Aladdin in first place with both Rapunzel and Ariel tied in second place making them the "Big Three" of this group. It would be most welcome if Sora ever gets to revisit all three of them for KHIV. I have already spoken about both Aladdin and Rapunzel on multiple occasions so this time I am focusing more on everyone's favorite redheaded mermaid.

Ariel is similar to Sora in a few ways. She has the cheerful, adventurous type personality like he does; an important factor for how they gel so well together. Another major factor Ariel has in common with Sora, and also with Rapunzel to an extent, having the great desire to see the outside world(s). Now for the interactions themselves. In KH1 naturally Ariel was both friendly and trusting of Sora from the very moment they met. Later on Ariel even takes Sora inside her grotto (here comes the sex jokes). That is quite a deal for someone you just met, bringing him to her private space. She is one of the very few females that battles heartless alongside Sora. She sticks with you through all the boss battles against Ursula even when she grows to Godzilla size. By the end of the Atlantica storyline in KH1, Ariel quickly forgives Sora about withholding the fact he is from another world, and further indulges in her dreams of being able to do the same as him someday.
In KH2 they were following the movie storyline more closely this time around with Ariel thinking more about Eric than Sora. There were still some "shipping" type moments here and there. For example, them meeting each other again being similar to how they first met with Ariel swimming around him, sizing him up. Of course then came along all the singing moments they shared together. In KH3 Ariel comes along to aid Sora as a summon and at the same time travels with him to different worlds. That proves how strong her heart is as well as the bond she has with Sora. At this point she would be in her "canon relationship" with Eric, married and all, however she was still willing to leave her own world to help Sora so that says a significant amount about their bond.
I know as far as returning worlds go, I keep saying I want both Agrabah and Kingdom of Corona to return (and I still do). If I had to select a top three, I would add Atlantica (or the Caribbean/Port Royal) with Corona and Agrabah. Ariel was fun as a summon, but I do miss her as a party member. Something we haven't had in the series since the first game. Furthermore, the added benefit of exploring the beaches, the castle, and the town along with plenty of underwater areas including the Atlantica kingdom itself all in Unreal Engine would be a real treat to behold. Only thing though is would the return visit there follow the sequel movie including having Melody around? Or would it be loosely based off of it, but it's mainly an original storyline kind of like how the first Kingdom Hearts portrayed the world? There was no Eric around for that so perhaps they could do a story without Melody being included at all. Either way I honestly would welcome back Ariel, and by extension another visit to the world of Atlantica in the future. Another reason why we have to go back...we never did find out HOW Triton knew about Keyblades.
You know what else Ariel and Rapunzel have in common besides being Disney Princesses that have animal sidekicks and want to see more of the world? They both have a tremendous amount of chemistry with Sora more than Kairi. lol

But doesn't Sora know that Rinzler isn't Tron, or at least the Tron he knows? If he visits Space Paranoids, Tron will be fine. He has to find The Grid in the Realm of Light, if he wants to save Rinzler/Tron.
@Face My Fears , You do have a point there. That part slipped my mind. It's like when Sora met the other version of Jiminy Cricket and Pinocchio in Prankster's Paradise. If Sora revisits Space Paranoids to see if Tron is alright, he probably would have no recollection of what happened in the Grid since it is just another version of him. Then again it could be like how in certain fictional stories that feature clone characters somehow sharing the same memories with one another even though only one of them experienced those said memories. Perhaps the KH2 Tron would remember bits and pieces of what occurred in KHDDD if not all of it despite him being a separate character from Rinzler/Tron. I think it's because of KH2 Tron that Rinzler somehow knew a little about Sora near the end, so maybe the link between similar characters works both ways.