Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
in KH1 i liked fighting the Rock Titan because i could keep attacking his foot and not get hit. also i could see my max combo. it is 7 because im lvl 100 but sometimes he jumps in the air while doing his combo so it looks like he does like 11!!
KH1: possesed Riku & Sephiroth & Cloud/Leon in da tournament
KH2: Axel, Saix, Xaldin, Xigbar, Deymx-I liked how they all incorperated something new into their fights; just to bad they were all tooo easy,oh and of course Sephiroth
the fight with luxord was fun as hell a time battle with no one helping and the way you finish him off is with his won cards hardcore fighting i loved fighting all the org members xigbar's fight was fun cause he would free shoot all over the place