He sucked when you fought the real him, and so did his data, except for the water clones. They're the whole reason never beat him. Right when I only have to turn into Wisdom to beat the water clones and him, BAM, Anti Form
i say he was anoying because his water clones damm you time limit but rest of him is cool
There's a fine line between hard and annoying.
he's not that hard just defeating the 10 things in 10 seconds is hard
I just went nuts, I used all of the drive forms growth abilities to avoid him then changed into either Valor or Master form and beat him to a pulp. When it came to the water clones, mashed the triangle reaction command.
I have to admit he was difficult to beat and does act like a baby when he runs away in that cave, but he is still one of my favorite organization 13 members. I think it's funny how he seems like the weakest member but his boss was harder than most of the other organization member's boss.