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Fanfiction ► Dawn of The New Key [Azrael] AU Fan-Fic

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Hooray!!! Saix and Axel are in the picture!!! I am really loving the dynamic between those two; they have always had the dynamic of two brothers. Now, as far as the other girl, are you talking about the Ino girl? She was the only other girl connected to Namine in the last story, right? Actually, I have another question, was Namine in the last story? I don't remember. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.

Saix and Axel are confirmed to have been best friends so I had to put them in the chapter.

And yes, I was talking about her.

Namine was in the last story and next is Ben. I think at least :D

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
hmm? I do remember Leon/Squall saying something about Ansem being their leader but, king is bit over doing it then, again i've only read volumes 1, and 2 of KH2 did Xemnas say anything about him being a fool of a king?
Well, that aside good adding Saix, and Axel into the story, I will admit it's a rather bit too soon for my but, the way you had them act is exactly how they would in that kind of situation, that I think is important to put down in these fanficts if your using characters from KH (which is one of things is criticize about) however, I have no clue about what you, and Mina were arguing about besides, it's references for your story, oh! and another thing what sort of business would Saix have with DiZ?


hmm? I do remember Leon/Squall saying something about Ansem being their leader but, king is bit over doing it then, again i've only read volumes 1, and 2 of KH2 did Xemnas say anything about him being a fool of a king?
Well, that aside good adding Saix, and Axel into the story, I will admit it's a rather bit too soon for my but, the way you had them act is exactly how they would in that kind of situation, that I think is important to put down in these fanficts if your using characters from KH (which is one of things is criticize about) however, I have no clue about what you, and Mina were arguing about besides, it's references for your story, oh! and another thing what sort of business would Saix have with DiZ?

He wants to help DiZ open up Kingdom Hearts. The [B]real[/B] Kingdom Hearts and in exchange for getting Axel to chase down Namine's sister, he'll get his heart back

KH Characters:

(so far)


Pie Equals Friendship in YO FACE!
Jul 3, 2009
omg it took me forever but i read it! i really like it and how you put a lot of detail, Amazing!

and the begining made me want to play KH1 =P



Chapter Three: The Reflection of He Who Walks In Between Light and Dark.

A man dressed in black stood, watching the sunset over at the horizon. It twas an excellent location, that is if one fancied watching Constantinople's populace conduct the usual affairs. He was alone, completely alone unless one included the ravens who crowded the basilica's spires. Their reasons of coming was not to give him company but to ravage on the street rats that come out of their hiding spots during twilight hours to feed on. Being in the company of vermin creatures was no proper substitute to the man who was familiar with human contact, or at least once was during the past.

Remembering that particular moment, he lowered his hooded head and let loose a sigh. It's been more than several years since it happened yet despite time's passage, itstill managed to extract a hole in the man's heart. The pain was intense but the pain felt was not a physical one, but a rather emotional and psychological one. His heart ached for a certain someone who's existence has been exterminated and those memories of the incident played over and over again in the man's mind, plaguing and driving him to the brink of utter insanity.

The man in black remembered the disgusting sight as if it happened yesterday. As he remembered it, he had just annihilated. Anticipating to be reunited with the girl, he pushed the doors open and entered inside to the castle's last room, hoping that the adventure's ending would conclude on a happy note. What he learned that day was that he, the man in black, was never meant to have happiness. His eyes, blood-shot from sleep deprivation, he wanted to rip his eyes out; the sight was that mortifying to him. He couldn't even look at her face. He was so used to seeing that beautiful face smile and be there for him, not lay there on the floor, devoid of life. Dead.

"No" the words barely escaped from his lips. His eyes were drawn to the red smeared floor. "No" He ran forward, sliding the last few feet on his knees... this couldn't... this HADN'T.... but it had. Kelsie's limp body was lying on the floor. Her blue eyes had gone dull and blurry, her face frozen in a look of blank determination. A red line, still dripping blood, was slashed across her throat.


Those nobodies did that to her and he abhors them for ending her life, even to this day, died. Nothing in the whole world nor universe for that matter could give the man in black the same satisfaction as smashing the doors of Castle Oblivion's throne room open and confronting them. Having that woman Larxene, no that bitch thrown on the ground and repeatedly kicking her in the stomach, he forced her to do the one thing she imagined she would never do: beg for mercy. Her pride led to her downfall and in response, the Nymph had her just desserts as the man drilled his Soul Eater's blade onto the girl's head, ending her existence.

"No...Kels---... Kel---! DANG IT! Don't die on me... don't..." Riku dissolved into tears as he shook her body, her face moving limply. "Don't die..." he sobbed into her shoulder. He just sat there for a while, feeling her skin grow cold. After a few minutes, he moved away... he couldn't just leave her here like this... but he couldn't move on carrying her either. Silently, he laid her body face up on the cold marble floor. With an infinite tenderness, a tenderness she should have known fully once they were married, he gently straightened her legs so they were no longer splayed on the floor. Next he fixed her arms, so they crossed on her chest. Finally, he closed her eyes, and turned to walk away. Upon doing so, he spotted the wide black notebook she always kept with her.

Her composition notebook. It was the last memory the man had of her; everything else was forgotten, lost in the chain of memories. All thanks to Namine and Castle Oblivion, he hoped that memory witch, Namine he believed her name was along with those other nobodies who had a hand in the girl's death would be eternally damned to Hell. A dark memory, a memory that would always haunt him for the remainder of his days but if that was the price to keep her memory alive, he was more than willing to offer himself up as the sacrifice.

"My composition book." she had always said, a smile that would never more appear lighting up her features. She had shown the notebook to him a few times, but he couldn't understand it. She would... she would laugh.

He reached for his coat pocket, and rummaging through the cloth's contents, took it out. The composition notebook, her composition notebook. Years had passed since those final moments he had with her, when she gave the man in black that particular book, all sorts of creative writing potential be it the play that she created titled "Twinkle Town" beginning at the first page, to that heart-wrenching note on the last page. Time was continually advancing, yet the book remained in the same pristine condition that it was in when he bore the responsibility of watching over it. To keep the contents from being destroyed by the ravens who kept him company, he did the safe thing and placed the black book back in his pocket.

Extending out his right hand, in a brief flash of light, the man in black summoned forth Way to Dawn. He swung the blade, frightening both the vermin who kept him in company. When it was swung, it left a bluish, black lined wake, as opposed to Soul Eater's purplish, black wake. It's been said that Keychains are created from memories attained over a person's lifetime and this interested him, the boy who was once known as Riku. Way to Dawn vanished in a flash of light, and in its place, a new blade begun to materialize in the man's gloved hand.

Its appearance was relatively similar in design to Kingdom Key, Its blade took a particularly long, odd shape, resembling a treble clef but it remained deadly as any another weapon. Hilt was black whilst the treble clef-shaped blade was a metallic silver. Last but certainly not least important piece worth mentioning of the new sword was the key-chain. Like the mouse motif found on the Kingdom Key's chain, a small, black composition notebook, its appearance based off the beloved girl's notebook, handed to him.

"What mattered the most to me was remembered the least." said Riku, watching his blade completely come into formation and hoped that if the morphed blade was completed, a memory or two of that mysterious girl he cared about could come to life. He crossed his fingers but ended up empty-handed. Nothing came to his mind, except for a repetition of the same blasted memory from before. Yet he couldn't care less, at least he was able to remember her, more or less. Such a process like the regaining of one's lost memories was assumed to take a long while, if not an eternity but it was a start. "With this, I'll make sure that what mattered the most to me will one day be remembered the most. I won't rest until I can remember you."

Giving one last observation at his weapon, he nodded. "Phantom of the Opera will be your name." His decision on the weapon's name being final, Riku withdrew the sword and turned around, stretching out his left hand and summoned a corridor of darkness. "I'm not sure how my memories will return but I'll find a way. I always do." He then advanced towards it, immersing his body into the darkness and disappearing. Seconds passed before the portal too vanished.

Nightfall approached.


http://forums.khinsider.com/fanfiction/136355-dawn-new-key-final-note.html Mina's work. It's a preview of what happened in CO.
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Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor

WONDERFUL! I like the description of the blade, and how Riku is trying to remember Kelsie...
bad... a few bits here and there were awkward, but nothing much.

Thanks Ziz, I can't wait to see more of The Phantom of the Opera.



WONDERFUL! I like the description of the blade, and how Riku is trying to remember Kelsie...
bad... a few bits here and there were awkward, but nothing much.

Thanks Ziz, I can't wait to see more of The Phantom of the Opera.

Tell me which parts were awkward and I'll fix 'em. I tried my best on the blade. And you'll see more.


Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor
I'm not sure how my memories of her will return back to their original place in my heart

the nobodies who done this to her rotted inside that castle where he left them

to give a human company but to ravage on the street rats that come out of their hiding spots during twilight hours to feed on.

The pain was intense but a physical pain, it was not.

, he wanted to rip apart; the sight was that disgusting
^ last two, something is missing, and the disgusting emphasis seems a little out of character for what you were doing before.

I did like the sacrfice line though.


I'm not sure how my memories of her will return back to their original place in my heart

the nobodies who done this to her rotted inside that castle where he left them

to give a human company but to ravage on the street rats that come out of their hiding spots during twilight hours to feed on.

The pain was intense but a physical pain, it was not.

, he wanted to rip apart; the sight was that disgusting
^ last two, something is missing, and the disgusting emphasis seems a little out of character for what you were doing before.

I did like the sacrfice line though.

Of course. It was intended to be liked! LIKED! I say!


Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor
Well, it's working. Though now I'm starting to wonder if you are scared it could be seen as pathetic.

The russian in the note, could someone say that at some point in the story?


Well, it's working. Though now I'm starting to wonder if you are scared it could be seen as pathetic.

The russian in the note, could someone say that at some point in the story?

Scared that it's pathetic? And yes, it would be said at some point in the story. Second to last thing.

Riku's a pathetic character. Not the bad way.


unofficial HOTH
Aug 28, 2009
nashua, nh (like the office)
ahmaaaaaaaaaaaaazing chapter!!~<3
i love Riku, naturally :3 and i love how he got a keyblade.
i like the name of it; it just rolls off the tongue!
question: who is kelsie?


Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor
Scared that it's pathetic? And yes, it would be said at some point in the story. Second to last thing.

Riku's a pathetic character. Not the bad way.

Second to last... what? Riku's death?
How is pathetic not bad? (Seriously... how?)

ahmaaaaaaaaaaaaazing chapter!!~<3
i love Riku, naturally :3 and i love how he got a keyblade.
i like the name of it; it just rolls off the tongue!
question: who is kelsie?

Kelsie is the composer of High School Musical. When I started to do KH fanfic, I realized the two were a good fit and I became the first shipper of RIku/Kelsie.

Before you start blowing it off, Kelsie does change and evolve as a character. Towards the end (of Identities and War of the Universes anyway) she has mastered her ability to manipulate water, is still a beast when it comes to fighting with knives, and has gotten over most of her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (Understandable too... seeing people shot through the forehead does not inspire pleasant dreams)

Organization_42 has done some very nice Rilsie fics if you want to get to know them better.


Second to last... what? Riku's death?
How is pathetic not bad? (Seriously... how?)

Pathetic is a good thing. Repliku was the perfect example of pathetic. If you played CoM, you would know why.

And no, Riku won't die. Yet.


Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor
I have played CoM, but I don't remember what you are referring too.

You're not explaining HOW it could be a good thing.


unofficial HOTH
Aug 28, 2009
nashua, nh (like the office)
Kelsie is the composer of High School Musical. When I started to do KH fanfic, I realized the two were a good fit and I became the first shipper of RIku/Kelsie.

I must admit that I burst into laughter at this. xD

Before you start blowing it off, Kelsie does change and evolve as a character. Towards the end (of Identities and War of the Universes anyway) she has mastered her ability to manipulate water, is still a beast when it comes to fighting with knives, and has gotten over most of her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (Understandable too... seeing people shot through the forehead does not inspire pleasant dreams)

Organization_42 has done some very nice Rilsie fics if you want to get to know them better.
Well, now it makes sense then :p
i'll probably look up some Rilsie-ness later.


Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor
All the Rilsie I could find...

Org-42 – Finding the Right Notes
Org_42- Life’s True Impacts (on DA, not KHI)

Me- L a Compilation: Circle of Life
Ziz- La Compilation
http://forums.khinsider.com/fanfict...dom-hearts-au-infinities-one-shot-series.html (Some here, not all. Mostly the Le Mort stuff)

Ziz, Xziled, and myself- Kingdom Hearts: War of the Universes (A LOT here… plus Ziz/Kelsie (Ziz the character))

Sometime… Identities will be put up explaining where this ALL got started.

I have too little.... :(


All the Rilsie I could find...

Org-42 – Finding the Right Notes
Org_42- Life’s True Impacts (on DA, not KHI)
Life's True Impacts by ~Firebolt-42 on deviantART

Me- L a Compilation: Circle of Life
Ziz- La Compilation
http://forums.khinsider.com/fanfict...dom-hearts-au-infinities-one-shot-series.html (Some here, not all. Mostly the Le Mort stuff)

Ziz, Xziled, and myself- Kingdom Hearts: War of the Universes (A LOT here… plus Ziz/Kelsie (Ziz the character))

Sometime… Identities will be put up explaining where this ALL got started.

I have too little.... :(

Sweet irony. Others devote more love to this fanon than you :D


Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor
Yes, but I DO Have Identities! None of my first drafts have survived, unfortunately, but there is alot in there.

Plus, when more of my time loosens up I can do more.

Finally, there IS War of the Universe...
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