The only way I see this happening and having any relevance would be far in the past to the point of beginning. Assuming BBS doesn't explain most of this.I should've elaborated on this. I don't mean for said characters to replace Donald and Goofy. Rather, I meant that if Kh ever became a series of independent stories (like Final Fantasy) I would like it to focus on a new keyblade wielder and said Disney companions. It's not gonna happen with Nomura working on it, but I'd still like it to happen.
It wouldn't even have to be an isolated story, I could just be wayyy into the future or past.
Roxas can dual wield as so far as we know Xion can't, and I don't see her being able to at any time. Xion can also use magic.On topic (sorta..): Is Xion gonna be a clone of Roxas in multiplayer? I really hope she has some cool and unique moves.
Roxas can dual wield as so far as we know Xion can't, and I don't see her being able to at any time. Xion can also use magic.
The only way I see this happening and having any relevance would be far in the past to the point of beginning. Assuming BBS doesn't explain most of this.
Yes I know, but it would still need value in explaining the overall situation to serve any purpose at all just because the games would take place in the same universe. They just can't be random.His point was that it wouldnt have any relevance like final fantasy.
I certainly hope so, though they did introduce quite a few worlds already. I still like to think they didn't show EVERYTHING though.
I hope they dont have all KH 2 worlds.Did they reveal all the KH2 worlds before that was released?