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Heartsent:[A Romance RP]

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Bronze Member
Dec 29, 2007
Finally, Camp Crestfield had opened and today was arrival day. Kids began showing up from all parts of the country. But the cabins weren’t their first stops, there was a mandatory welcome meeting for all the campers and staff at the camp‘s outdoor theater. It took a couple minutes before all the students were seated, but the meeting was finally underway. The head of the camp stood to speak……

“Today, is the first day of what will be a fun and unforgettable adventure for you. Hopefully, on your journey here you’ll make new friends and learn many things. It always thrills me to see more and more of you outstanding young people come to Camp Crestfield. And I must say it will be my pleasure to see you grow from this experience. Thank you. Now here’s one of our head counselors to tell you about the cabin arrangements.”

There was a slight pause while the microphone was exchanging hands. A dark-haired girl that introduced herself as Elisabeth began to speak.

"WELCOME!! I'm here to explain the living arrangements while you're here at Camp Crestfield." She smiled and began to explain the camp. “So the cabins are divided into two sections. Boys on one side of the camp and girls on the other. A flier has been giving to you on your way in, it shows you the name of each section, cabin names, and a map of the surrounding buildings. There are also markers and signs posted that can help you find your way around. If any problems or questions should arise please feel free to come to myself or another counselor at tone of our stations. Well, now I’m done so I’ll let you on your way. And remember kids, have fun!!”

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

This is the Flyer you received as you arrived:


Boys: Kline-
Cabin #1- Smith.
Cabin #2- Woodsboro.
Cabin #3- Carter.
Cabin #4- Stone.


Girls: Blithewood-
Cabin #1- Elwood.
Cabin #2- Marner.
Cabin #3- Bartlett.
Cabin #4- Turner.

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New member
Mar 5, 2009
Dancing among the stars in an endless night sky
Silence hung in the car, her ice blue eyes staring out the passenger window. "Please try to enjoy yourself, Ice. I know that you really don't want to come, but I think you'll actually enjoy it." Her mom pleaded, she tore her gaze from the side of the road and smiled. She had taken this silent act for so long it felt normal, unable to find the words that would truly reassure her frantic mother. Nodding her head instead, Ice looked down at the bag on the floor; it hadn't been truly her choice to come, but there was no point in complaining.

Finally summoning some courage, Ice whispered softly, "Don't worry about me mom, I'll be okay promise. I'll even be happy at Camp Crestfield, so you don't need to stay up all night anxious about it."

Her silvery-blue hair fell around her face, concealing her pinched lips. The mild tomboy didn't have to look to see that her mom was surprised. It was only after the car rolled to stop did she brush her hair aside so she could see her mom. Unlike her brother, she didn't look anything like her; they only shared the same silvery-blue hair; other than that they were different.

While she was fair in skin tone, her mother was dark. Her icy-blue eyes contrasted with her mom dark brown. If that wasn't enough, her fashion sense was different from her mom too. Ice didn't say anything, instead she waited for her mother to say something. Anxiety shining in her eyes, Ice listened while her mom said reassuringly, "Remember, if you need to talk you can always call me."

She smiled, that was the nice thing about Erin; she always made sure her children were comfortable before she left. Nodding her head, Ice held up her white and blue cell phone. Surprise flickering across her eyes, she held still while Erin reached over and hugged her. Pulling away, her mom said, "You really should get going, and don't forget to be friendly toward your cabin mate and the other kids."

Ice nodded in response before she grabbed her bag and opened the car door. Stepping out of the car, she turned around and looked at her mother; the question clear in her eyes: Why couldn't Lee come as well?

"Ice baby, you know why Lee couldn't come with you." Erin sighed.

Yeah, she knew why he couldn't come; he was so busy with work that he couldn't get the time off. Looking away, she gripped the cross necklace that she loved. She nodded stiffly, it was all Ice could do from climbing back in the car. "I'll see you when I get back," she whispered.

Shutting the door, she moved away from the car; before she could move too far away Ice tossed one last glance at her mother's gentle face. Waving goodbye, she ran toward the entrance to the camp. She didn't say anything when she was handed a flyer, instead she just moved toward the theater section so she could get a decent seat without bumping into anyone.


Demonic Pony
Apr 4, 2008
In the depths of my own mind.
At his home Xeon recieved a flyer that he was assigned to Camp Crestfield but he didn't know how this happen or ever signing up for this camp. When he recieved that flyer he went to his parents as they got home. "WHAT IS THIS!!!!" Xeon shouted at them both and held the flyer in their faces.

"I don't remember signing up for a summer camp! So I'm guessing you two have something to do with this!" Xeon said to his parents angerily with his cold blue eyes staring at them. "Xeon, please understand that what we are doing is good for you." His mother started. "It's just you've been here in the house for far too long and we feel like your just not interacting with people that well and your attitude is the problem. So we're doing this for your own good to help you." his father said to him.

Xeon just looked at both of them with an angry look still on his face, "What did I tell you two about not interfering with my life? I was glad that I got out of high school but now you want me to go to a stupid ass camp?! What the hell?" Xeon said angerily. "Now Xeon, watch your mouth. You see that attitude of yours is the reason why we are putting to this camp. And I think it's about time you make friends for once. I mean you have no friends here and you don't even have a girlfriend either because you don't socialize with others." his father said to him

"You've been stuck here with us, the only time you ever leave this house was when you had high school. We're doing this because we think it will help. And if you refuse to go then we'll just put you up to the military and see where that goes." his father finished. Xeon glared at his dad but then sighed as he knew he couldn't weasel his way out of this one.

"Fine! I'll go." Xeon said to them. "What time am I suppose to be there?" He picked up the flyer and it said he was suppose to be there an 3 hours from now. "I'll just take my motorcycle up there when I'm ready to go. Right now I need to pack." Xeon said as he stormed off into his room.

He gathered up some weeks worth of clothes, his tooth brush, some deodarant, bug spray, his sketch tools and sketch pad to keep him busy with something, his swim trunks, and other essential needs. He had two suitcases and a dufflebag tied up to his motorcycle and he put on his black dragon marking sweater and his bike helment with red chinese dragon on it.

He reeved up his bike and gave one last look to his parents and drove out of the parking lot and down the road where it will lead him to this camp.

As he came up to the entrance sign of Camp Crestfield, he gave groan and shook his head. "Man I'm really starting to hate my parents so much. This is gonna be a total drag." He reeved his bike again and drove inside the gate. He found a pleasant place to park his motorcycle and he took of his helment.

He shielded his eyes a bit from the bright sunlight and looked out to the rest of the camp. There was a bunch of cabins everywhere, he could see the mess hall and camp office, the arts and crafts which he wouldn't mind going to soon, the horse stables, the crystal blue lake, and everything else a normal camp should have. "Don't see that many guys here. My parents have better not send me to a girl camp." Xeon groaned as he untied his luggage and hualed it with him.

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
Her mom looked at her and asked, "Siam, are you okay? Are you sure you want to come here?" She smiled a reassuring one as she grabbed her bag; her dad stopped the car and stayed put. Meeting their gaze in the rearview mirror, Siam grinned and opened the door to get out.

"I'm positive mom, and yes I'm okay. I'll call you tonight, 'kay?" She asked quietly, hoping that her parents believed the lie. Well, she did want to come here, but she was feeling anxious about this new camp. Getting out of the car, she closed it behind her and walked through the entrance, stealing a quick glance at her parents to see them pulling away.

A smile touching her lips, she knew that it should be easier on her. Taking the flyer she was handed, she noticed two tomboys. One was definitely more of a tomboy than the other; feeling slightly intimidated by that one; she glanced at the girl with the silvery-blue hair. Siam moved closer to her, stopping as the sound of a motorcycle reached her ears. She watched a boy pull up and park it, afterwards he grabbed his stuff and moved away from the bike.

Well, this really should prove interesting, she thought. Looking back at the flyer, Siam noticed that the girls were on one side while the boys were on the other. Sighing, she headed toward the theater where the rest of the kids were gathering.


OOC: I'll do a post for Rain next time, I just need to figure out her opening.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
My hair swayed from left to right as I awoke from a place unknown to any map, but it is a place I call ny home until I find a place for my self to truly belong. How many days have passed since I last saw my mom and dad. How many days has it been since that one fateful day when I left home and ventured on my own. I lose track, since it has been so long, I forget how many days it has been exactly; it makes no difference, I will be okay on my own. As I stand up, my mid-thigh long dress waves around calmly in the open air, the wind providing a gentle breeze.

This area, this place.

As I venture more into this place, I am finding myself at a camp; with two sets of cabins. It seems that the males and females all are going into separate cabins. My thoughts are swiraling like a cyclone, unknowing what I will do, but I head in a direction.. To cabin number three. I do not know why I chose this one out of all of them, but something told me that it is the right thing to do, but whatever, I am here to find love and that is what I am going to do.

“Cabin three seems good.” I said appearing before the cabin I chose to go in, until I remembered that flyer I received a while back ago, it said to go to the outside theater. For some reason, I found myself going there. I do not know why I did such a thing, or even what it is for, but I did go, and boy am I glad I did go. The meeting was telling everybody that the cabins were divided into two sections; one for girls, and one for boys. This interested me, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to ask questions, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask any of the sort; my mouth would push out any words.

I let out a depressing sigh, my mouth wasn’t working right, so I just headed to the theater to see what was really going on and to see what this place would be like in the future.


New member
Dec 14, 2004
Somewhere you wouldn't look !
"You really need to go to this Camp, Dan." His father said a little louder this time. Their matching hair blew in the wind as Dan had went outside for a breather. "No. I don't. I see no reason to attend, Dad." Brushing a few bangs out of his face Dan then lifted his glasses back onto his nose and adjusted them accordingly. "You really don't understand...kiddo. This is once in a lifetime experience for you!" His father walked over to him and placed a sturdy brochure in his hand. "Read that, and then when you're done you can come talk with me and your mother."

~A Few Months Later~

Dan got out of the car and grabbed his bags from the trunk, wondering about this camp. So far in his life, he didn't have to deal with 'drama' but the way this camp was described, it was absolutely full of it. A woman not far from him with Silver hair and blue eyes spoke out loud to him and several others that had just arrived, "Welcome Campers! Please head directly North of you to go to the Outdoor Theater! Hurry now! You don't want to miss out!" Dan sighed and proceeded to walk forward. 'Ugh...I can tell already this is going to get really, really boring...' Dan thought to himself as he walked to the Theater. Once arriving at this huge theater he took a seat in the fourth row, he adjusted his glasses once more to let his light blue eyes see the woman that was on the stage at the moment.

"Today, is the first day of what will be a fun and unforgettable adventure for you. Hopefully, on your journey here you'll make new friends and learn many things. It always thrills me to see more and more of you outstanding young people come to Camp Crestfield. And I must say it will be my pleasure to see you grow from this experience. Thank you. Now here's one of our head counselors to tell you about the cabin arrangements." The woman said this and handed of the mic to a darker haired girl who also now spoke.

"WELCOME!! I'm here to explain the living arrangements while you're here at Camp Crestfield." The lady smiled and continued to then explain about camp. "So the cabins are divided into two sections. Boys on one side of the camp and girls on the other.A flier has been given to you on your way in, it shows you the name of each section, cabin names, and a map of the surrounding buildings. There are also markers and signs posted that can help you find your way around. If any problems or questions should arise please feel free to come to myself or another counselor at one of our stations. Well, now I'm done so I'll let you on your way. And remember kids, have fun!!"

Dan rolled his eyes at being called a kid. He rather be called a insolent brat than be called a kid. Letting it go though he got up slowly to stretch from the boring lecture."Hmmm...I think I'll take Cabin 4, Stone...' He thought, his blue eyes closing as he did so. Little did he know he would need them open for what was about to happen...



Demonic Pony
Apr 4, 2008
In the depths of my own mind.
Xeon listened to the women over on the loudspeaker up near the theater. "Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah." Xeon said under his breathe durning the womens speech. "As if I care." When the lady finished he looked at his flyer to see what Cabin he might take. "Hmm, I don't want to go for one. I'll go with cabin 2." Xeon said. He picked up his bags and headed out to his cabin.

He can see four cabins lined up on the boys side of the camp going down in order from 1 to 4. He came up to cabin 2 the Woodsbro cabin. He kicked the front door open due to his arms were caring his luggage. He looked around in the cabin and there were was only one bathroom that was big enough for him and a few beds inside. "Well, thisn't so bad for now. But I'm still not gonna like it here." he said to himself.

He dropped his bags and suit cases onto one of the beds and layed down on one of the other ones next to one that was filled with his luggage. "Ugh, there goes my workout for the day." Xeon groaned. He unzipped his sweater and pulled it off and hang it over his bed frame. He stood up and streched his arms and back and cracked his neck. "Okay, guess I'll just see what's around here." Xeon said. He dugged through his duffle bag and pulled out a sketch book, a case of assorted pencils, and an easel.

He opened his cabin door and shielded the sun from his eyes. "Great, another thing I have to get use to." Xeon said to himself. "Should of packed some sunglasses." He walked down past the mess hall and found a nice tree to sit under. He pulled a pencil out of his pencil case and flipped the pages of his sketch book and started to sketch out the landscape of the camp from where he was sitting.

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
Siam shook her head and followed the crowd toward the theater, not that she had much of a choice. Her eyes drifitng to a pair of a blond-headed and white-headed teens; she shrugged and stepped out of the flow. Picking a bench near the back, she glanced over to see a boy there to, keeping to himself. He's in his own bubble, I'm not too surprised by that. she thought, looking down at the flier in her hand, Siam smiled to herself as her gaze drifted over the cabin names.

"Today, is the first day of what will be a fun and unforgettable adventure for you. Hopefully, on your journey here you’ll make new friends and learn many things. It always thrills me to see more and more of you outstanding young people come to Camp Crestfield. And I must say it will be my pleasure to see you grow from this experience. Thank you. Now here’s one of our head counselors to tell you about the cabin arrangements."

Those words snapped her back to reality, looking up to see the head of the camp giving the microphone to a girl named Elisabeth, she had dark hair and some nice eyes. Siam half-listened to what the girl said; the other half of her attention was on the flyer again. The first cabin, Elwood? I guess that's where I'm staying, I hope whoever I'm staying with doesn't mind music. she thought to herself.

After they were dismissed, she stood up and headed out to leave, only to collide with another boy. Landing on the ground, she looked up and recognized him from the bench she had been sitting on. Flustered, she squeaked quickly, "I'm sorry" before getting up and bolting out the door. Embarrassed about that, she dusted off her dress and glanced behind her. "Man, talk about embarrassing," she muttered quietly.

Moving away from the entrance, Siam headed straight to cabin four; her thoughts were derailed as a boy said, "Rain, remember to be nice to the poor girl that's bunked with you; don't pick a fight." Turning around, she saw the two from earlier.

The girl, Rain, glanced at the white-haired teen and replied, "I know brother, besides you know I'm not here for a boyfriend, I'm just here to relax." Without another word, the tomboy walked away from her brother; heading straight past Siam. Lowering her head, Siam turned and set a brisk pace toward the cabin of her choosing. Unknown of what would be waiting for her when she reached it.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
Dancing among the stars in an endless night sky
Ice dodged Shiro, knowing him from school and that jazz. When she slipped in she took a seat that was out of the way; but would still allow her a quick and easy escape from the area. Quietly she opened her bag and pulled out a single book, flipping to her spot she jumped as a voice said, "Ice, I didn't expect to see you here!"

Her wide eyes snapped to the left, relaxing only when she recognized the person that startled her. Ice glared at them for a moment, before she looked away again. A teasing smile on the boy's lips, the white-headed teen sat down and piped up, "How's it going? Where's your twin brother?"

She didn't know how to reply to his question, glancing at him she was still surprised to see how white his hair was compared to his coal black eyes. Shrugging her shoulders in reply to his first question, she held up a paper to answer Shiro's second one. "Couldn't get the time off than, too bad." Shiro sighed, than he met her gaze and asked, "Hey, Ice, why is it that you're so quiet? I don't think I've ever heard a peep from you."

Ice shook her head, clearly stating that she didn't want to explain. Focusing back on the woman a head, she listened to the announcement. Hastily climbing to her feet after it was done, she grabbed her bag, waved a quick goodbye before fleeing out the doors and heading straight toward the girls half of the camp. She saw two girls heading up in that direction, by passing them without so much as a sound; Ice quickly walked into the second cabin, Marner.

Shutting the door behind her, she let her ice-blue eyes drift over the room. There were two beds and one bathroom, they both had nice dressers. Drifting over to the one with a small bedside table, she dropped her book onto it and put her belongings away. This shouldn't be too bad, I just hope my cabin mate isn't too much of a chatterbox Ice thought, already cringing at the thought of being cabin mates with someone like that.


New member
Dec 14, 2004
Somewhere you wouldn't look !
As Dan stretched, and as expected he should have kept his eyes open, he was suddenly knocked over from behind. BAM!

'The hell? '

Dan thought as he felt himself hit the ground face first. Though Dan was able to brace himself by having his hands pushing against the ground to lessen the impact. Next thing he knew, he heard, "I'm sorry." from a girl that had already began to run away. He didn't even get a chance to see the girls face, but at least he was able to notice her long blonde hair. Hopefully he would meet this girl later on so he could apologize as well.

Without a second to spare Dan srpung up from the ground with a smile on his face, knowing that people would probably be wondering if he had hurt himself. He gave the thumbs up sign and then brushed off his glasses as he proceeded to walk forward with his bags. Within minutes Dan had found Cabin 4 and opened the door. The basic lodge settings were inside; two beds, one bathroom, shower, a few windows an outlet was visible at the center of the room, and the best thing of all was that there was a semi-fridge in the middle of the room as well. 'Sweet ' Dan threw his bags at the end of the bed and collapsed softly onto it. Eyes closing immediately as he inhaled and let his breathing slow. To him this was bliss the silence and the comfy lodging smell that was all too familiar from home. The luxury of being alone and in silence was utter bliss compared to his hectic life outside.

Dan let his eyes open as he spun his body onto his stomach and had his head at the end of the bed now, taking a hand to open one of his suitcases pockets to draw out his harmonica. After pulling this out he zipped it back up and spun himself back onto his back and smiled as he put the harmonica to his lips. Beginning to play a sweet melody that his mother had once hummed to him at night before he went to bed. The lullaby made this place feel even more nostalgic as he listened to his own music...


Demonic Pony
Apr 4, 2008
In the depths of my own mind.
Xeon sketched out the landscape of the campground and hummed to himself. As he looked up from his sketchbook he saw someone going over to his bike. "What the? Hey!" Xeon said. He put away his pencil and sketchbook and walked over to the person who was messing with his bike.

"Hey what's going on here? That's my bike there!" Xeon said to the person. "I'm sorry sir but outside vehicles need to be parked outside of the campground. Rules are rules." siad what appeared to be a camp counsler. Xeon looked at him and sighed, "Okay. I'll move my bike." Xeon said to him.

As the counsler walked away Xeon revved up his motorcycle and drove it out of the camp entrance. "If I can't park it in there then where should I park it?" he said to himself. He found a bike rack outside of the camp ground and parked his motorcycle next to it. "Well, guess this will have to do for now." Xeon sighed. He got off his bike and went back in the entrance.

"Great I don't even feel like drawing anymore. I'll just go back into my cabin and get everything settled up in there. My clothes and other stuff. Need to get that stuff off my bed, I might be getting a room mate." Xeon walked down to cabin 2 and saw some other guys going into there own. "Hmm, I suppose my room mates already here if theres that many guys here." Xeon said when he was about to open the door to his cabin.


Big Boss
Jul 27, 2006
Kai ordered his chauffeur to stop his limo a good distance away from the camp entrance, he didn't want to be the oddity just yet. Despite protests from William, his personal butler, Kai didn't agree. William had taken care of Kai for as long as he could remember, he was the closest thing to a parent Kai had. A rather aged man in his fifties, William was perhaps the the only person alive who truly knew Kai. He used the word alive because of his music teacher who had known him best. Kai began unloading his bags but this too met a barrage of protests from William who insisted the chauffeur do it. But William knew Kai preferred to do his tasks himself and so quickly hushed up. In fact there wasn't much to unpack, all Kai had bought along was a bag of clothes and his violin. Although when packing his father advised him, over the phone off course, to take along luxuries such as a portable refrigerators. It was an offer Kai bluntly rejected. Kai chose camp crestfield of his own random selection, he despised being in a high society camp surrounded by spoiled rich kids boasting about the countless mansions they owned.

"Well I guess this is it." He looked towards William while holding the few possessions he had. "Don't worry about me I'll take care of myself."

"Sir, do you really want to walk all that way to the camp? Wouldn't it be convenient if we drove you the remaining distance?" William tried his final attempt at convincing Kai.

"It would be convenient but you don't get it, do you? I cant just wallop onto the entrance with this million dollar car and not expect people to act strange." Kai rebutted. William remained silent, it was decided, Kai had won this one.

Kai began to walk the remaining distance to camp when he heard William yell to him from behind.

"Your parents wanted to come drop you off but they just couldn't get away from the business trip in Japan!"

Kai kept on walking as he raised a hand to show he understood. But they both knew, It was a sorry lie. A lie oft repeated to him during the seventeen years of his existence.

Much to Kai's surprise, he saw the camp gates loom ahead of him in a short enough time. He looked enviously at the countless campers being dropped by their parents as their mothers strangled them in a hug. He went through and found a seat as the head of camp delivered his speech.

Omega Prime

New member
Dec 13, 2006
It's just mind over matter. If you're out of your
OOC: Dream's givin me permission for a bit of PP.



Matt rolled over, stretched and...fell on the floor. "Damn, that's gonna hurt tomorrow," he muttered, rubbing his arm.

"You ready to go, Matt? Are you okay?"

Matt answered, a sarcastic grin on his face. "At least I didn't hit my head; I think I would have knocked a hole through the floor then! And tell mom I'll be down in five, 'kay Lil'?"

"Okay," Lilly said, just as soft as before. Matt watched her walk away, a frown on his face. She seemed like she was back to normal, and she didn't cry anymore; at least not that him or their mom could see. But Matt had seen Lily's headband; it was inky black, like it had been for months now; he could barely see it against her just as dark hair. She still wasn't over what had happened....

He was downstairs ten minutes later, lugging his bag and two large, oddly shapped cases. He saw Lily's eyes widen when she saw them. "I'm not taking my Kay, Matt!"

"I think you should, Yuki. Camp Crestfield," (What kind of name is that! he thought,) "Has this talent contest later, and I really think you should enter. You're amazing, Yuki; I really think you'd win." Matt knew the real reason she didn't want to take her guitar, though. She hadn't played it in months; not once since she'd come back from the hospital.

"Okay, enough of this, you two; it's time to go. Matt, I think it's a wonderful idea for you to bring the guitars; just make sure they won't get damaged," their mom said, effectivly closing the discussion.

"Sure, sure," he said, rolling his eyes. His mom's enthusiasm for the whole camp thing really got on his nerves. If it wasn't for the fact that it might help get Yuki back out of her shell, there was no way he'd bother going. But hey, at least it gave him a break from work; Matt didn't think the boss man would like it much if he throttled his son, Justin, no matter how much Justin got on Matt's nerves.

~- Two hours later.... -~

"Bye, mom; see you in a few weeks!" Matt waited just long enough for her to pull away before he said, "Finally! I thought she'd never go away!" He thought he heard Lily giggle, but he couldn't be sure of that.

"Come on then, Yuki, we need to head for the theater-thingy," Grabbing the flyer they'd gotten, he remarked, "I've got cabin two on the boys' side' and you're in cabin two for the girls. How funny's that?"

Before Lily could say anything, Matt saw some of the other campers; but one in particular caught his eye in an explosive way. All he could see was her back, but it totally took him off gaurd. Darkly tanned and leggy, she had an interesting shade of purple and navy blue for her hair; did she dye it or something? Unable to resist a wolf whistle, he watched her saunter into the auditorium, the hem of her dress swaying quite nicely.

Totally side tracked, Matt whispered, "See you later, Yuki," before he took off in an easy, long legged stride. Huh, maybe camp just might be fun after all.


OOC: Talk about the wonders that spell check and a good beta can do for your writing! Later dudes; have fun, King X! *winks*
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Eternal Dream

The Messenger
Dec 12, 2006
Running for daylight, sleepless...
~- First Day of Camp -~

"Yeah, that is kinda funny... Matt?" Looking up at the sudden wolf whistle, Lily saw Matt's eyes trained on the girl just entering the theatre.

"See you later, Yuki."

"Oh, great; it's only been two months since Amy dumped him, and he's already got a new crush," Lily muttered, watching Matt cover the ground in just a few strides. She knew he wasn't the kind to use a girl; but she also knew that he bounced from one relationship to another often enough that none of the girls were really as special as he'd have liked. Who knew, maybe this time would be different.

Shouldering her guitar case, she followed after him, a slight frown pulling at her mouth. She still wasn't happy about bringing the Kay; but then again, it didn't mean she had to play that much, either. Sliding into a back row seat, Lily prepared for the speach made by the head camp instructor.

"Today, is the first day of what will be a fun and unforgettable adventure for you. Hopefully, on your journey here you’ll make new friends and learn many things. It always thrills me to see more and more of you outstanding young people come to Camp Crestfield. And I must say it will be my pleasure to see you grow from this experience. Thank you. Now here’s one of our head counselors to tell you about the cabin arrangements."

Lily had already heard all of this from her mother. Luckily, the counselor was finished in about another five minutes. Standing up again, she avoided the tangle of bodies that had been caused by a girl with blond hair running into a boy that had been stretching. Then, using her own long legged gate, she quickly made tracks to cabin number two. The first thing she noticed about the cabin was that it was about a hundred yards from the water; she had a lakeside cabin. Cool.

Opening the door, Lily had just enough time to register the two beds and dressers and the small bathroom before she saw the silvery haired girl inside. Suddenly shy, Lily said softly, "So, I guess we're roommates, huh? My name's Lily Frost.... so, umm... hi."


OOC: Not as good as the first time, but whatever. Now, time to go finish that writing assingment. *stalks off*
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Vibrant Fervor

Bronze Member
Jun 14, 2005
Somewhere over the raindow
Tryce smiles at his matron and says "I guess its time to say good bye. Its been a pleasure working with you. I hope you have a wonderful retirement. I'm glad that I stuck around long enough instead of taken up offers for adoption to give you this opportunity. Although the other children were adopted, I'll always consider you my mother. The Matron bursts into tears and hugs Tryce. "Tryce, I'll always consider you my son. I hope you have a good time at this camp and in your studies to come. Come visit once a while if you can." She wipes her tears and Tryce waves as he enters the bus with his bags.

After a few hours after saying good bye to the Matron, Tryce arrived at Camp Crestfield.As he stepped off the bus with his possessions, Tryce noticed my other teenangers heading towards the Theater. As he entered, Tryce was handed a flier that listed the location of the male camps and female camps. He entered the threater and took his seat. After the meeting was over, he lookes around outside and decides to move to camp 1.


Demonic Pony
Apr 4, 2008
In the depths of my own mind.
After Xeon walked into his cabin he saw it was still the same as he left it earlier. He sighed and walked in moving his luggage off the other bed just in case his room mate does show up. "Man sure is hot today. There is a lake here. I wonder if the counslers here don't mind the campers going for a swim when ever they want to? Pfft, as if I listen to them." Xeon said and he wiped a sweat drop from his brow.

He set down his suitcases and dug around for his swim trunks he packed back at home. He found a pair of black swim shorts with blue fire marks on the legs and a light blue dragon on the left side of it. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door to change into it. He came out minutes later with his clothes he was wearing in one arm and with his swim trunks on. He layed them down on his bed and dug out a beach towel and some sunscreen from his duffle bag.

"Okay, that should do it. Hmm, I sure hope my room mate doesn't show up when I left the cabin again. Thought he might have appeared earlier. Oh well." Xeon put on some sandals he packed, and light white shirt and walked out of cabin 2 again and closed the door behind him. He walked past the boys cabin and looked for a way to the lake.

"Hmm, there has to be a route to the lake around here somewhere?" he said to himself. After a while of walking around the campground he found the route to the lake near the arts and crafts building. It was a wooden stairway that led down to the sandy area of where the lake was.

Xeon took the stairway down and walked on the sandy shore line of the lake. He looked out at it and it was quite peaceful and quite a sight. "Dang, I should've brought my sketch pad with me. Maybe I'll do that later on. I have the rest of my time here to do that." he layed his beach towel down and took off his white shirt and slipped the sandals off his feet.

He grabbed the bottle of sunscreen and rubbed it on himself. After he was done he placed the bottle down and walked up to where a dock was to the lake. He looked down at the blue water that looked rather peaceful and calm. He held his breathe and jumpped in the lake water with a cannonball. He was going rather deep in the lake and he had his eyes closed tight as he drifted down in the murks of the lake. As he hit the bottom and started to swim his way back up to the surface of the lake to capture his breathe.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
Dancing among the stars in an endless night sky
She reached into her bag and grabbed a black bathing suit, she smiled at the still dark yet thinner fabric that peaked out of the top; it didn't allow anyone to see her skin. The skirt was short, perfect for a swimsuit. Ice turned around to look at the girl who had just entered, they had black hair tipped silver. Their skin took her by surprise, it was much lighter than normal for someone, possible even a shade lighter than hers.

Great, what do I do? she thought, her mind scrambling to figure something out to say. Ice held the girl's silver gaze before she looked away. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Ice looked back at the girl and groaned inwardly when she said, "So, I guess we're roommates, huh? My name's Lily Frost.... so, umm... hi."

Ice nodded saying she understood, unable to summon any courage she bolted straight to the bathroom and shut the door. Quickly changing into her swimsuit, she opened the door and tossed her clothes on her bed. Looking from Lilly to the door and back again, Ice debated should she vocally ask Lilly if she wanted to come or not. Deciding against it, she met Lilly's gaze and asked with her eyes: Do you want to come?

Remembering the introduction earlier, she added in the same way: It's nice to meet you, Lilly. My name's Ice. Without another word coming from her with her mouth or eyes, Ice walked past Lilly and outside. Her eyes drifting to the lake, she nodded mentally in answer to an unasked question, before she headed in that direction.

It didn't take her long to reach the dock, walking out onto it, she realized too late that someone had been there and jumped into the water. A squeak escaping her, Ice slipped at the end and fell into the water. If this wasn't embarrassing enough, she didn't realize what she was about to collide with.


Demonic Pony
Apr 4, 2008
In the depths of my own mind.
Xeon's eyes were closed as he came up to the surface of the lake but he didn't see who was coming in the water. He felt someone jumpped onto his head as he was about to come to the water. He let out a breathe of air from his mouth in the water being surprised and he swam to a different dirrection and broke surface.

As he broke the surface of the lake he coughed up some lake water he swallowed up from colliding who ever it was who just jumpped on him. "Good lord did anyone tell you to look before you leap?!" Xeon coughed up not seeing who it was who just landed on him.

"You just messed with the wrong guy buddy. Now time for you to take your lumps!" Xeon wiped the water from his eyes to see the person who collided into him and he saw it was a girl with in a black swimsuit. Looking back at him with her face looking a bit embarassed by what just happened.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were some punk jerk guy who just jumpped on me." Xeon said to the girl. "I didn't mean any of that stuff to you. I never hurt a girl." Xeon looked at the girl as he swam in the water next to her and he noticed that she was a bit pretty. "Um, my name is Xeon. I guess your staying here in this camp on the girls side I'm guessing. Right?" Xeon asked her.

Story Keeper

Anxious Writer
Sep 14, 2006
Sending out my soul to worlds more beautiful
Siamara didn't think about her encounter with the boy, well it's more like she tried not to think about it. Her cheeks a rosy color, she hurriedly made her way to her cabin, curious if the one she was bunking with was there. I hope this girl is nice, she thought. She kept a tight grip on her bag, it had only a few personal belongings, it would be enough to keep her busy if her cabin mate wasn't nice or she was alone in the cabin, though she wouldn't mind that. Making her way to Elwood, Siamara stepped to the side, allowing the girl that was coming from that direction to go first.

After she was gone, Siamara stepped back onto the path and continued to head toward the first cabin. Elwood, what sort of name is that? she thought. She reached the first cabin in no time, stepping inside she glanced around to see her roomy had already been there. "Hello?" She called, getting no response she smiled to herself. Siamara really didn't want to meet the one she would be staying with for now, moving over to the free bed, she set her bag on it.

Opening it, she stared at the few things she had brought besides her clothes. Two books (she was nearly done with one of them), a notebook, pen, her mp3 player, headphones, cell phone and music books. Taking her belongings out, she opened one of the drawers and placed her clothes neatly inside. After she was done, she bent down and except the book she was currently on and her mp3 player, she put the rest under her bed.

She remembered the Kay guitar that was on her bed, it was a cherry color, and it had belonged to her grandfather so it was precious to both her and her mom. Standing up, she grabbed the handle of the hard case and then put it under the bed; knowing that it would be well hidden and protected there. "Now, I really want to finish this book," she muttered to herself.

Standing up she grabbed Untamed by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast, then her mp3 player. Turning on her heel, the young woman walked out of the cabin and headed to the lake. She reached it and sat down, turning on the music device, she put on the headphones and listened to the beautiful, sad ballad that was playing; it worked perfectly with this scene: Zoey was talking to Erik who she had ran smack into.

"Erik, I know she was wrong to treat you like that, but don't you think you should forgive her? Zoey's suffered enough as it is," she whispered, completely enveloped in the scene.
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Vibrant Fervor

Bronze Member
Jun 14, 2005
Somewhere over the raindow
Once he arrived at Cabin Smith, Tryce began to unpack all his backs. He really didn't have much to unpack since he was raised under the belief that less was better. Most of his clothes were in sets so each article could be interchanged with one another. He places the sets in the closet to the left along with some water shoes, sandals, and snickers. In the drawers, he places his undergarments and some supples of paper, pencils, erasers, coloring stuff, and pens. He throws his sleeping bag on the edge of his bed and stacks his bags neatly on the floor of the closet. Lastly, he places all of his
toiletries and towels in an empty drawer.

Once he was completely unpacked, he exited the cabin and began looking around to familiarize himself with the location.
He starts off by grabbing a map of the entire campsite from a bulletin board next to the Theater.After making sure he could read the map. He begins to visit each location shown on the legend beginning with the Mess Hall. After all, Tryce was very hungry since he hadn't think to eat before getting on the bus so he wanted to see if it was open so he could grab something to munch on while moving about.
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