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BBS Theory


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Jul 12, 2006
Saint Louis
My theory is that when MX said cross the wall between light and darkness, to my orgins is that his heart was born completely of darkness. This is why I assume their are 7 hearts of pure darkness to balence the PoH. I also think ATW's apprentice Braig was the DS and that the guardian (his armor, see world of chaos and look at Ansems legs,) was the keyblade master (In an interview it said Braig was younger than Xigbar looks). So my theory is that Terra also had a pure dark heart. Though he used his to save his friends. MX and Maleficent told Ven of this and Ven began to doubt Terra. Ven has a special power of dual wielding, which he lost, and in order to reobtain it he must eliminate Terra. Ven had to choose between his friendship with Terra and his power, and he couldn't decide. This is why he asked Aqua to erase him, but she didn't. When Terra learned of this he confronted MX, who manipulated Ven to increase Terras hatred, moving him closer to darkness where he could possess him. He also wanted to move Terra from Maleficent, thus eleminating competition for the PoH. Then I think MX will gather the PoH and then used them to form a keyblade (keyblade of the people, see Another Report) to unlock the darkness of KH thus making him more powerful than VATs master (the strongest character in the KHU as of the 3 new games, see Nomura interviews). So in the final battle Terra needs to defeat MX (possibly after he absorbed KH) hopefully with the help of Mickey. This is why Terra dug so deep into the darkness. Unfortunately, he had wound up possessed by MX and suppose Mickey a/o Aqua a/o VATs Master bannished them to the RoN. There, Terra lost his memories, but returned after remembering Xehanort. He was found between 9-3 years before KH, a substantial time before that Braig became one of ATW apprentices. Ansem cast away his heart to become a heartless, though possessed Riku to project his image. Though the dark heart he cast away left him with another dark heart which is why the guardian appears different from King, a conceptual boss who I think was formed of a dark heart, not unlike Marluxia's 3rd form. I think they are 4 of the 7 dark hearts and we will sell the other 3 in the future. I also think Ven's power was in his soul and that after his body was rendered useless, his soul transfered to Sora granting him the ability to dual wield.

Also, what does Ventus mean?

Search results for xemnas - Kingdom Hearts 3
King (conceptual boss) and Marluxia 3rd form on bottom
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you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
Separate into paragraphs. Please.

My theory is that when MX said cross the wall between light and darkness, to my orgins is that his heart was born completely of darkness. This is why I assume their are 7 hearts of pure darkness to balence the PoH.

It's not impossible to think that there would be 7 Hearts of Darkness.

I also think ATW's apprentice Braig was the DS and that the guardian (his armor, see world of chaos and look at Ansems legs,) was the keyblade master (In an interview it said Braig was younger than Xigbar looks).

I thought Braig was an apprentice of Ansem long before Xehanort was, meaning before DS. What interview was this?

So my theory is that Terra also had a pure dark heart. Though he used his to save his friends. MX and Maleficent told Ven of this and Ven began to doubt Terra.

I don't think so. What they told Ven was that Terra began to step into darkness, hence his eyes changing color with him accepting darkness in the secret trailer.

Ven has a special power of dual wielding, which he lost, and in order to reobtain it he must eliminate Terra. Ven had to choose between his friendship with Terra and his power, and he couldn't decide. This is why he asked Aqua to erase him, but she didn't. When Terra learned of this he confronted MX, who manipulated Ven to increase Terras hatred, moving him closer to darkness where he could possess him. He also wanted to move Terra from Maleficent, thus eliminating competition for the PoH.

Okay, this is starting to sound a tad bit like a fanfic.

Then I think MX will gather the PoH and then used them to form a keyblade (keyblade of the people, see Another Report) to unlock the darkness of KH thus making him more powerful than VATs master (the strongest character in the KHU as of the 3 new games, see Nomura interviews). So in the final battle Terra needs to defeat MX (possibly after he absorbed KH) hopefully with the help of Mickey. This is why Terra dug so deep into the darkness. Unfortunately, he had wound up possessed by MX and suppose Mickey a/o Aqua a/o VATs Master bannished them to the RoN. There, Terra lost his memories, but returned after remembering Xehanort.

Correction: This is a fanfic.

He was found between 9-3 years before KH, a substantial time before that Braig became one of ATW apprentices. Ansem cast away his heart to become a heartless, though possessed Riku to project his image. Though the dark heart he cast away left him with another dark heart which is why the guardian appears different from King, a conceptual boss who I think was formed of a dark heart, not unlike Marluxia's 3rd form. I think they are 4 of the 7 dark hearts and we will sell the other 3 in the future. I also think Ven's power was in his soul and that after his body was rendered useless, his soul transferred to Sora granting him the ability to dual wield.

Xehanort was found towards the end of BBS. Meaning, at least ten years ago before the events of KH1. A few months after he had become an apprentice, he created the first Heartless and Maleficent took over Radiant Garden. Braig had already been an apprentice before Xehanort, along with the other apprentices.

Okay, Xehanort cast away his heart, but he wasn't really a Heartless. He was more like an existence of a Heart. I don't understand what else you are trying to say, though.

I highly doubt Ven's soul transferring to Sora. As far as we know, when you subtract the heart and the body, your soul can't do anything.

Also, what does Ventus mean?

It's Latin for 'wind', I believe.
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New member
Sep 18, 2008
On Internet Channel
How is this a spoiler?

Xeiri pretty much summed it up, I think. There might be some members left who could add to this, for all I know.


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
My theory is that when MX said cross the wall between light and darkness, to my orgins is that his heart was born completely of darkness.

He said: "to me", not "to my origins"... All it sounds like is that MX is trying to get Terra to go to darkness.

This is why I assume their are 7 hearts of pure darkness to balence the PoH.

It's possible...

I also think ATW's apprentice Braig was the DS

Beside the fact that DS and Xigbar/Braig look nothing alike, he was already Ansem's apprentice, so that would not be possible.

and that the guardian (his armor, see world of chaos and look at Ansems legs,) was the keyblade master

Umm... Keyblade master?

So my theory is that Terra also had a pure dark heart.

If he had, then his eyes would have been yellow from the very begining.

Ven has a special power of dual wielding, which he lost, and in order to reobtain it he must eliminate Terra.

And there is nothing to even slightly suggest such...

Ven had to choose between his friendship with Terra and his power, and he couldn't decide.

I find that unlikely... Judging from what we have seen of Ven, he would most likely choose friendship over power.

This is why he asked Aqua to erase him, but she didn't.

I would find it much more likely that he is trying to prevent MX from getting what he wanted from him.

When Terra learned of this he confronted MX, who manipulated Ven to increase Terras hatred, moving him closer to darkness where he could possess him.

Why would MX want to possess Terra? He is obviously far stronger...

He also wanted to move Terra from Maleficent, thus eleminating competition for the PoH.

The BWHoPL is only one of MX's plans, most likely the least important.

Then I think MX will gather the PoH and then used them to form a keyblade (keyblade of the people, see Another Report) to unlock the darkness of KH thus making him more powerful than VATs master (the strongest character in the KHU as of the 3 new games, see Nomura interviews).

Since nothing interesting happened to Kairi before Xehanort sent her away, no.

So in the final battle Terra needs to defeat MX (possibly after he absorbed KH) hopefully with the help of Mickey. This is why Terra dug so deep into the darkness. Unfortunately, he had wound up possessed by MX and suppose Mickey a/o Aqua a/o VATs Master bannished them to the RoN. There, Terra lost his memories, but returned after remembering Xehanort.


He was found between 9-3 years before KH

Xehanort appeared right after BBS ended.

a substantial time before that Braig became one of ATW apprentices.

Braig was one of Ansem's apprentice during BBS.

Ansem cast away his heart to become a heartless


though possessed Riku to project his image.

XH took over Riku's body so he could have a physical form. He was nothing but a heart before then.

Though the dark heart he cast away left him with another dark heart which is why the guardian appears different from King, a conceptual boss who I think was formed of a dark heart, not unlike Marluxia's 3rd form.


I think they are 4 of the 7 dark hearts and we will sell the other 3 in the future. I also think Ven's power was in his soul and that after his body was rendered useless, his soul transfered to Sora granting him the ability to dual wield.

Again, you are assuming he can duel wield even though there is nothing to suggest this.


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
DS is wearing a Helmet, we can't tell the chin/facial structure. Not exactly something you wanna use for evidence. For all we know, DS could be Demyx's Somebody.


Snobby Von PersnicketyBitch
Jul 29, 2008
You know Nomura recycles designs...right?
That and other then head shape and what not there isn't much of a similarity.

Not sure why that's significant either.
Jul 12, 2006
Saint Louis
I'm not saying its fact, just a possibility since Nomura hinted that scar came from a battle related to keyblades, and that Braig was younger than Xigbar looks.


Omni, he actually says "to my origins". Previous translations used "me" which is still technically correct, but the word literally means "my origins".


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
Yeah, but Nomura also said that Braig was an apprentice of Ansem long before Xehanort was, meaning before BBS happens. Which would logically mean DS =/= Braig.


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
Omni, he actually says "to my origins". Previous translations used "me" which is still technically correct, but the word literally means "my origins".

So... He is still basically saying "Come to me"?
Or is he saying "Come to where I am from"?


He's saying "come to my origin" and, that can be taken a multitude of ways, but that is the literal translation of the sentence.
You could ask Bittermeats for more clarification, since she would be able to explain it a lot better than I would.


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
Braig = Xigbar's other, his 'somebody'.

Unrelated: Your sig is huge. D: Can you shrink your picture down a tad?
Jul 12, 2006
Saint Louis
Yeah, but Nomura also said that Braig was an apprentice of Ansem long before Xehanort was, meaning before BBS happens. Which would logically mean DS =/= Braig.

That's an assumption. We know Xehanort had to be there atleast 3 years before KH (he sent off Kairi 3 years before KH1). 7 years could be a long time. Its all relative.


Xehanort sent off Kairi nine years before KH1 not three. As in, he sent her off a year after BBS.


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
That's an assumption. We know Xehanort had to be there atleast 3 years before KH (he sent off Kairi 3 years before KH1). 7 years could be a long time. Its all relative.

You're not getting what I'm saying.

Xehanort became an apprentice right after BBS. BBS was 10 years before the events of KH1. Kairi was sent to DI when she was about 4, meaning around 10 years before KH1.

Braig was an apprentice before Xehanort was, meaning more than ten years before KH1 which means before BBS. DS was during BBS. Xigbar was already an apprentice in BBS. Do you get what I'm saying now?

DS =/= Braig.
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