I really love the cover, it has stuff from KH2 and that little bit in the back of Sora and Riku in their old clothes. and sora is smiling!
I hope they give it to us Europeans too...
Awesome, even though it looks pixelated. . . . . .
There is a very good chance that it will be released in the U.S. regardless of the fact that they never released Kingdom Hearts Final Mix outside of Japan. It could of been that they didn't know how much of a success it would have been (since it was only part one) but by looking at the statistics of how many copies of the Kingdom Hearts series (Kh I, II, COM) were sold in America compared to Japan, the profit they made from the U.S. gives us a high possibility of getting hold of it in order for them to recieve even more money (especially since they are showing us so many teasers and giving us somewhat doubt...). Also, there are some sources saying that we can expect a release date in the states sometime this fall (according to ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY 1UP.COM) I guess all we can do is cross our fingers and hope for the best.
Lol why are they sitting on poles.
This cover sucks. It's too plain, the poles make no sense. The only thing that might save it's unoriginality is if it is holographic