Re: *CONFIRMED* Pinocchio World
Sorry it's all a bit of a mess at the moment; I'll edit everything properly when I'm on a computer. I'll try translating as much as I can, as well.
Take all the time you need, we're in no hurry, the images themselves is enough for now. Thank you for brining this to the community though, it's nice to see a new world.
lol Gonna love going to that world as Riku and meet up with his BFF Pinocchio~
XD I just realized how funny Riku's story could be in this world. Oh this is going to be classic.
Riku: Huh I wonder what world i'm in now? Well whatever world this is i'm sure they'll be no reminders of my past as a bad guy.
Pinnochio sees Riku: Hey it's you!
Riku: Oh God no! Not him!
Pinocchio rolls up his sleeves and looks pissed: You tried to kidnap me! You got some balls to show your face around here!
Riku: Now Pinocchio can't we talk this out like gentlemen?
Jimminy: Pinocchio, let your conscience be your guide! And I say don't do this because Riku will kick your ass!
Pinocchio: F@ck off Jimminy!!!! *Pinocchio goes super saiyan*
Riku: O.O
So i am sure we'll get 101 Dalmatians, Bambi and Dumbo worlds in KH3D.
Maybe Jungle Book and The Sword in the Stone worlds will also make an appearance.
Yeah with Pinocchio confirmed, I'm sure 101 Dalmatians, Jungle Book, and probably Toy Story since it was considered for KH2, will appear.
I'm not sure though if it was ever said if Merlin's home world (which would be the sword in the stone world) was ever taken by darkness though, so that's what keeps me from deciding whether it will appear in the game or not.
As far as Bambi and Dumbo go, i'm sure one of them will show up in the game, but the other probably wont. Bambi and Dumbo seem to fit only if they were mini game worlds like 100 Acre Woods and they probably wont have 2 mini game worlds in one game. I'm more inclined to believe Dumbo will appear though.