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Sora RE+Mixed

New member
Apr 23, 2008
The Hard Road
Dude right now try to see if you can find any motive for her breaking up with the dude, other than he moves to fast. Dont try to make it seem like u want her badly..even if u do..

But then again what do i know


New member
Oct 21, 2007
Here and there.
Welllllllll,she might think your a stalker cause,you might be with her too much.Sometimes a girl needs her space.She could also not want your friend to tell you that shes nervous about getting into this relationship,again im not her but thats what i would feel like...(I'm a girl as well).though dont rush things, if this relationship is suppose to happen it will hapen.Though she could also have a hard time breaking up with this guy....maybe shes startin to like a"fast pace".But dude,your 13!!!!You have plenty of time to figure out relationships.So uh try be cool....and uh dont stare at her too much...unless she stares at you alot.
Then that is a definite sign she likes you!!Good luck!!!
Jun 14, 2004
She thinks I'm a stalker now. And my so called friend won't tell me why.

Everybody fucks up middle school relationships.

That said, thirteen-year-old girls are incredibly fickle and there's also a great chance you did nothing wrong.


For the deeds of today resonate....
Oct 14, 2008
Immersed in dreams of normality.
Okay, you've been given a lot of advice on this, but I think most of it is from a guy's point of view, which is cool.

However, as a girl, I can say that some of what they've said is good, and some of it is completely off-base.

Look, that one poster was right in saying that most girls have a boyfriend because they genuinely like them- not for status and not so they look good.

Personally, this is all just drama.

I think it was a great step for you to ask her out. I've had guys come up to me and tell me that they were sorry for never asking me out in high school, because they were too afraid I'd say no. So, the fact that you at least tried is a definite favor in your book.

It shows to her that you're interested enough to get over being scared, and tells her that you actually do like her.

Right now, I'd suggest laying low. Go on with your daily routine (so long as it doesn't involve chasing after her), and don't try and break them up. That's probably the absolute worst thing you could do- if she went to you after you helped break them up, you'd just be the rebound and she probably wouldn't take you very seriously.

Girls can be fickel.

Also, if she thinks you're a stalker, then that says that you're doing something mighty wrong, even if no one will tell you what you're doing wrong. So, go over what you've done that involves her, and tone it down if you think you might've overdone it.

Talk to her as acquaintances. If you've got classes with her, say something about how the homework from the night before sucked, and did you get such and such problem? Start slow, if she means that much to you.

If you come across as too eager, she'll lump you in the same category as her current beau, and that's bad, apparently, if she already wants to dump him.

You'll want to show her that you want to be there for more than just her looks and dating her. Try to be a friend before anything else- but don't go too far into being friends, or you'll be stuck there forever.

But also, remember that you're only 13, and this sort of thing won't have detrimental consequences on the rest of your life.

Oh, and girls hate having to ask guys out. We're just as scared and insecure as you are, so we don't like doing it. Plus, some of us are really old-fashioned, and think the guy should do it.

It's such a cruel, cruel system.


New member
Sep 4, 2007
Wherever you want me to be
Thank you Lover.
The thing is I am just very feminin...so I would do a lot of stuff like look at the girl I like for a while and when they look my way I look away oh so cooly(not).But I can be a very understanding person.I.E. When my friendgirl breaks up with a guy she can come to me and she says she feels better.
She dumped the first guy and is going out with someone else(which I might have stated.)But I asked her then and she considered me.
Also is it good or REALLY bad or moderate to ask a friend to ask her out. I can't get over her...she keeps me up at night(when I think about her), she is one of the only things that put a smile on my face, she makes me want to go to school. I just can't get her out of my head.
And that, guy ask girl, is total BS in my oppinion, it is a sterio type that the man has to ask girls out.


Snobby Von PersnicketyBitch
Jul 29, 2008
Dude you are taking this way to seriously, your young and things like this shouldn't be the only thing on your mind..
Then again your in the mitts of puberty so I can't really blame you.

Still the last thing you want to do is ask someone else to ask her out for you; seriously taking care of the job yourself is a lot more rewarding and less embarrassing for you and the friend you assign the task to. If you're thinking about her all of the time try and shift your focus onto something else, a hobby perhaps.

And it's not really a stereotype, it's nearly even for the most part. I've been asked out, twice in fact, so it's not impossible but it's a rarity when you're in your older years. If all else fails just get over her, yeah it's a hard realization but you have plenty of time for relationships ad maybe she is just not ready for a real relationship considering her age. Like everyone else has said, girls are fickle, but it's not like guys aren't as mysterious in their tactics as well


For the deeds of today resonate....
Oct 14, 2008
Immersed in dreams of normality.
Thank you Lover.
The thing is I am just very feminin...so I would do a lot of stuff like look at the girl I like for a while and when they look my way I look away oh so cooly(not).But I can be a very understanding person.I.E. When my friendgirl breaks up with a guy she can come to me and she says she feels better.
She dumped the first guy and is going out with someone else(which I might have stated.)But I asked her then and she considered me.
Also is it good or REALLY bad or moderate to ask a friend to ask her out. I can't get over her...she keeps me up at night(when I think about her), she is one of the only things that put a smile on my face, she makes me want to go to school. I just can't get her out of my head.
And that, guy ask girl, is total BS in my oppinion, it is a sterio type that the man has to ask girls out.

To be truthful, girls like guys that are like that. That's why every girl wants a gay guy best friend- 'cuz of the stereotype that they would understand what a girl goes through.

It is REALLY BAD to have a friend ask her out for you. That shows a girl that 1) You don't have the guts to do it yourself and 2) That it might be a complete joke to you. I've had a guy do that to me in school- I believed that they were just making fun of me, which really pissed me off, and it turned out that he really did like me.

It's really sweet that you like her so much. You might try and say as much to her. Not that you're completely obsessed about her- that'll just make her think that you're weird and a freak- but that you're really interested in her as a person, and that you want to get to know her better.

Also, as a lot of people are saying, you're only 13. Then again, I'm only 19, so what can I say?

Yes, the guy ask girls thing is total and complete BS. However, it's a stereotype for a reason. I didn't say it was fair, or anything, and there are a lot of girls that will get up the gumption to ask the guy out (Sadie Hawkins dance ring a bell with anyone?), but it is the norm for a guy to ask the girl out. Harkins back to those days when girls were mere property and the guy did everything for us.

Plus, it shows a girl that you're really interested if you're the one to go out on a limb and try and help.

Thanks for the rep, btw. :D


New member
Sep 4, 2007
Wherever you want me to be
Well it has been A long time since I posted back but just saying that things are going pretty good with her...I'm gonna do something special for V-day and her birthday :)


I share this account w/ my mom lmao
May 26, 2006
wearing sweatpants
And that, guy ask girl, is total BS in my oppinion, it is a sterio type that the man has to ask girls out.

or maybe it is because the man isn't supposed to be a pussy and show he can take control of the relationship

How do you expect to ask her to put out if you can't ask her to be with you in the first place? Suck her nipples.
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