Hollow said suddenly, hoping to annoy Axel and get rid of Zexion at the same time. It worked.

"Goodbye, Hollow! We have to have another chess game some time. I'm much better than Vexen is," Zexion said.

"Thou art humble, Father," Hollow noted. Zexion paled.

"There's a religion that doesn't push all the time and act like a bunch of idiots, Zex. They're a Lotta Decent, Super fun," he said, accenting the L, D, and S sounds. Zexion was instantly infuriated. Hollow smirked as he left.

Maybe next week he'd tell Zexion that he was converting to Satanism, just to tick him off. It'd work, too. That guy was gullible, for being a genius.

He turned around, not being able to let go of a good bit. "Hey, Zexion!" He called, "A Mormon is More of a Man! Choose the Right!"

Zexion dropped whatever he was holding and picked it up, scurrying away. Hollow wasn't even sure what Zexion was, but that wasn't a problem, apparently. He could say nice things about Catholics, Mormons, Baptists, and Satanists, and Zexion would flip out. It was one of the only amusing things here.

And the days went on like this for a long time, until Hollow was eighteen, and a turning point in his life happened. It was the day the Keyblade returned. The day Hollow was offered one.

The day he turned it down.


:D Cliff hanger ftw? o.o; Sorta.


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
-pokes Axel's hair- The smoldering of the hedgehog =D

I can clearly see Zexion being some bible obsessed nut, now that you mention it. o_o

Great job, Pickle. That chapter was both amusing and cliffhanging. ^_^


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
I guess a lot of you aren't in the mood for an update. o.o; But here's one. D:


Hollow was laying on top of his bed, reading a book about the Spider Monkey when there was a knock at the door. He ignored the hooded figure who walked in, dropped a tray of food at the foot of the bed, and left. They didn't concern him.

The Spider Monkey book was the only one he hadn't read in the library now. He was eighteen, no, nineteen - screw it, he didn't know. He didn't care, and nothing had happened. In the past year, there'd been a stupid fake-prom for Larxene, who wanted to know what it was like, so he had to learn how to waltz. It was annoying. Then, they'd had a birthday party for Marluxia, and there were various meetings and events.

A place like this having "Company Picnics" was even dumber than it sounded. Which was really hard to do. Hollow brought the tray over to his side, grabbing a sandwhich and eating it as he turned the page. Everything in this room had colour now. Hollow hated white. There were blacks, reds, greens, a yellows, and oranges in this room. It was horrible and it clashed, but it was in defiance of this stupid Organization, and thus he liked it.

Hollow sighed, putting the book down. It was annoying here. So annoying. Pulling at a loose thread on the comfortor on his bed, he thought aloud, "I'd give my soul to have something interesting happen here.

"How can things be this boring? How can nothing happen in life? Long ago, there were wars and things like that. This is stupid. Stupid Spider Monkey book. That's all there is to do here." No one answered his 'rant.' That was as close as he got to yelling. Giving a short speech to no one about how closed in he felt. That was it. He couldn't express himself, unless it was through making Them.

He laid back on his bed, kicking the Spider Monkey book to the ground, closing his eyes. They always knew, and they understood, and it didn't matter that the Organization would snatch them up and scold him, if he could have for just one second a friend. He didn't care about consequence, he knew there'd be some, but if he could right now have a moment's peace, it'd be okay. He didn't want anything except a moment, for one second.

He opened his eyes. There was a blue rhapsody bobbing in front of his face. This one was pure and bouncy and warm, not like the Emblems the stupid labs created. Not like those. Hollow didn't like them. He couldn't control them as well. They didn't speak this language, and they didn't understand. They were so empty. Hollow snatched the tiny, floating Rhapsody out of the air, staring intensely into its golden gaze.

"How is it that I can't get a moment of relaxation here, where nothing happens? How can something this boring be so stressful?" If he had asked an Emblem, it would've stared at him blankly. This one spoke back - more or less.

For the first three days of its life, a Heartless can only give bare images of what it thinks it's feeling. They're often confused, and this period of time is the most stressful for them. After that, though, they gain a little more control, until the first week or so, when they can transfer complete pictures of what they want, need, or understand. Then, the mind becomes aware that it is not expressing its feelings as well as possible, and it very suddenly can speak to Hollow in which ever language he wishes to hear it.

This one gave a very weak thought - Hollow barely felt the warmth from the transfer. Hollow felt briefly what the infant Heartless thought. It thought it was sad, he realized, but calm. It gave him a crude "I-don't-need-anything-but-I'm-sad-somehow." He took it as an, "I don't know."

"It's okay," he cooed to it, surprising himself with the amount of warmth he was providing. It must be because he felt so raw. So bored and sick. He was ready and desparate to love something. The Heartless reacted well, it's voice trilling melodically. But spelt right.

He sent a short thought rocketing through the air, feeling slightly cold as it left him, knowing that soon Blue Rhapsodies would migrate to his room to care for the newest addition. The Organization only thought that they had complete control over the Heartless.

Sure enough, a few bobbed in, defying gravity, obeying it only when they wanted to bounce instead of merely going up all the time. The tiny Rhapsody, maybe a third of the adults' sizes, found safe haven between a couple of darker creatures. Hollow nearly smiled before he left the room.

And just before he closed the door, he realized that this was a stupid thing to do. Turning around to open it back up and sneak back into his room, anger flared up inside of him when Vexen and Zexion grabbed his shoulders, spouting, "Hollow! You must see this."

Rolling his eyes, he rubbed his huge, dark hands through his ebony locks before turning around and glaring into their eyes. "See what?" He asked icily, letting Zexion's hands tremble with his bible.

"We've created it," Zexion replied breathlessly. "Her. We've created her."

Vexen giggled, and the two shared a glance. "Her."

Hollow was filled with vague disgust. He shook it away, narrowing his eyes as he stared down - he loved to stare down - at the two numbskulls. "What? Another useless being that screams out "Potatoes!" at all odd hours of the day?"

Vexen took that one personally. "No, no. Those failed. This one is a true work of genius."

"Faith worked it," Zexion added excitedly. "It worked this time. Because of Faith."

Vexen winced, hiding it just barely. Hollow tried not to smirk at his insecurities in his ability as a 'scientist.' Anyone who could work one of those ancient iPods was a genius nowadays.

"Fine, fine. If it'll get you out of my hair for a while, show me the...girl."

Vexen and Zexion shared another unbearable glance with each other before linking arms with Hollow and leading him down a corridor into their lab.


Hollow couldn't believe what he was seeing. Zexion and Vexen were utterly excited, and he supposed that it was with good reason. She was sentient. He could tell, just by looking at her. His crossed arms resisted the urge to run through his hair - his forced habit.

"What do you think, Hollow?" Zexion inquired anxiously. "Is anything wrong?"

Hollow stared at the girl before him. Her age, human-wise, looked to be about his age. Maybe a little younger, but that could just have been how she... looked.

How she looked? How should I know how she looks? Hollow thought. He shook the thought away. It wasn't as if he could deny it.

They'd made her pretty. He looked over the soft curve of her currently expressionless cheek, saw the way her hair fell over her small frame's shoulders. But her arms had strength in them, she was healthy, not too thin. Then he realized. Her hair was the colour of the walls of the castle, that ivory that poisoned him so much. Reality sank in on him, and he realized what this was.

"She's blue," he said sourly. Their reaction would either confirm or deny his thoughts. He would've prayed inside, but he had no one to pray to. Or no one he wanted to pray to. Zexion chuckled nervously as Vexen flushed red.

"Yes, well... Vexen likes dark blue," Zexion laughed anxiously. Hollow's eyes closed as his blackened heart sank. He opened them, though, to stare with his glowing, yellow eyes at the girl. Suddenly, she wasn't as pretty. Suddenly, she was sad to look at.

His mind wasn't letting itself get attached to her. But he realized that he wanted to override that. He wanted this not to be true.

"You're sick," he spat at Vexen and Zexion, tearing his black jacket off and wishing his gray t-shirt had longer sleeves. He wrapped the jacket around the girl, lightly pushing her lifeless arms into the sleeves, careful not to trigger anything that could wake her. He suddenly felt a wave of embarassment for her.

"She'd freeze to death, you idiots," he said icily, staring at her light t-shirt and suddenly horribly short shorts. "You didn't dress her properly. She needs clothes, not a starring role in your sick fantasies, you little-"

"Hollow!" Zexion shrieked, his grip tightening around his Holy book. "We thought nothing of the short - these clothes are borrowed from Larxene-"

"-Does Larxene know that? Do you have a thing for white hair, Zex? What colour are her eyes? And why in the name of your God do I know what she's thinking about?" Hollow's voice was low but forceful. Vexen stuttered.

"She has many Heartless traits - I had to borrow your plan, your process, Hollow. Why start from scratch when I can just do this? I mean-"

"-You're so SICK!" Hollow yelled. "I know what she's thinking. It's a violation."

Hollow glared down at the girl before picking her up to Vexen and Zexion's protest. He carried her to the space in front of his room before he realized he didn't know what to do with her.

So he dropped her on the floor.

He walked into his room, grabbed his oldest pair of pants and smallest jacket, and walked out of his room, closing the door. He kneeled down and pinched the girl's arm, waking her. It was the way he woke Heartless. He winced inside.

She blinked at him. He dropped the clothes on her face. "Wear this before someone sees you." He saw the shorthand tattooed on her right forearm and her name formed in his head. "Allecto."


There. =3
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I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
Sir Dorian Gray AKA Baby Fenneh said:
EDIT: Ah...when it's said like that, I really can't argue with it. I've been meaning to draw some of Pickle's stuff for a while, anyways, I might as well try that...

._. This is the savior of Hollow Hearts. ._. It's too late right now, but I am seriously inspired to write now. XP I'll start working on something.

I didn't know if anyone had noticed, but I slipped away from the writing world. Well, I guess I'm back. =3 It happened kind of suddenly. One-Shot challenges, and then I saw this quote.

Time for me to write. XDD


The chap above has been finished.
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May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D

Three helpings of awesome in one day?! My mind can't take that. Barnes n' Nobles shopping spree, RENT, *and* a Hollow Hearts update?! THANK THE GODS OF CHEESE.

And the update had AWESOME written all over it, too! Hollow's so caring and protective, it's so ky00te. x3 Twas wonderous, Pickle! You're back on the world of writing! :DDD


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Lol, I'm glad to hear you updated this chapter and completed it! =^_^=

Lol, I guess a thank you to the saviour is in order. xD Glad to hear that someone is going to draw scenes for you. =^_^=

... ;-; Poor girl, I hope those two didn't really think anything pervertedly... I wonder why I said that?
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